
教育   2024-11-10 13:56   江苏  



Educators from Chongqing Visit WUIS,

Jointly Exploring Excellence in Teaching Collaborately


Warm and Proper Greetings, 

Exploring the Splendid Scenes of the Campus

11月7日,“关键语种预备人才合作培养试点项目” 重庆市江北区试点学校骨干教师访问无锡市协和双语学校,开展英语教学研讨。协和小学部老师们引领重庆教育同仁参观美丽校园,书香四溢的图书馆、设施齐备的教学楼,学生学习的作品,每一项都留下了客人们的赞叹与思索。此次参观不仅加深了校际间的了解,更为未来的教育合作播下了希望的种子。

On November 7th, the backbone teachers of pilot school of the "Key Language Preparation Talent Cooperative Training Pilot Project" in Jiangbei District Chongqing City visited Wuxi United International School to carry out English teaching research. The teachers of the WUIS Primary School led Chongqing education colleagues to visit the beautiful campus, the library with a fragrance of books, the teaching building with complete facilities, and the works of students' learning. Each of these left the guests with admiration and reflection. This visit not only deepened understanding between schools but also sowed seeds of hope for future educational cooperation.


Dual-teacher Instruction, 

Detective Pursuit of Truth

Ms. Sima与Ms. Jeniver携手,为六年级的学子们带来了一堂别开生面的Guided Reading中外教合作阅读课。课堂上,学生们化身为小小侦探,穿梭于福尔摩斯的故事中,通过“Make Inferences”的主题,利用已知信息,抽丝剥茧,探寻真相。这场智慧与勇气的较量,不仅激发了学生对阅读的兴趣,更在无形中培养了他们的辩证思维与逻辑推理能力。

Ms. Sima and Ms. Jeniver teamed up to bring an innovative Guided Reading lesson to the sixth-graders, a collaboration between Chinese and foreign teachers. In the classroom, students transformed into little detectives, navigating through the stories of Sherlock Holmes. Through the theme of "Make Inferences," they used their prior knowledge to unravel clues and uncover the truth. This contest of wisdom and courage not only sparked students' interest in reading but also subtly cultivated their dialectical thinking and logical reasoning abilities.


Blending of teaching and research, 

sharing of ideas



Ms. Sima与Ms. Jeniver课后分享教学设计理念,强调侦探书籍与making inference的融合,旨在通过故事引导,培养学生辩证思维。此番交流为教师们带来新启示。

Ms. Sima and Ms. Jeniver shared their teaching design ideas after class, emphasizing the integration of detective books and making inferences, aiming to cultivate students' dialectical thinking through story guidance. This exchange has brought new inspiration to the teachers.







Then the discussion was warm, and the teachers in Chongqing highly praised the cooperative teaching mode of Wuxi United International School. Teacher Summer believes that this model creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment, enriches students' experiences, promotes deep understanding of texts and the cultivation of dialectical thinking, and enhances global awareness. Teacher David expressed the hope that in his class teaching when returning to Chongqing, through group cooperation, students would be given more time for reading, thinking and discussion, and a good cooperative learning atmosphere would be created.





Ms. Grace独辟蹊径,详述无锡市协和双语学校英语学科特色与阅读课程实况。她指出,该校着力培育学生英语综合能力,通过多元化阅读课程设计,让学生在愉悦氛围中热爱阅读,提升语言水平。

继Ms. Grace之后,Mr. Andrew接力阐述,介绍ELA与Guided reading课程在各年级的侧重点及衔接安排。他强调,两课程相得益彰,旨在助力学生稳固英语基础,同时锤炼批判性思维与创造力。

Ms. Grace took a unique approach and elaborated on the characteristics of English and the reading curriculum at Wuxi United International School. She pointed out that the school focuses on cultivating students' comprehensive English abilities, and through diversified reading curriculum design, students can enjoy reading in a pleasant atmosphere and improve their language proficiency.

After Ms. Grace, Mr. Andrew continued to elaborate on the focus and connection arrangements of ELA and Guided reading courses in each grade. He emphasized that the two courses complement each other, aiming to help students solidify their English foundation while honing their critical thinking and creativity.



活动最后,Ms. Grace与Mr. Andrew共同展望了下一次合作和交流的机会,表达了与各界教育同仁共谋发展、共创未来的美好愿景。

At the end of the event, Ms. Grace and Mr. Andrew looked forward to the next opportunity for cooperation and exchange, expressing their vision of working together with colleagues from all walks of life to seek common development and create a better future.

文字、翻译 | 陶梦雅

审核 | 陈雪

编辑 | 王寻珂

发布 | 融媒体中心


无锡市协和双语国际学校创办于2013年,是协和教育集团第一所走出上海的旗舰校,也是无锡国际教育的标杆学校。学校开设幼儿园双语课程、小学先锋融合课程、中学部国际融合课程及IBDP课程。学校地址:锡东新城文景路8号 0510-88537700