Zhejiang Cayi Vacuum Container
(301004 CH)
Stock incentive draft plan indicates Cayi’s confidence in future growth
BUY (maintain) |
投資要點/Investment Thesis
投資要點/Investment Thesis
2024E incentives draft plan to distribute 1.2m restricted shares to key staff
Key details: Cayi Vacuum Containers announced a draft plan to grant 1.19m restricted shares (equivalent to about 1.2% of its total share capital at the time of the announcement on 30 Sep). The 234 recipients include core management personnel and core technical personnel. The shares will be sourced from Cayi’s A-share ordinary stock to be priced at RMB48.3 per share; with 955,000 shares to be granted for the first time and 238,700 reserved shares.
Foreign market role: Cayi is including two foreign employees in the share incentives in a nod to the company’s major-customer strategy rollout. To cater to well-known foreign brand customers in stainless steel vacuum insulation wares, it set up a production facility in Vietnam to augment its global network. The company thus improves service coverage, sharpens its product edge in the international market, and is better positioned to manage complex global market changes. The inclusion of core Vietnam base employees points to the role of Cayi’s foreign business and its part in the realization of strategic goals.
Performance goal: the conditional incentives will trigger on the realization of the company’s goal:
•at least 50%/80%/120% revenue or net profit growth in 2024/25/26E vs 2023;
•revenue has to be at least RMB2.66bn/3.20bn/3.91bn in those years or net profit of at least RMB710m/850m/1.04bn, as shown by our calculations.
The company expects to incur restricted stock amortization expenses of RMB8.57m/ 29m/11.16m/3.96m in 2024/25/26/27E.
Our takeaways: as the stock-based incentive scheme covers a wide range of employees, we believe it will motivate the core team more extensively. The clearcut performance goals also reflect Cayi’s confidence in its own long-term growth.
Insulated containers: business is stable and we anticipate an ebullient 24Q3E
Cup runneth over: Stanley sold 1m thermos containers on Amazon US in August, up 224% yoy and up 120% qoq, according to third-party data. Cayi’s brand customer’s ebullient downstream market data validates the company’s growth, and Stanley’s strong marketing and prowess in creating bestselling products suggests future growth continuity. Stanley continues to launch celebrity and brand crossover products as the Quencher series’ strong performance boosts volumes for the IceFlow collection. As Stanley goes on to expand consumer groups and extend usage scenarios, we expect market penetration increases will drive medium to long-term growth.
Vietnam expansion: Cayi’s Vietnam factory was completed and operations stabilized in 24H1. We expect its contribution will augment production capacity in H2E and help ease production bottlenecks, and improve customer response and supply chain security.
投資建議/Investment Ideas
Valuation and risks
Given the downstream boom in insulated containers, we expect further diversity in segmented market scenarios will drive demand as Cayi ties up with major customers to accelerate growth. To better reflect the company’s stock incentive goal and the current growth momentum of its foreign thermos cup business, we upgrade our forecast to net profit of RMB720m/860m/1.05bn in 2024/25/26E (previously RMB690m/830m/970m), corresponding to 15x/13x/10x PE. We maintain our BUY rating.
Risks include: a decline in the share of major customers; lower-than-expected export demand; and less production capacity expansion than expected. Note: as the equity incentives are at the draft plan stage, we would watch for the company’s final announcement.
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