、 The China Press(1925-03-01) |
老介福买绸缎 |
In Grandmother's Day They wore taffetas that lasted life time and the only reason we grandchildren haven't been doing the same thing, is because up to the time we came to China, we couldn't buy silk that would last more than a brief season of general wear. It's different out here. You'll find that the taffetas, brocades, crepe de chines which you buy from Laou Kai Fook, 23 Kiukiang Road, will keep their lustre as long as a bit is left. 祖母那辈穿的塔夫绸能穿一辈子,而我们孙辈没有这么做的唯一原因,在于来到中国之前,我们买不到能够承受短短一季日常磨损的丝绸。而此地就不同了。在九江路23号的老介福,你能够找到塔夫绸、织锦、双绉等面料,它们哪怕磨损到最后一丝仍能保持光泽。 |
Qualịty is the foundation on which this silk shop has builded its reputation, which is known around the world. And we have an advantage that Grandmother didn't——we can make our selections from colors that were never dreamed of in those days. Soft, delicate tints and splashing vivid shades. The new printed silks have arrived, by the way, and if you are in search of something different, you will find it at Laou Kai Fook's. |
品质是这家丝绸店享誉世界的基础。 我们有了祖母们没有的优势——那些不曾梦想过的缤纷色彩,如今都能收入囊中。那或柔和细致,或挥洒鲜明的颜色。顺便告知,新款印花丝绸已经到店,如您有意寻找独特商品,请至老介福。 |
先施公司样样有 |
当你每天有1000件事需要处理,避免丢三落四的诀窍就是集中精力,在同一处完成所有任务。列出购物清单,前往南京路141号,您将在先施(Sincere)这座令人惊叹的百货公司中,找到家中所需的一切——从罐头食品到织物,从厨刀到意大利进口的大理石雕像,再到法国产洗漱用品、珍稀皮草和家具。一切家用物品都在这座庞大的建筑中恭候您的光临。通晓英语的巡视员和店员将会竭诚提供服务。 |
到永安公司选择最适合你的坤包 |
昨天,我还在永安百货找到了在中国见到过的最漂亮的手提包。春天即将来临,我们必须提前考虑配饰的问题,不然再漂亮的新造型也可能被一只寒碜的旧包破坏。时下最时髦的扁平信封状包,可以的以极其低廉的价格在这家颇受欢迎的百货商店找到,皮革、各种布料,乃至丝绸质地的都有,当然都是从欧洲直接进口。女士们搭配日间长裙的小包也有供应,各式材质颜色一应俱全。如今巧妙穿搭的关键是创造和谐,因此必须为每条裙子搭配相称的包袋!永安百货的价格也使其成为可能。快来南京路看看,你一定不会错过。 |
到南京西路同茂 买上海最好的牛肉 |
The Savory Smell of roasting beef has tickled many appetites since the days when our forefathers substituted cooked meat for raw. If you want your dinner to be a success, call West 800, 150 Bubbling Well Road, Dombey & Son, and their butchery department will send you specially selected cuts of meats. 自从我们的祖先学会了烹饪,将生肉取而代之,烤牛肉的美妙香气就挑动了无数人的味蕾。想要一顿成功的晚宴,就请致电涌泉路150号的同茂洋行(Dombey & Son),他们的肉铺会送上精挑细选的各式肉类。(两年前我们介绍过同茂,它是上海规模最大,设备最完善的伙食公司,所谓伙食公司就是提供各种肉类和蔬菜食品公司,但和小菜场不同,它的各种食材都是加工好的,像现在盒马先生,详细点击查看——天潼路,静安寺路,霞飞路上的伙食公司) |
男士不读我的专栏极其谬误 |
A grouch has tried to tell me that men didn't read my department. Just to prove he is wrong, I want the first good-souled fellow who reads this today to tell Mг. Alexander at Alexander's Shoe Shop, 39 C Kiangse Road, that the Grouch is all wrong. And by the way, if you have a wife you can send her around there for a pair of the smart spring slippers that have just arrived and if you haven't you can go there yourself and buy the smartest and most comfortable shoes in Shanghai. 近日有好事者试图告诉我说,男士不读我的专栏。为证明其谬误,恳请今日第一位读到这篇文章的好心男士给江西路29号乙Alexander鞋铺的老板捎话,这人说得并不正确。顺便说,如果你有妻子,也可以带她来选购一双刚刚到货的春季拖鞋,如果没有,那就为自己买一双上海最为精致舒适的鞋子吧。 |
