
百科   2024-11-27 06:18   重庆  

混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2025年第1 (总第117)目录

Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual) Contents

NUMBER 1  February 8, 2025





编者按A. 本期主力翻译家有:张智中教授、石永浩教授、李正栓教授、丁立群教授、颜海峰教授、马婷婷博士、张琼教授、樱娘王毅、丁如伟博士、程彦钧、王欣、林巧儿、童天鉴日博士、伍敏毓萧逸帆、姜国会博士、赵曼博士、苏赛迪博士、董秀静教授、吴春晓、谭啸天、考斐、王凌志、张丹博士、高绪华、郭一鸣、付玉群教授盛易娴王爱琨张智博士,Roger ErikssonRuslan PivovarovMurat Yurdakul等;

B. 本期涉及的语种有英语、汉语、瑞典语、俄语、希腊语、西班牙语、日语、土耳其语等,涵括的国家和地区包括:土耳其、俄罗斯、中国、美国、乌拉圭、塞尔维亚、阿尔巴尼亚、德国、瑞典、南苏丹、以色列、乌克兰、黑山共和国、立陶宛、白罗斯、亚美尼亚、尼日利亚、意大利、希腊、阿塞拜疆、埃及、加泰罗尼亚、尼泊尔、哥伦比亚、瑞士、塞浦路斯、智利等。

C 您的订阅,是对本刊最大的支持,全年四期定价:人民币280元(海外80美元)。有意订阅者,请加微信:13452083776




Rendition of International Poetry Quarterly (multilingual)

NUMBER 1  February 8, 2025  VOLUME 117


Ali Günvar [Turkey土耳其]/sonnet for rose (and another poem) 4

Oksana Goroshkina [Russia俄罗斯]/3 Стихов 6

方文竹Fang Wenzhu [中国China]/风在风里论证了波浪The Wind Births the Waves Within Its Breath 8

Bill Wolak [USA美国]/Become a River (and other three poems) 8


Fernando Chelle [Uruguay乌拉圭]/Variaciones del instante (y otro poema) 10

熙林格尔Xiln Geer [中国China]/怀念我的母亲(组诗)Remembering My Mother (group poems) 10

Milica Jeftimijević Lilić [Serbia塞尔维亚]/The Unrolling of the Scroll 12

Anxhela Shurdhi Ziso [Albania阿尔巴尼亚]/I fell in love with her (and another poem) 13

吴山Wu Shan [中国China]/影子(外二首)The Shadow (and other two poems) 13

段光安Duan Guang’an [中国Kina]/稗子伴我成熟(外二首)säden växte upp ihop med mig (och andra två dikter) 15

Waqas Khwaja [USA美国]/isolation renga Kasen (and another poem) 15

西可Xi Ke [中国China]/在酒吧坐坐I Sat in a Bar 18

Natalie Bisso [Germany德国]/Stay Human (and other two poems) 18

Gunnar Odhner [Sweden瑞典]/The unseen sky (and other three poems) 20

木兰Mu Lan [中国China]/老者晚钓老者の夕釣り22

Adut Loi Akok [South Sudan南苏丹]/A portrait (and anther poem) 22

Iris Calif [srael以色列]/Human Dance (and other two poems) 24

蒋宜茂Jiang Yimao [中国China]/辨识鸟鸣(外二首)Recognizing Birdsongs (and other two poems) 26

Tetyana Vasylivna Hrytsan-Chonka [Ukraine乌克兰]/A small sacred country (and other two poems) 27

Labud N. Lončar [Montenegro黑山共和国]/The Anchor of the Night (and other two poems) 29

Raisa Melnikova [Lithuania立陶宛]/The origins of poetry (and other three poems) 31

马蒂尔Ma Di’er [中国China]/大海的回声(外二首)Echoes of the Sea (and other two poems) 33

Ruslan Anatolyevich Pivovarov [Belarus白罗斯]/The Amazing Path (and other three poems) 34

