SEL Respectful Communication丨培养内心幸福的孩子

教育   教育   2024-10-10 17:10   江苏  


Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. 

– 特蕾莎修女 Mother Teresa


We’ve had an exciting start to the school year, and September has been a month full of growth and learning as we focused on respectful communication. But what exactly is respectful communication? It’s when we express ourselves in ways that show kindness, empathy, and understanding towards others. This means using polite language, listening carefully, and speaking thoughtfully. Respectful communication is important because it helps us build strong relationships, resolve conflicts peacefully, and create a positive environment where everyone feels valued.

为了将这一理念付诸实践,我们开展了 “沟通花园 ”的活动。活动中学生们在花园里摆放了代表善意沟通行为的花朵。每一朵花都象征着一种善意的沟通行为。这一视觉工具鼓励他们每天向朋友和老师问好,使用善意友好的语言,并牢记说 “请 ”和 “谢谢 ”的重要性。在月末,我们为大家的善意沟通欢呼,并为在“沟通花园”中获得最多花朵的小朋友颁发月度之星奖状。

To bring this idea to life, we used our Communication Garden activity, where students placed colorful flowers representing acts of kind communication. This visual tool encouraged them to greet their friends and teachers daily, use kind words, and remember the importance of saying "please" and "thank you." At the end of the month we awarded the SEL star of the month for those kids with most colorful flowers during the month.


As we embarked on a new school year, each classroom worked collaboratively to create essential agreements. These agreements will guide our interactions and help maintain a respectful and supportive atmosphere throughout the year. We also introduced various Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) activities throughout September. These activities focused on helping students regulate their emotions and build stronger bonds within their classrooms. Students practiced calming breathing techniques and used elastic bands to release tension. In another activity, they created a friendship web, where they shared who their friends are and why they value them. We also explored ways to deal with challenging emotions like sadness and anger in a healthy way.


We’re thrilled to have launched our new wellbeing program this year. This initiative is designed to help students reflect on their emotions and overall well-being. In support of this, we sent home the SEL newsletter of the month, which explained what is SEL and  included resources highlighting the importance of sleep and rest for children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development.


How Can You Support Respectful Communication at Home?


Here are three simple actions you can take to promote and recognize respectful communication at home:

1.  示范尊重他人的语言: 在与孩子和他人交谈时,使用 “请 ”和 “谢谢 ”等礼貌用语,并在他们这样做时给予肯定。

Model respectful language: Use polite words like "please" and "thank you" when talking to your children and others, and acknowledge them when they do the same.

2. 练习积极地倾听: 鼓励孩子在别人发言时认真倾听,并告诉他们如何深思熟虑地回答。

Practice active listening: Encourage your children to listen carefully when someone else is speaking, and show them how to respond thoughtfully.

3. 赞美善意的语言: 当您的孩子与家人、朋友甚至在日常交往中使用善意和尊重的语言时,请对他们进行表扬。

Celebrate kind words: Praise your children when they use kind and respectful language with family members, friends, or even in daily interactions.


We’re looking forward to continuing this journey together and further supporting your children’s emotional growth throughout the year.

供稿 | 蒋薛淳子、Paulina



常州外国语附属双语学校(Changwai Bilingual School)是一所从幼儿园到高中十五年贯通的、以实施IB框架下的课程融合为特色的国际化学校。学校主要为境内优秀学生和外籍人士子女提供优质的国际教育服务。