【编者按】根据Journal of Religion and Health,Vol.35,No.3,Fall 1996(《宗教与健康杂志》第35卷,第3期,1996年秋季刊)刊登的Psychology and the Soul(灵魂学与灵魂)一文介绍我们可以知道,奥托·兰克的Psychology and the Soul(灵魂学与灵魂)一书有两个英文译本:
第一个英文译本由威廉·D·特纳在1950年完成。但是该译本并不完整,而且存在一定程度的误差。因此,Gregory C.Richter(格雷戈里·C·里希特) and E.James Lieberman(E·詹姆斯·利伯曼)就精心翻译了更加完整和准确的第二个英文译本,出版时间大概是在1996年。
我们仍然坚持最初的灵魂信念,对永生抱有天生的信念,不过,这并不是像万物有灵论时代的人们那样是有意识的,相反,我们觉得丢脸并且拒绝承认它。那些发生在无意识核心的,并不是科学的精神分析在生物学上的解释,而是精神的,是灵魂的,而这不能在物质、肉体层面上被把握。流传下来的人类灵魂逻辑的通用原理终究还是灵魂,我们的灵魂的信念——我们信奉的这个古老的灵魂学在灵魂里(at heart),但是在现代灵魂学里却把它排除在注意力之外。
The psychologist type
Self-knowledge,neither source nor goal,but a byproduct of the psychology of others,created the modern psychologist whose ideal is self-knowledge for one and all. Expressed ironically, it is as though people had to find some benefit in this seemingly useless self-awareness and decided to assign it a function. Eventually it became a science,which the practical understanding of human nature could only be via a detour through psychology,giving scientific cachet to these techniques in education and therapy. So the objective science of psychology owes its prestige to the subjective part, its relation to our personal egos, while the objective part,studying others,was deemed unscientific because it was practical.
The uselessness or “impracticality” of the self-focussed psychologist still resonates today:we can only call him a scientist if he practices psychology as a teacher,psychiatrist,psychoanalyst,etc.Otherwise he'd be only an introspective ponderer,contemplating his own thoughts and feelings.The practical psychologist would contemptuously call him a“compulsive neurotic,”and in the exceptional case might allow that he's a philosophical thinker.In a word, we endorse self-knowledge only if applied to others,i.e.when we make it serve practical purposes—originally with the idea that we could control and direct people by understanding them and later by rationalizing that we should help them.
Psychoanalysis,as living subject and object of psychological investigation, shows us both aspects of psychology—subjective and objective,technical and purely theoretical,scientific and humanistic—in a wholly new combination. In psychoanalysis I see the last chapter in the history of psychology rather than a new epoch.In the lively disputes over its justification,meaning,and application we find the same basic problem of all psychology:is it physics or metaphysics?To ask whether psychoanalysis belongs to medicine or philosophy is to ask whether it deals with psychology or the soul.Like all psychologies past,present,and presumably future,it is clearly both.The essence of psychoanalysis lies in its unique marriage of a contradictory pair:initially a practical technique for influencing others,it becomes in the end a new metaphysics of the soul.In the ambit of its own problems psychoanalysis exemplifies all psychology.
The emotional strength of psychoanalysis is its scientific weakness;it is both science and metaphysics,psychology and soul-study,without a clear separation or differentiation of the two spheres.If it were one or the other,it would be nothing,i.e.nothing original.But it is a new union,amalgam,or marriage of the two in the terminology and thought of our scientific era:it combines the causal mode of thinking—explaining things through psychological reduction to natural laws—and the humanistic mode—interpreting the mind and comprehending the soul's structure.It has had limited success in this dual role;its failure shows in the lopsided systems of Jung and Adler. Jung took psychological causality to the extreme with his phylogenetic theory,while Adler's individual psychology,focussed on effect,could only see structural factors.Jung,paradoxically,both fights and overextends the scientific element(phylogenetic causality),while Adler neglects the humanistic,on which individual psychology rests.Psychoanalysis,trying to do justice to both,neglects reality and overemphasizes the psyche on one hand,but on the other hand it explains psyche in terms of reality.
