哥伦比亚大学校长米努奇·沙菲克(Minouche Shafik)向哥伦比亚大学社区发送的一封信。在这封信中,她宣布了自己将辞去校长职务的消息。
1. "This period has taken a considerable toll on my family, as it has for others in our community," Shafik said in the letter. "Over the summer, I have been able to reflect and have decided that my moving on at this point would best enable Columbia to traverse the challenges ahead."
2. "I have tried to navigate a path that upholds academic principles and treats everyone with fairness and compassion. It has been distressing—for the community, for me as president and on a personal level—to find myself, colleagues, and students the subject of threats and abuse," Shafik said.
3. "Even as tension, division, and politicization have disrupted our campus over the last year, our core mission and values endure and will continue to guide us in meeting the challenges ahead," Shafik’s letter said.
4. "Students and outside activists breaking Hamilton Hall doors, mistreating our Public Safety officers and maintenance staff, and damaging property are acts of destruction, not political speech," she said. "I know I speak for many members of our community in saying that this turn of events has filled me with deep sadness. I am sorry we reached this point."
1.沙菲克辞职: 哥伦比亚大学校长米努什·沙菲克因校园抗议活动和对抗议处理的争议辞职。
2.抗议活动背景: 抗议活动是针对以色列-哈马斯战争的,导致校园内外的紧张局势。
3.校园逮捕: 沙菲克授权在校园内进行逮捕,引发了对抗议者权利和学术自由的争议。
4.院长免职: 三名院长因发送反犹太主义短信被免职,加剧了校园内的紧张局势。
校园反应: 校园内对沙菲克的处理方式存在分歧,一些教职员工和学生支持抗议活动,而另一些则要求维护校园秩序。
董事会声明: 哥伦比亚大学董事会接受了沙菲克的辞职,并赞扬了她对大学社区的贡献,同时支持了卡特里娜·阿姆斯特朗作为临时校长。
"Considerable toll" 是一个常见的搭配,用来形容某件事情对个人、团体或社会造成的重大损失或伤害。这里的 "toll" 通常指的是损失、伤害或代价,可以是物质的、情感的或社会的。"Considerable" 强调这种损失或代价是显著的或重大的。
"The economic recession has taken a considerable toll on small businesses, with many having to close their doors permanently."
"Reflect" 这个词的使用非常广泛,它可以涉及到个人的内省,也可以是对外在现象的描述。它强调了对内在思想或外在现象的深入理解和分析。
"The book reflects the author's views on society."
"Traverse" 强调的是一种跨越、绕行或全面覆盖的行为,无论是在物理空间中的移动,还是在思想、话题或问题上的深入探讨。
"The hikers traversed the rugged mountain trail, marveling at the breathtaking views along the way."
"The team traversed the offer and decided to continue negotiations."
"Ahead" 这个词的使用非常灵活,它可以描述时间上的将来,空间上的位置,或者在比较和竞争中的优势。它强调的是一种向前看、向前移动或处于领先状态的概念。
"Please arrive 10 minutes ahead of time."
"Let's plan ahead for the holiday trip."
"The team is ahead by two points."