Behind the guarantee which the Chung Hwa Shoe Company.46 Nanking give you is the assurance that all the leather used in the manufacture of their shoes is imported from America. Any style or shape will be copied and all small repairs on Chung Hwa Shoes will be repaired free of charge. 南京路46号中华鞋铺保证制作中所有使用的皮料均进口自美国。可为您复刻任何风格与鞋型,所有该店铺出售的鞋子均可进行免费的简单修补。 |
高露洁牙膏上海100年 |
When the dentist receives your visit and listens to your recital of aches and pains, you have made a confession of neglect-neglect of your own happiness and health. Clean teeth do not decay. Visit your dentist periodically. As your ally, interested with you in preventive hygiene, and for the rest of the time form the Colgate habit, brushing your teeth regularly after each meal. 当您拜访牙医,倾诉病痛时,就等于一次关于疏忽的忏悔:对您个人幸福与健康的疏忽。干净的牙齿不会腐坏。请定期看牙医,并诚意推荐您进行预防性的卫生措施,养成每餐后用高露洁牙膏刷牙的好习惯。 |
富丽堂皇的中国面料 |
Taffeta is the most popular material for curtains, cushion and bed spreads and you can find seductive shades of rose, blue, green and yellow from $2.30 to $28.0 a yard at Laou Kiu Chwang's, P 128 Nanking Road. Some of the patterns are shot with gold and have Chinese medallions in the same color. This gilk makes a room look rich and is less expensive than imported prints. 塔夫绸是时下制作窗帘、靠垫、床单等最流行的面料,在南京路P128号老九章您可以每码2.3美元至28美元的价格购买到它们,玫瑰、蓝、绿、黄等各种迷人色彩均有。部分图案有金丝点缀,并配以同色系的中式缀饰。此种绸缎令您的房间富丽堂皇,并且价格优于进口印花面料。 |
银器最能体现家的品味 |
What is a home without all the indispensable accessories which go with it and which reflect your taste and personality? Silver is one of the keynote's to the hostess's real character and in Shanghai where it is possible to have every thing needed made up after your own designs and in sterling, too, for the price of plated at home, there isn't any excuse for not possessing a well-filled chest. Tuck Chang, Broadway and Minghong Roads, is famous for his table services and individual tea and coffee sets. 一个没有各种反映品味个性的装饰摆设的家,又如何称得上家呢?银器是目前上海女主人们最能体现真正品味的必备之物,在这里一切都是真材实料、按需定制,而价格仅仅等同于在家乡购买镀银制品。因此,您完全没有理由不拥有一个装满各种银器的橱柜。百老汇路闵行路口的德祥洋行(Tuck Chang)便以其餐具和单人套的咖啡茶具闻名。 |
1925年上海老照片 |
军阀时代,一省最有权势为督军,此人即江苏督军齐燮元,他与浙江督军盧永祥争夺上海管辖权,发动江浙之战,盧永祥打不过,又联络张学良奉军南下,齐燮元的部下将无战心,兵不用命,外国人又拒绝他在租界活动,齐只好流亡日本,——这个搞得上海租界鸡犬不宁的齐燮元,现在还有几个上海人记得伊这张面孔。 |
百合影片公司新摄制电影《苦学生》,苦学生去见银行老板,行主的爱女出来接待,扮演银行千金的陆剑芳,一百年前明星,上海电影史里不知是否会记一笔。 |
在军阀混战溃败的军人,大量涌人上海租界,这桩棘手的事体,洋人无法应对,只好请上海总商会筹款将溃军遣散回山东老家,会长虞洽卿(右一)在巡捕陪同下,前往收容所看望等待遣返的士兵。 |
溃兵收容所 设在今华山路和江宁路两处 |