day 175 读后续写- “截断”梦想,“接续”希望 (224年10月 江浙皖高三联考)

文摘   2024-10-08 12:02   山西  

读者们好,今天和大家分享的这篇续写来自刚刚结束的 江浙皖高中发展共同体2024-2025学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题。续写主题为 人与自我。

和这篇续写材料部分相似主题的续写我写过好多篇,最近一篇是day 167 读后续写- 攀援而上,滚滚而下(24年四川开学联考),聚焦事故发生当时的求生过程。(所有“化险为夷”系列续写练习文档我已上传到《Chris的满分续写指南》课程中)


同属于“征服挑战,重塑自我”主题,我还写过day 138 读后续写- 凡不能杀死我的day 139 读后续写- 绝地反“弹” (今年高考前我写的最后一篇续写),大家可以阅读。


enjoy your read!


We were near the mountaintop of Tupendo when a rock got moved and hit my lower leg halfway between ankle and knee. The impact cut through both bones and removed a big chunk (块) of my leg. I found myself hanging from a rope, 1,600m off the ground, in sharp pain. I was afraid it might just drop off.

After binding it to an ice- axe, my climbing partner abseiled down (缘绳下降) to get help. For two days I lay alone. My leg started to smell pretty bad.

It took six days to get me off the mountain and to a hospital in northern India. The hospital was basic and the next day I was flown to Delhi for emergency surgery and then, when stable enough, back home. In the UK, after nine operations, my doctor recommended an amputation (截肢) if I wanted to be able to walk properly again.

I was very sad. I had been competing in sport since I was a teenager. My physical fitness and love of running felt as if they were an inseparable part of the person I was. I visited a center specializing in prostheses and the consultant there seemed terribly enthusiastic about my prospects as an amputee, telling me I would be walking within six months and maybe even playing football after a year. I found the experience too depressing for words and was determined to put off the decision for as long as possible.

Every night I had the same dream: I would be hobbling along a grassy path using my crutches (拐杖) and then, suddenly, I would lift them up and throw them in the river and I'd start walking, and then running, as if there had never been anything wrong. When I woke it would take me a few seconds to remember.

Para 1: I bought an exercise bike and used it for 30 minutes three times a week.

Para 2: Almost four years after my accident, I entered a local half marathon.













随性地写作,阳光地成长,嬉笑着生活Sometimes we don’t know what something is until it’s gone. So, let’s play.