(内德利科·泰尔日奇 著,张智译)出版
塞尔维亚当代重要诗人、作家Nedeljko Terzić(内德利科·泰尔日奇)先生的英汉对照散文诗集《THE JOLLY OLYMPICS》(《欢乐奥运》),已于2024年12月由The Earth Culture Press出版、发行。
封二置有作者英文、中文简介,封三置有译者英文和中文简介,封底置有作者和译者彩照。全书收录了20首散文诗作,系作者有关奥运题材的寓言式精品集结,汉译者系中国诗人、混语版《国际诗歌翻译》季刊总编张智博士,耗时一个月译就,该散文诗集既可作为赏阅现代散文诗的优秀读本,也可作为英语读物提升外语水平。16K(170X240mm),46页,封面纸张为250g荷兰白卡特种纸,内页纸张为128g哑粉纸,印制精美、大气,值得品读、珍藏。《THE JOLLY OLYMPICS》(《欢乐奥运》),已于2024年11月,分别以英汉对照形式刊布于《国际诗歌翻译》季刊2024年第四期(总第116期),中文全文刊发于山西《潞州》文学季刊2024年第四期。
英汉对照散文诗集《THE JOLLY OLYMPICS》(《欢乐奥运》),每册定价15美元,中国大陆地区特惠价人民币68元(免费快递),本中心备有少量存书,欲购者,请加张智博士微信:13452083776。
Animals from all around the world gathered and discussed the arrangement of the first OlympicGamesin which only they would participate, regardless of the event they would take part in. Every animal has the right to sign up for the sport it wants.
- For once we’ll get a chance of our own! - said the earthworm.
- Who said what? I didn’t hear. Be louder!
Yelled the polar bear, but the little earthworm couldn’t be louder.
-Then write what you want to say.
The worm walked across the sand and left a trace which said it all.
-And who’s going to translate this now? - asked the polar bear.
- The snake, she’s the worm’s aunt! -Said the big brown bear.
The dispute about when the Games will be held would have lasted from sunrise to sunset, hadn’t the polar bear put his paw down on a hollow tree which echoed, then exclaimed:
- It will last until it ends!
And so it did. The Games could begin, the only thing they were waiting for was some kind of comet to light up the sky like the Olympic fire.
A big football game, between two teams of monkeys, on a field marked by red dirt in the jungle, where mosquitoes were barred from sitting on the bleachers made from the trees stacked around the field.
The ostriches were judging this event because they could run fast and keep track of the game. There were no goal posts or the ball, and you can’t have a game without those. They shaped the ball from the fresh and juicy green leaves with thin twigs. They brought in two giraffes for the goal posts. The goal posts were underneath their long legs, and during the game they munched on the leaves from the trees next to the field, stood quietly, and twitched sometimes when the ball hit them.
Suddenly, the goalkeeper of the blue team, a burly monkey, kicked the ball hard and it flew high up, high above the sky.
-Where’s the ball? - exclaimed the white team’s monkey-goalkeeper.
-There, the giraffe is eating it- said the main ostrich referee and signalled the end of the game.
Another new and interesting competition was introduced at these Olympics- egg rolling. Each rooster, wild or domesticated, would take an egg from their hen and bring it to the competition. The goal was to push the egg across the meadow just with the beak, and whoever reached the other end first would be the winner.
All the roosters put the eggs in front of them and started the big race together. The younger roosters were a lot lighter and faster, and when the egg rolled to the side, they’d put it back and continue. The old rooster struggled to keep up. The egg was narrower on one side, wider on the other, so it tilted over on one side then the other, and it took it forever to go forward.
-Hey old timer, a chick will come out of that egg before you roll it to the end-the younger roosters and some birds from the audience heckled.
The old rooster stopped. He stood in front of the egg, drove his claws into the dirt, and made a small canal all the way to the end of the meadow. The younger roosters didn’t have the strength for something like that. They were still hopping about, whereas the old rooster rolled his egg to the end through the canal and won the gold medal.