Introduction: Course Organization and Overview George Herbert Mead and Chicago Sociology Herbert Blumer and Symbolic Interactionism Interactionism and Investigative Research Interactionism and Structural Domains Interactionism and Professional Space Interactionism and Ethno-Racial Sphere Interactionism and Gendered Communication Interactionism and Political Action Interactionism and Postmodern Currents Interactionism and Embodied Self Interactionism and Stigmatized Identity Interactionism and Sexual Being Interactionism and Risk Taking Interactionism and Art Worlds Conclusion: the future of interactionist sociology
读物 这一节课主要读符号互动主义的创始人赫伯特·布鲁默的书《符号互动论》(Symbolic Interaction)。
1. Introduction: Course Organization and Overview
⭐Farberman, H. 1997. “Founding the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.” Symbolic Interaction 20:115-129.
⭐Verhoeven, J. 1980/1993, “Interview with Erving Goffman.” Research on Language and Social Interaction 26: 307-315.
⭐Reynolds, L. and N. Herman-Kinney, eds. 2003. “General introduction.” Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Altamira Press.
⭐Fine, A. 1995. A second Chicago school? The development of a postwar American sociology. Pp. 1-16, 136-163. 365-386. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
⭐Goffman, E 1952. “On cooling the mark out; some aspects of adaptation to failure.” Psychiatry: Journal of Interpersonal Relations 15:451-463.
⭐Shalin, D. 1986. “Pragmatism and social interactionism.” American Sociological Review 51:9-30.
Fine, G. and Tavory, I. 2019. “Interactionism in the twenty‐first century: a letter on being‐in‐a‐meaningful‐world.” Symbolic Interaction 332-335.
Reynolds, L. 2003. “Early Representatives.” Ch. 3 in L. Reynolds and N. Herman-Kinney, eds. Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Altamira Press.
Shalin, D_._ 2011. Pragmatism & Democracy. Chs. 2, 3. Transaction Press.
2. George Herbert Mead and Chicago Sociology
⭐Mead, G. H. 1934. Mind, self and society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
⭐Mead, G. H. 1925. “The genesis of the self and social control." International Journal of Ethics. 35:251-277.
⭐Mead, G. H. 1930.”Cooley’s contribution to American social thought." American Sociological Review 35:693-706.
⭐Cooley, C. Human Nature and the Social Order, Chs. 1, 5, 6.
⭐Nash, W. 2011. “The Chicago school of sociology and the Black Chicago renaissance.” Pp. 465-486 in Writers of the Black Chicago Renaissance, S. Tracy, ed. University of Illinois Press.
⭐Shalin, D. 2000. “George Herbert Mead.” Pp. 439-440, in G. Ritzer, ed. Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists. Wiley-Blackwell.
⭐Shalin, D. “G. H. Mead, socialism, and the progressive agenda.” American Journal of Sociology Symbolic Interaction 92:913-951.
Deegan, M. 2001. “The Chicago school of ethnography.” Pp. 11-25 in Atkinson, P., Coffey, A., Delamont, S., Lofland, J. and L. Lofland, eds. The handbook of ethnograph. London, England: Sage.
Chapoulie, J-M. 1996. “Everett Hughes and the Chicago Tradition.” Sociological Theory, 14:3-29.
Chapoulie, J-M. 1987. “Everett C. Hughes and the development of fieldwork in sociology.” Urban Life 15:259-298.
Dingwall, R. 2001. “Notes toward an intellectual history of symbolic interactionism.” Symbolic Interaction 24:237-242.
Gerhardt, U. 2000. “Ambivalent interactionist: Anselm Strauss and the ‘Schools’ of Chicago sociology.” Symbolic Interaction 31:34-64.
Joas, H. 1997. G. H. Mead. A contemporary re-examination of his thought. MIT Press.
Becker, Howard S. 1999. “The Chicago school, so-called.” Qualitative Sociology 22:3-12.
Musolf, G. 2003. “The Chicago School.” Ch. 4 in L. Reynolds and N. Herman-Kinney, eds. Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism. Altamira Press.
Fine, G. A. and S. Kleinman. 1986. “Interpreting the sociological classics: can there be a ‘true’ meaning of Mead?” Symbolic Interaction 9:129-146.
Shalin, D. 2015. “Making the sociological canon: the battle over George Herbert Mead’s legacy.” The American Sociologist 46:313-340.
Shalin, D. 1984. “The romantic antecedents of Meadian social psychology.” Symbolic Interaction 7:43-65.
3. Herbert Blumer and Symbolic Interactionism
⭐Blumer, H. 1986. Symbolic interaction: perspective and method. University of California Press.
⭐Blumer, H. 1966. “Sociological implications of the thought of George Herbert Mead.” American Journal of Sociology 71:535-544.
⭐Blumer, H. 1954. “What is wrong with social theory?” American Sociological Review 19:3-10.
⭐Blumer, H. 1956. “Social science and the desegregation process.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 304:137-143.
⭐Blumer, H. 1958. “Race prejudice as a sense of group position.” The Pacific Sociological Review 1:3-7.
