2024年9月学期开学的第一天,我们迎来了一场别开生面的升旗仪式,由十二年级的学生主持,主题为IB课程的核心素养之一 “Balanced”, 即平衡生活。担任此次仪式的主持人是经过激烈选拔与竞争,突出重围的新一届学生领袖们。他们用自己的成长体验向我们阐述了何为“Balanced”。
On the first day of the 2024-2025 school year opening, we had a unique flag-raising ceremony led by the twelfth-grade students, with the theme "Balanced," focusing on living a balanced life, which is one of the IB Learner Profile. The hosts of this ceremony were the new student leaders - HEAD STUDENTS who stood out after intense selection and competition. They shared their personal growth experiences to explain what "Balanced" means to the whole school community.
The theme “Balanced”, which underscores the need to maintain equilibrium in our daily activities and approach. A balanced life involves harmonizing our academic, social, and personal lives to achieve well-being and success. It's crucial for each of us to consider how we can maintain a balance between our studies and personal life amidst our busy schedules.
正如古希腊哲学家亚里士多德所强调的那样,人生的一切美德都是通过 “保持黄金分割点 ”来实现的。这意味着,为了找到幸福,人们应该始终在两个极端之间寻求平衡。当我们努力过上平衡的生活时,就会积累各种有助于自己成长和幸福的经验。
The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, emphasized moderation and balance, asserting that all virtue in life is achieved by “maintaining the Golden Mean”. This means that, in order to find happiness, people should always strive for a balance between 2 extremes. As we strive to lead balanced lives, we cultivate a variety of experiences that contribute to our growth and happiness.
Following that, the Head Students-Sherry Zhou, Eric Zheng , Nancy Jiang, and Billy Zhang shared their personal journeys in seeking balance. Sherry and Eric talked about finding balance between academics, personal interests, and social life; Billy shared how they achieved balance between sports and studies; Nancy mentioned maintaining balance between personal development and community service. Their heartfelt stories made us deeply realize that balance is not achieved overnight, but is a process that requires constant adjustment and diligent pursuit.
The new Head Students hoped to help every student find their own balance in the busy study of the new semester through their sharing. Next, the new Co-Principal, Dr. Caruso, delivered a speech for the students, presenting his insights on the flag-raising ceremony and his understanding of the theme "balance" from a perspective that integrates both Eastern and Western cultures. He also expressed his expectations for the students in the new semester. Leo Chen, a graduating student from G12, translated for him.
Dr. Caruso’s insightful views will guide WUIS students to overcome obstacles and move forward. The Head Students have collected photos and materials of the summer holiday experiences from G10 to G12 students, who practicing "a balance life," enjoying a diverse and colorful life. They have created a video showcasing these experiences to the entire school community, deepening everyone's concrete understanding and recognition of a balanced life.
This flag-raising ceremony not only allowed students to feel the importance of IB Learner Profile -Balanced, but also inspired them to strive for inner balance in the new academic year. Students are encouraged to take the Head Students as role models, bravely face challenges, continuously explore balance in life, harmoniously develop themselves in academics, interests, and social interactions, and create a more colorful campus life!
供稿 | Sue Pan
编辑 | Crystal Mao
审核 | Rebecca Cao