今年老实说会是最没存在感的一年,稀里糊涂就过去了,和去年一样,高亮的是我觉得很有意思的一些书,而标了玫红色的则是我觉得应该翻译进国内的,要是读者里有做相应出版工作的,还希望可以考虑一下。【1】(美)杜赞奇:《历史意识与国族认同:杜赞奇读本》【2】(美)亚伦·贝纳纳夫:《后稀缺:自动化与未来工作》【3】(印度)阿希斯·南迪:《民族主义,真诚与欺骗:阿希斯·南迪读本》【5】Jayaseelan Raj: Plantation Crisis: Ruptures of Dalit life in the Indian tea belt【6】Kusha Anand: Teaching India-Pakistan Relations: Teachers’ attitudes, practices and agency【8】Immanuel Ness: Migration as Economic Imperialism: How International Labour Mobility Undermines Economic Development in Poor Countries【10】Edited by Christophe Jaffrelot, Atul Kohli, and Kanta Murali: Business and Politics in India【11】Michael Lowy: The Politics of Combined and Uneven Development【16】Vikash Yadav and Jason A. Kirk: The Politics of India under Modi: An Introduction to India’s Democracy, Economy, and Foreign Policy【18】(英)多琳·马西:《劳动的空间分工:社会结构与生产地理学》【19】Jostein Jakobsen and Kenneth Bo Nielsen: Authoritarian Populism and Bovine Political Economy in Modi’s India【20】Jack Copley: Governing Financialization: The Tangled Politics of Financial Liberalization in Britain【21】徐国琦:《奥林匹克之梦:中国与体育,1895-2008》【22】(美)埃里克·劳赫威:《大萧条与罗斯福新政》【23】Maya Wind: Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom【24】Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite and Natalie Thomlinson: Women and the Miners’ Strike, 1984-1985【25】(澳)K.吐依、A.J.维尔:《真实的奥运会》【26】Sudhir Naib: Privatisation in India: Journey and Challenges【27】(法)诺佛瑞·德·纳瓦塞尔·德·顾拜旦男爵:《“奥运之父”顾拜旦的一生》【28】国际皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦委员会:《奥林匹克主义:顾拜旦文选》【30】(阿根廷)比奥伊·卡萨雷斯:《莫雷尔的发明》【32】Louise Tillin: Remapping India: New States and Their Political Origins【35】Samuel Ramani: Russia in Africa: Resurgent Great Power or Bellicose Pretender?【36】黄国信:《市场如何形成:从清代食盐走私的经验事实出发》【37】(日)中里成章:《帕尔法官:印度民族主义与东京审判》【38】(美)约翰·亨特·博伊尔:《中日战争时期的通敌内幕:1937-1945(上册)》【39】Anuradha Sajjanhar: The New Experts: Populist Elites and Technocratic Promises in Modi’s India【40】Jonathan Pattenden: Labour, state and society in rural India: A class-relational approach【41】Leela Fernandes: India’s New Middle Class: Democratic Politics in an Era of Economic Reform【42】(英)艾瑞克·霍布斯鲍姆:《原始的叛乱:十九至二十世纪社会运动的古朴形式》【43】Suzanne De Brunhoff: Marx on Money【44】(法)多米尼克·莱维、热拉尔·迪梅尼:《资本复活:新自由主义改革的根源》【45】Arundhati Roy: The Doctor and the Saint: Caste, Race, and Annihilation of Caste, the Debate Between B.R. Ambedkar and M.K. Gandhi【46】管新生:《工人新村:上海的另一种叙事记忆》【47】(法)热拉尔·迪梅尼、多米尼克·莱维:《大分化:正在走向终结的新自由主义》【48】Aidan Beatty: The Party is Always Right: The Untold Story of Gerry Healy and British Trotskyism【49】(英)佩里·安德森:《大国协调及其反抗者:佩里·安德森访华讲演录》【50】(英)塔里克·阿里:《与爱德华·萨义德访谈录》【51】Tariq Ali: The Lenin Scenario【52】(英)塔里克·阿里、(美)奥利佛·斯通:《论历史:塔里克·阿里与奥利佛·斯通谈话录》【53】(英)塔里克·阿里:《加勒比海盗:希望的轴心》【54】Carles Viñas: Football in the Land of the Soviets【55】Peter Dietsch, François Claveau, Clément Fontan: Do Central Banks Serve the People?【56】程美宝:《遇见黄东:18-19世纪珠江口的小人物与大世界》【57】Adam Hanieh: Crude Capitalism: Oil, Corporate Power, and the Making of the World Market【58】Kristen Ghodsee: Red Valkyries: Feminist Lessons from Five Revolutionary Women【59】赵世瑜:《说不尽的大槐树:祖先记忆、家园象征与族群历史》