The psychological type
Still,we have for the first time a good look at the close,interdependent ties between these two aspects of psychology that psychoanalysis willy-nilly shows so well.The original idea of psychoanalysis was purely therapeutic and,as I now see it,tended to free the psychological type from compulsive self-awareness by substituting being understood (by others).Being under- stood by another helps therapeutically because it is really an expression of love—i.e.it justifies or validates our individuality (whereas using psychology to influence others seems,by contrast,a hostile act).But what is essentially unpsychological loving understanding undid the therapeutic good of psycho- analysis,because the neurotic,suffering from excess self-awareness,was (with the other's help)brought back to self-knowledge,from which he wanted to escape.Therapeutically,psychoanalysis failed:instead of curing the com- pulsive trait of inwardness,it fostered self-awareness and psychologizing. The theory that developed from knowledge of human nature (of the other,for therapy)toward self-knowledge(for research)only gives us the psychology of the psychological type;it shows how he or she longs to be unpsychological again like the“normal,”whose psychology science seeks in vain.The“normal” person has no psychology in this sense,no introspection,no self-knowledge, but understands people and has an inner life,a soul.
As scienceand as influencing technique psychology isreallytheinterpretation ofanother'ssoul in terms ofone'sownfeelingsand will.Sincewecannot remake(orunmake)ourneighboratwill,weinsteadinterprethimorherto suitourselves.Ourindividualpsychologyisareflexphenomenon,areaction to the projection ofour psychology from neighbor back to self.In short,we not onlyinterprettheothertosuitourwill—ahostileact,anactof domination—wealsoreinterpretourselvesintheother'stermsandcallitlove.Psychology canbeseenasamutualreflexivephenomenon,amirageof ourtrueself that weglimpseonlyin the mirroring reflectionof anothersoul.
Returning to our initial problem:the true object of psychology originally was something supernatural,super-human,the soul.The person became the object of psychological interest and investigation only when the original soul- concept faded from consciousness.In this sense religion was and is as much psychology as our modern scientific psychology is,unavoidably,soul-study. Contemporary interest in psychology is really an extension of religion,of be- lief in the soul—the perennial,if only tacit,object of psychological interest.
Religion upholds belief in the soul's existence,in a universal soul-substance; our scientific psychology denies the soul,yet pursues soul-belief by studying the individual inner life,soul,or self.Human evolution from religion to modern psychology is a progressive individualization of soul-belief,turning from collective to individual soul,the self.The difference between non-scientific and scientific psychology is that the former wants to postulate,not understand,the soul.Modern psychology,by trying to comprehend the soul, confirms that something like it exists,and so postulates it tacitly as an object of study.
There is a third and,for now,final stage in the evolution of psychology, where neither soul nor person,but psychology itself is the object of investigation.Rightly so!Psychology gradually evolved by denying and rejecting its first object,the soul;various psychologies offer us substitute objects for this lost soul-belief and its proponent,the person.Religions represent a kind of psychological commentary on human social evolution,a psychology we would know nothing about were it not for religious traditions.In the same way,the various psychologies represent attitudes toward soul-belief at various times. In the animistic era,psychology was soul-creation;in the religious era it was soul-representation;in the scientific era,it has become knowledge of the individual soul.
We still hold to original soul-belief,naive belief in immortality,but not consciously,like people in the animistic era:we are ashamed and deny it. What goes on in the core of the unconscious is not what scientific psychoanalysis explains biologically,but the spiritual,the soul,which cannot be grasped in material,somatic terms.The human psychological universal that has been passed down is after all the soul,our soul-belief—the old psychology we believe in at heart but keep out of mind in modern psychology.
This interpretation accords with the ethnologic finding that“primitives” are oriented to a spiritual world,not one of reality,unlike people with a “modern”world view.The laws of causality play a minor role in primitive mentality;the major role is played by all manner of supernatural and celestial forces not part of nature,but projected from self onto nature.As we have become more realistic,we have buried the soul deeper and deeper within because there was no place for it in the external world.Unlike us,the first people acknowledged the soul,believed in it consciously,and filled the world with that soul-belief,their soul-stuff.They made the world less real,more like the self.
Today we are psychologists shaped by our denial of the soul's reality.We explain causally what the soul is and does;science substitutes knowledge for credo but in the end our knowing rests upon belief,soul-belief.From this come many quirks and contradictions of our inner life and our psychologies. Primitives believed in their souls,projecting them onto the world of reality, arriving at a world view which was supernatural—magical—and later religious.We now see and understand ourselves and the environment in a much more realistic way,projecting less upon the world than upon other people, our neighbors.This projection onto others and its reaction in ourselves is the essence of objective psychology.