沈宥钧Shen Youjun [中国China]/奇点The Singularity 36

Sisyan Armenuhi [Armenia亚美尼亚]/The Lonely Rose 36

Ayo Ayoola-Amale [Nigeria尼日利亚]/Frozen (and other two poems) 38

朱立坤Zhu Likun [中国Çin]/中年(外二首)Orta Yaşlı (ve diğer iki şiiri) 40

阿仁A Ren [中国China]/守候(外二首)Expecting (and other two poems) 41

Imperia Tognacci [Italy意大利]/Untitled 41

邓攀峰Deng Panfeng [中国China]/极少的事物Things Rare    43

Lali Michaeli [Israel以色列]/For You Who Are Looking for a Tongue to Cry In (and another poem) 44

Παναγιώτα Ζαλώνη [Ελλάδα希腊]/Αίσθημα ανασφάλειας 44

Nargiz Ismayilova [Azerbaijan阿塞拜疆]/Notre-dame`s shadow is going pink (and other three poems) 45

还叫海棠Haijiao Haitang [中国China]/诗十首Ten Poems 48

Ashraf Aboul-Yazid [Egypt埃及]/A Map for Google’s Sons (and another poem) 52

Tònia Passola [Catalonia加泰罗尼亚]/Hair in the wind 52

赵兴中Zhao Xingzhong [中国China]/秋天的告别词(外二首)A Valediction to Autumn (and other two poems) 53

Sneh Sayami [Nepal尼泊尔]/Vampire in Buddha’s Veil (and other three poems) 54

Pedro Licona [Colombia哥伦比亚]/Although the style is confused in our verses 56

野鬼Diablo [中国China]/挖掘机Excavator 57

Alexandra Nicod [Switzerland/Spain瑞士/西班牙]/Origin (and other four poems) 57


Eldar Akhadov [Russia俄罗斯]/5 Poems 59

曾庆文Zeng Qingwen [中国China]/8Eight Poems 62

主编诗选 POEMS BY THE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF——Creature Features

Rubina Andredakis [Cyprus塞浦路斯]/Elegy to Julia (and other two poems) 65


丁立群Ding Liqun [中国China]/Jeton Kelmendi [Albania-Belgium] & 三色堇Sansejin (Pansy) [中国China] 67


张智中Zhang Zhuizhong VS 张智Zhang Zhi [中国China]/楚魂寻梦风飔然Wild Ghost Chases His Dream with Passion 69


