2024 年 11 月 1 日至 3 日,在江西上饶,一场精彩绝伦的赛艇盛宴 ——2024 中国杯赛艇城市冲刺赛决赛盛大举行。CBS 赛艇队在这场激烈的角逐中如璀璨之星般闪耀登场。
November 1st to 3rd, 2024, in Shangrao, Jiangxi, a magnificent rowing extravaganza—Final of the 2024 China Cup Rowing City Sprint Race was grandly held. The CBS rowing team shone brightly like a brilliant star in this intense competition.
9 月份刚刚组建的 CBS 赛艇队,面临时间紧迫、训练有限的重重挑战。但队员们毫不畏惧,毅然投入紧张艰苦的训练,并成功参加了此次赛事。
The CBS rowing team,just formed in September, faced numerous challenges of limited time and training. But the team members were undaunted and resolutely threw themselves into intense and arduous training,and successfully participated in this event.
来自CBS十年级的刘雨禾、陈天扬、汤东昊、杨子瑶和十一年级的吴宇森等队员,在男女混合四人双桨 500 米、女子双人双桨 500 米、男子四人双桨 500 米、男女混合双桨等多个项目中,与各地高手激烈较量。CBS 赛艇队队员们目光坚定,全神贯注投入比赛,每一次划桨都充满力量,每一个动作都整齐划一。
Carlos Liu, Nick Chen Tianyang, Aubrey Tang, Christy Yang from G10 and Eason Wu from G11 competed fiercely with top players from all over in multiple events such as mixed quadruple sculls 500m, women's double sculls 500m, men's quadruple sculls 500m, and mixed double sculls. At the competition site, the atmosphere was tense and enthusiastic.CBS rowing team had firm gazes and were fully concentrated on the competition. Every stroke of their oars was full of power, and every movement was in perfect unison.
经过激烈角逐,CBS赛艇队在女子双人双桨比赛中,荣获获第三名。男子四人双桨 B 组决赛,他们以出色表现勇夺第一,全场欢呼沸腾。
In the women's double sculls competition, the team members fought hard and won the third place. In the men's quadruple sculls Group B finals, they won the first place with outstanding performance, making the whole audience cheer.
这次比赛,CBS 赛艇队不仅收获优异成绩,更展现学生顽强拼搏精神。他们用行动诠释坚持、努力和奋斗的意义。相信未来,CBS 赛艇队将继续发扬这种精神,为学校赢得更多荣誉,在赛艇舞台上绽放更加璀璨的光芒。
In this competition, the CBS rowing team not only achieved excellent results but also demonstrated the tenacious fighting spirit of the students. They used practical actions to explain the meaning of perseverance, effort, and struggle. It is believed that in the future, the CBS rowing team will continue to carry forward this spirit, win more honors for the school, and shine even more brightly on the stage of rowing.
让我们一起为 CBS 赛艇队点赞,期待他们创造更多辉煌!
Let's give a thumbs up to the CBS rowing team and look forward to their creating more brilliance!
G10 陈天扬Nick:
G10 汤东昊 Aubrey
G10 刘雨禾 Carlos:
参加赛艇比赛 是一次心跳与激情的碰撞 是体力与意志的极限挑战 在划桨的瞬间 我感受到了团队之间默契的配合 以及每个人为共同目标所付出的努力 汗水浸湿了衣衫 但心中的荣耀感却愈发强烈 每一次冲刺 都是对自我的超越 每一次合作 都让我更加珍惜团队的力量 这场比赛 不仅锻炼了我的体魄 更磨练了我的意志。
G10 杨子瑶 Christy
赛艇宛如离弦之箭,迅猛地划破如镜的水面,我们仿若无畏的勇士驾驭着这水上之舟。每一次划桨都是奏响慷慨激昂的战斗乐章,肌肉酸痛如同奋进的鼓点,有节奏地敲打着我们的意志。团队之力,恰似钢铁铸就的长城,坚不可摧。汗水与浪花共舞,那是我们拼搏的姿态;荣誉如璀璨星辰高悬天际,以其熠熠光辉,照亮我们这条热血沸腾的逐梦之路,让我们在赛艇之城中勇往直前无惧风浪。供稿 | 代天旺