ANTA Sports Products
(2020 HK)
24Q3 update: mixed performance among brands as Anta steps up store differentiation to widen consumer coverage
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投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
2024年Q3安踏品牌產品流水同比錄得中單位數的正增長,FILA 品牌產品流水同比錄得低單位數的負增長,所有其他品牌產品流水錄得45-50%的正增長。
24Q3 retail sales numbers show a mixed performance; in line with expectations
Anta Sports Products published an operational update for 24Q3 on 10 Oct with a mixed picture in terms of brand retail turnover growth (not counting newer brands added after 1 Jan 2023):
•ANTA main brand: mid-single-digit yoy growth;
•FILA: low-single-digit decline yoy;
•Other brands: up 45-50% yoy.
Over 300 new stores opened on National Day as Anta steps up category variety
Anta continues to push for differentiated experiences for its consumers through a variety of store types:
•Themed channels: Anta’s differentiation strategy broke away from the tradition of similar-looking stores to fulfill various product requirements of different groups of consumers. The company strengthened its presence in high-end markets and core business districts by opening strategic flagship stores in key cities with themed stores like Arena and Olympic Hall of Fame to widen its coverage.
•Niche markets: Anta set up vertical market stores such as Champion and Portfolio to meet niche consumer demand.
•Mass market: the launch of ANTA Superstores offers extended shopping with comprehensive coverage of sports categories. The mega stores also provide custom-made products to bring unique offerings to mass consumers.
Differentiation: Black Label, White Label, Champion stores, ANTA Superstores
White Label stores: in its own words, Anta positions these stores as “simply artistic”. Like the first White Label store launched in Sanlitun, Beijing, White Label stores are “fewer in number and represent finer quality” and their artistic vibe signals a highly differentiated space to develop exclusive proprietary products. Plans include a "one city, one store" benchmarking program in the future.
Black Label stores, in contrast, are positioned as “trendy and cutting-edge”. They are “more in number and offer wider coverage” than White Label stores. They imbue technology with a sense of competitiveness.
Champion stores: Anta’s long partnership with Team China at the Olympics has led to 293 appearances on the podium. The company continues to raise its expertise with breakthroughs in technology and it aims to cover every detail in sports performance to empower sports lovers and spur them to outperform their previous personal records in the future.
ANTA Superstores: the multi-level mega stores provide a comprehensive shopping experience that covers all product categories of the ANTA brand in one place. For consumers, it feels like they are visiting a mega supermarket, where different family members can fulfill their needs for professional or leisure sports products.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
Valuation and risks
We forecast revenue will arrive at RMB70.1bn/78.5bn/86.8bn and net profit at RMB13.4bn (including one-off earnings)/13.2bn/14.6bn in 2024/25/26E, which implies EPS of RMB4.7/4.7/5.2, corresponding to 15x/15x/14x PE. We maintain our BUY rating.
Risks include: weaker sales than expected; worse-than-expected new brand development; and intensifying competition.
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