Luis Arias Manzo [Chile智利]/Prologue of CANTO PLANETARIO 76

Lidia Chiarelli [Italy意大利]/Ekphrastic Poetry Then and Now 77


英文版《Redefining Poetry》国际诗选在印度出版/RIPQ 7

土耳其《GÜNCEL SANAT》杂志译介中国诗人/RIPQ 21

《黎巴嫩国际文学奖2024卷》(naji naaman’s literary prizes 2024)出版/RIPQ 25

长篇小说《说出上帝之名》(俄译汉,萨维茨卡娅·斯维特拉娜·瓦西里耶芙娜 著;张智 译)出版/RIPQ 30

意大利2024年度奎多·戈扎诺国际诗歌奖评选揭晓…/RIPQ 43

第二十届俄罗斯国家文学奖金笔奖揭晓…/RIPQ 47

英汉对照诗集《上帝爱诗人》(埃尔达尔·阿哈多夫 著,王毅 丁如伟 译)出版/RIPQ 61

2024年度塞尔维亚“阿波罗·西尔米恩斯”国际文学奖评选揭晓/RIPQ 78

《曾庆文汉英双语诗选》(曾庆文 著;张智中 译)出版/RIPQ 78

双语对照《世界诗人书库》最新征稿启事/Notice to Contributors of the Book Series of World Poets 79

混语版《国际诗歌翻译》稿约/Notice to Contributors: Rendition of International Poetry 80


王舒漫Wang Shuman [中国China]/Inside Front Cover 封二


Raisa Melnikova [Lithuania立陶宛]/Front Cover 封面

Gunnar Odhner [Sweden瑞典]/Back Cover 封底

Tetyana Vasylivna Hrytsan-Chonka [Ukraine乌克兰]/Back Cover 封底

Bill Wolak [USA美国]/Back Cover 封底

Ruslan Anatolyevich Pivovarov [Belarus白罗斯]/Back Cover 封底

Ayo Ayoola-Amale [Nigeria尼日利亚]/Back Cover 封底

Waqas Khwaja [USA美国]/Back Cover 封底

曾庆文Zeng Qingwen [中国China]/Back Cover 封底

Alexandra Nicod [Switzerland/Spain瑞士/西班牙]/Back Cover 封底


国际性  公正性  学术性  先锋性












ž社址:30 Valter Gropius, 3076 Limassol, Cyprus(塞浦路斯)。

ž编辑部地址:中国重庆市江北区观音桥邮局031信箱  《国际诗歌翻译》杂志社,邮政编码:400020Tel(微信): +13452083776


Notice to Contributors: Rendition of International Poetry

Global   Fair   Academic   Pioneering


ž Rendition of International Poetry (Multilingual) is a quarterly run by the International Poetry Translation And Research Centre, and the council of the World Union of Poetry Magazines.

ž Poetry creation, poetic criticism, interviews with poets, translators & critics, information about poetry, etc., regardless of language, nationality, gender, age, religious belief, are welcome.

ž The main working languages of the journal include (but are not limited to) English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Greek, Japanese, etc. For all submissions, please submit electronic text in your native language (if you are willing to submit any of the above languages other than your native language, it is better), together with personal life and artistic resume (including name, pen name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, publications, residences, etc., within 300 words), two color photos of high resolution; at the end of the manuscript, please attach your full name, nationality, email address, postal address, etc., and send in attached form to: wupm2023@126.com.

ž For all submissions, responsibility is solely taken by the contributors; for any text, photo or picture that infringes upon the other’s copyright, the journal does not assume any joint liability.

ž For all the texts, photos or pictures published in this journal, the journal has the right to edit and publish them.

ž The journal is published in both paper and electronic format. Once your work is published, you will receive a free electronic copy of the current issue.

ž All publication funds for the journal are raised by the editor (without fiscal appropriation), so there is no remuneration for the time being.

ž The standing columns of this magazine include: Special Recommendations, International Poetry, Poetry Collection At A Glance, Bilingual Poetry Collection (distributing center for bilingual poetry), Poems by the Editors-in-Chief (publishing the poems by the editors-in-chief of the poetry journals and literary magazines of various countries), Profile Of Translators, Online Interviews, Master Critics, Global Poetry News, International Artists, Enterprise Horizon, and Profiles Of Personage, etc.

ž Welcome to contribution and subscription. Price: 1 year (4 issues) USD 80.00 or EUR80.00. Pay to the order of ZHANG ZHI. Open an account: BANK OF CHINA CHONG QING JIANG BEI SUB-BRANCH, bank account No. 113001777301, account: ZHANG ZHI, SWIFT: BKCHCNBJ59A. Tel: 13452083776.

ž Registered Address: 30 Valter Gropius, 3076 Limassol, Cyprus.

ž Editorial Office Address: the editorial office of Rendition of International Poetry, P. O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao Post Office, Jiangbei District, Chongqing City, China; postal code: 400020, Tel: +13452083776.

Competitive and influential poets, translators, critics, artists, publishers and entrepreneurs from all over the world are welcome to join us. Cooperation hotline (wechat): 13452083776; E-mail: iptrc@163.com.


推动世界诗歌的交流和发展,促进世界诗歌的翻译与研究Promote the communication and development of world poetry as well as its translation & research