Zhejiang Xinao Textiles (603889 CH)
We believe Xinao is likely to keep growing market share
BUY (maintain) |
投資要點/Investment Thesis
投资要点/Investment Thesis
24Q3E earnings release shows healthy growth in both revenue and net profit
Xinao Textiles has released its latest unaudited earnings numbers:
•24Q3E: revenue arrived at RMB1.3bn, up 11% yoy; and net profit was at RMB100m, up 8% yoy, with ex-nonrecurring net profit at RMB90m, up 5% yoy.
-revenue amounted to RMB3.9bn, up 10% yoy.
-net profit was at RMB370m, up 5% yoy, with ex-nonrecurring net profit at RMB350m, up 6% yoy.
-gross margin was at 19.4%, relatively flat yoy, with net margin at 9.6%, down about 0.4ppt yoy.
Multi-category, full-spectrum development strategy raises competitive advantage
Diverse brand portfolio: the company had rolled out a full-spectrum development strategy recently, where it diversified and expanded product categories around its core wool yarn business. It also entered the cashmere yarn market by establishing Ningxia Xinao Cashmere and acquiring UK-based Todd & Duncan. Xinao’s current proprietary brand portfolio includes CashFeel, New Chuwa, Xinao, 38°N, CashQueen and Todd & Duncan.
Diverse product coverage: Xinao’s multi-variety, multi-grade and serialized yarn product system covers the higher-end to luxury markets, where its product coverage includes knitwear, sports and leisure apparel, and home textiles. Xinao has strong competitive market leverage through its ability to offer global customers diverse choices and more precisely targeted positioning, enabling it to keep growing market share.
Forays into new markets: the company’s new yarn department has had initial results in sample development in early market research. It continues to explore ways to extend business coverage to more high-value-added textile applications, and is venturing into new areas like home textiles, industrial uses and new materials.
Integrated supply chain buildout helps stabilize deliveries and profitability
Xinao is one of a handful of wool textile suppliers with integrated production processes from wool scouring, strip making, modification treatment to spinning, dyeing and finishing, along with quality control inspections. It operates a full technical system and covers the full spinning value chain. Its advantages are multi-fold:
•Vertically integrated market coverage provides stronger control and traceability of the supply chain due to the integration of key production steps and processes, which enables the company to maximize management of order deliveries to the fullest extent in the event of instabilities in the macro environment.
•Its longer value chain coverage gives the company the ability to manage the whole process from raw wool to colored yarn, which enhances its competitive advantage in new product R&D and quality control. Xinao is able to more easily drive product upgrades and improve gain customer stickiness.
Technological R&D and design development advantages go hand in hand
The company has an independent product design and development team that provides customers with a full-service business. It is able to not only design personalized products based on customer requirements, but also guide customer choices based on its design prowess. Effectively, this has transformed its market-oriented role to one of market development and market demand creation, to a degree.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
Valuation and risks
In our valuation of Xinao Textiles, we took into account 24Q1-3E results and the current macro pressures on Chinese consumption and foreign consumption uncertainties, as well as other uncertainties such as wool prices. We nudged down our revenue forecast to RMB4.9bn/5.4bn/6.1bn for 2024/25/26E (previously RMB5.1bn/5.8bn/6.7bn); with EPS at RMB0.58/0.62/0.70 (previously RMB0.60/0.69/0.80) and PE at 12x/11x/10x. We maintain our BUY rating.
Risks include: loss of core executives; a persistent decline in wool prices; and weaker sales than expected.
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