联合国秘书长世界人居日致辞“让青年人参与创造更美好的城市未来”2024年10月7日值此世界人居日,我们重申基本的住房权,并反思城市环境的转变。今年的主题强调了青年人在创造更美好的城市未来中的重要作用。到2030年,60%的城市居民将不满18岁。随着城市不断发展,我们也有更多机会调动青年人的活力,以便让城市挑战转变为机遇。正如上个月的未来峰会所表明的那样,青年人对于建设一个更加公平和更可持续的未来至关重要。如果要让这一潜力得到最大限度的发挥,就需要投资于教育,拓展数字技能,培养创业精神,并促进青年主导的有关气候行动、负担得起的住房和持久流动性的各项举措。所有这些及其他因素,对于打造充满活力、有韧性的包容城市以及实现可持续发展目标至关重要。值此庆祝世界人居日之际,让我们支持世界各地的青年人,让青年人参与决策,建设所有年龄段的人都能过上幸福生活的城市。THE SECRETARY-GENERALMESSAGE FOR WORLD HABITAT DAY“Engaging youth to create a better urban future”7 October 2024On World Habitat Day, we reaffirm the basic right of shelter and reflect on the transformation of urban environments.This year’s theme highlights the vital role of young people in creating a better urban future. By 2030, 60 per cent of urban residents will be under the age of 18. As cities continue to grow, so does the opportunity to tap into the energy of young people to turn urban challenges into opportunities.As last month’s Summit of the Future made clear, young people are crucial to building a more equitable and sustainable future. Making the most of that potential requires investing in education, expanding digital skills, fostering entrepreneurship and promoting youth-led initiatives on climate action, affordable housing and durable mobility.All of this and more is vital to shaping vibrant, inclusive and resilient cities and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.As we celebrate World Habitat Day, let us support youth everywhere, include young people in decision-making, and build cities where people of all ages can thrive.