
教育   教育   2024-09-30 16:34   江苏  


Dear CBS community,


In this beautiful golden autumn season, we are preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Nation's founding. Students would shift to their break mode. In order to let students spend a safe, healthy, happy and fulfilling holiday, here are some safety tips for you:

温馨提示 Reminders

一、交通安全 Traffic safety:


1. 遵守交通规则,过马路走人行横道,不闯红灯,不翻越护栏。

Guide students to obey traffic laws and be safe. Walking zebra crossing with traffic rules, don't rush or run, not to cross the barrier when going out.

2. 未满 12 周岁的学生不骑自行车上路,未满 16 周岁的学生不骑电动车上路。 

It is strictly prohibited that cyclists under the age of 12 are not allowed on the road, and E-bikes riders under the age of 16 are not allowed on the road.

3. 乘坐公共交通工具时,要有序上下车,不拥挤,不推搡。

Please guide your children to consciously abide by the traffic rules when going out on public transport.

4. 拒绝乘坐非法营运车辆和超员车辆。

Do not ride illegal operating vehicles and overloaded vehicles.

二、消防安全 Fire Safety:

1. 不玩火,不携带火种进入林区和公共场所。

Teach your children not to play with fire, not to carry fire into forest areas and public places.

2. 发现火灾要及时拨打 119 报警,不得擅自参与灭火行动。

Educate your children to call 119 in time when they find the fire, and do not participate in the fire extinguishing action without authorization.

3. 正确使用电器设备,不私拉乱接电线,不超负荷用电。

Please avoid using illegal electrical appliances. Do not pull random wire, do not overload power.

4. 离家外出时,要关闭电源、气源和门窗,确保消防安全。

Cut off the power supply of electrical equipment, close the windows when leaving the room to ensure fire safety

三、食品安全 Eat safely:

1. 养成良好的饮食习惯,不挑食,不偏食。

Remind your children to follow a reasonable diet, let them eat more fruits and vegetables.

2. 购买食品时,要注意查看食品的生产日期、保质期和食品标签,不购买三无食品。 

Do not buy shoddy goods and eat junk food, pay more attention to the production date, shelf life and food label.

3. 不吃不洁食物、过期变质食物和生冷食物,避免食物中毒。

Do not eat unclean food, stale food, raw and cold food to avoid food poisoning.

4. 饭前便后要洗手,保持个人卫生。

Teach your children to wash their hands often, especially before they eat and after using the toilet, and pay attention to personal hygiene.

四、防溺水 Prevent drowning:

1. 不准私自下水游泳。

Do not swim alone without permission.

2. 不准到不熟悉的水域游泳。

Do not swim in unfamiliar areas;

3. 不准不会水性的学生擅自下水施救。

Do not save anyone if you are not familiar with swimming.

4. 不准擅自与他人结伴游泳。

Do not swim with others without authorization.

5. 不准到无安全设施、无救援人员的水域游泳。

Do not swim in waters without safety facilities or rescue personnel;

6.  不准在无家长或教师带领的情况下游泳。

Do not swim without the guidance of parents or teachers.


It is necessary to educate children to avoid holding hands and blindly rescuing their peers when they are drowning, teach them how to rescue others intelligently, and ask adult for help immediately.

五、网络安全防诈骗 Internet Security:

1. 家长可以加强网络行为监管,预防孩子沉迷网络和游戏,引导孩子安全、理性、限时使用手机等电子产品,使用文明、健康的网络语言。

Parents should strengthen the supervision of online behavior, prevent children from being addicted to the Internet and games, and plan a reasonably schedule for children to access Internet; ensure them to maintain appropriate time to access Internet, and use civilized and healthy network language.

2. 教育孩子慎交网友,不要轻信陌生来电和网络谣言、不要随意泄露个人有关信息,保护好日常各类密码,防范电信、网络诈骗。

Children should be informed to protect their privacy and do not leak personal information such as family members’ phone numbers to strangers; Protect all kinds of daily passwords. Beware of any calls and Internet fraud.

3. 教育孩子不要随意在网上充值、打赏,正常需要的充值服务项目,应要求孩子请家长帮助核对和确认。

Educate children do not seek petty gains and credulously believe in news such as winning a lottery and visit healthy content online and prevent them from "Internet addiction".

4. 遭遇网络暴力、遇敲诈勒索等,一定要立即告知家长。Seek help when being cyberbullied.

六、防欺凌和暴力 Prevent Bullying and Violence:

1. 不做受害者;不携带较多的钱和手机等贵重物品,不公开显露自己的财物。

Don't be a victim; Do not carry more money and mobile phones and other valuables, do not publicly reveal the possessions.

2. 不做欺凌者;不故意殴打他人、暴力侮辱他人、暴力索取他人财物、故意非法伤害他人,这些行为有可能构成我国刑法中的寻衅滋事罪、故意伤害罪、抢劫罪、强制侮辱罪等。

Don't be a bully; do not intentionally beat, violently insult others, as well as violently demand other people's property, intentionally and unlawfully injure others, etc.

3. 不做附和者或冷眼旁观者;拒绝煽风点火,拒绝成为欺凌者的“帮凶”。拒绝当事不关己的旁观者。及时向老师、家长报告,甚至报警。

Don't be a follower or spectator; Refuse to be an accomplice to bullies. Report to teachers, parents, or call the police in time.

七、传染病预防 Prevention of infectious diseases:

1. 提醒孩子要保持良好手卫生,饭前便后要洗手,咳嗽或打喷嚏时注意遮掩口鼻,尽量避免用手直接触摸口、鼻或眼睛;Wash hands frequently and pay attention to personal hygiene. Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching the mouth, nose or eyes directly with hands;

2. 家长要注意室内通风,尽量避免带孩子到人群密集、通风不良的公共场所,必要时戴好口罩;

Keep room well ventilated, reduce activities in crowded public places, especially closed places with poor air flow. Wear mask properly.

3. 监督孩子健康饮食,规律作息,保证充足睡眠,根据自身状况适度运动和锻炼,保持良好心态,提高个人免疫力和抵抗力;

Ensure a healthy diet, regular work and rest, adhere to appropriate physical exercise, and maintain good and abundant energy.

4. 传染病高发期,请家长及时带孩子接种疫苗,建立防疫屏障。 

During the infectious season, please follow the doctor's advice and receive seasonal influenza vaccination for personal protection.

八、心理健康 Maintain mental health: 

1. 保持积极乐观的心态,学会正确面对挫折和压力。

Keep a positive attitude and learn to deal with setbacks and pressures correctly.

2. 多与家人、朋友沟通交流,分享自己的喜怒哀乐。

More parent-child interaction and communication are recommended. Truly understand the spiritual needs of children and be their friends.

3. 遇到心理问题要及时寻求帮助,可以向家长、老师、心理咨询师等倾诉。

Seek help from parents, teachers and psychological counselor when having mental problems.


You can consult the following psychological service platform if needed.


CBS wish all of you and your family a safe, fulfilling and happy holiday!

供稿 | 后勤部



常州外国语附属双语学校(Changwai Bilingual School)是一所从幼儿园到高中十五年贯通的、以实施IB框架下的课程融合为特色的国际化学校。学校主要为境内优秀学生和外籍人士子女提供优质的国际教育服务。