⭐Shalin, D. 2015. “Making the sociological canon: the battle over George Herbert Mead’s legacy.” The American Sociologist 46:313-340.
⭐Fine, A. 1996. A second Chicago School? The development of a postwar American sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Travisano, R. 1997. “And we called it the SSSI (A kind of history of a sort of movement).” Symbolic Interaction 20:177-207.
Blumer H. 2000. Selected Works of Herbert Blumer. Urbana: University of Chicago Press.
Lyman, S. 1984. “Interactionism and the study of race relations at the macro-sociological level: the contribution of Herbert Blumer.” Symbolic Interaction 7:107-120.
Becker, H. 1988. “Herbert Blumer’s Conceptual Impact.” Symbolic Interaction 11:13-21.
Maines, David R. 1988. “Myth, text, and interaction complicity in the neglect of Blumer’s macrosociology.” Symbolic Interaction 11:43-57.
Shibutani, T. 1988. “Herbert Blumer’s contributions to twentieth-century sociology.” Symbolic Interaction 11:23-31.
Stryker, Sheldon. 1988. “Substance and style: an appraisal of the sociological legacy of Herbert Blumer.” Symbolic Interaction 11:33-42.
Wiseman, J. 1987. “In Memoriam: Herbert Blumer (1900-1987).” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 16:243-249.
Low, J. 2008. “Structure, agency, and social reality in Blumerian symbolic interactionism: the influence of Georg Simmel” Symbolic Interaction 31:325-343.
Puddephatt, A. 2009. “The search for meaning: revisiting Herbert Blumer’s interpretation of G.H. Mead.” The American Sociologist 40:89-105.
Huber, J. 1973. “Symbolic interaction as a pragmatic perspective: the bias of emergent theory.” American Sociological Review 38:274-284.
Stone, G., D. Maines, H. Farberman, G. I. Stone, and N. Denzin. 1974, “On methodology and craftsmanship in the criticism of sociological perspectives.” 39:456-463.
Ruiz-Junco N. 2016. “The persistence of the power deficit? Advancing power premises in contemporary interactionist theory.” Studies in Symbolic Interaction 46:145-165.
4. Interactionism and Investigative Research
⭐Goffman, E. 1989. “On fieldwork.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 18:123-132.
⭐Goffman, A. 2014. On the run: fugitive life in an American city. Pp. 213-263. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
⭐Goffman, E. 1953. “*Ph.D. Thesis: Communication conduct on an island community*.” University of Chicago.
⭐Becker, H. 1953. “Becoming a marihuana user.” American Journal of Sociology 59:235-242.
⭐Fine, G. and D. Shulman. 2009. “Lies from the Field: Ethical Issues in Organizational Ethnography.” Pp. 177-95 in Sierk Ybema, Dvora Yanow, Harry Wels, and Frans Kamsteeg (eds.), Organizational Ethnography: Studying the Complexities of Everyday Life. London: Sage.
⭐Shalin, D. 2014. “Goffman on mental illness: asylums and ‘The insanity of place’ revisited.” Symbolic Interaction 37:122-144.
⭐Glaser, B. 2002. “Conceptualization: on theory and theorizing using grounded theory.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1:23-38.
⭐Glaser, B. 2007. “Constructivist grounded theory?” Historical Social Research 19:93-105.
⭐Timmermans, S. and I. Tavory, 2020. “Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis.” Sociological Theory 30:176-186.
⭐Stryker, S. 2002. “Traditional symbolic interactionism, role theory, and structural symbolic interactionism.” Pp. 211-231 in J. Turner ed. Handbook of sociological theory. Bloomington IN: Indiana University.
⭐Charmaz, K. and R. Mitchell. 2001. “Grounded theory in ethnography.” Pp. 160-174 in Atkinson, P., Coffey, A., Delamont, S., Lofland, J. and L. Lofland, eds. The handbook of ethnography. London, England: Sage.
⭐Fine, G. 1979. “Small groups and culture creation: the idioculture of little league baseball.” American Sociological Review 44:733-745.
Konecki, K. 2018. “Classic grounded theory – the latest version: interpretation of classic grounded theory as a meta‐theory for research.” Symbolic Interaction 41: 547-564.
Bryson, B. and A. Davis. 2010. “Conquering stereotypes in research on race and gender.” Sociological Forum 25:161-166.
Beuving, J. and G. de Vries. 2015. “Theorizing society: grounded theory in naturalistic inquiry.” Pp. 47-64 in Doing Qualitative Research: The Craft of Naturalistic Inquiry. Amsterdam University Press.
Morris, E. 2007. “Researching race: identifying a social construction through qualitative methods and an interpretive perspective.” Symbolic Interaction 30:409-425.
Charmaz, K. 2000. Grounded theory: objectivist and constructivist methods." Pp. 509-535 in N. Denzin and Y. Lincoln eds. Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications.
Chamberlain-Salaun, J., J. Mills, and K. Usher. 2013. “Linking symbolic interactionism and grounded theory methods in a research design: from Corbin and Strauss.” Sage Open Journal.
Glaser, B. 2001. The grounded theory perspective: conceptualization contrasted with description. Sociology Press.
Charmaz, K. 2014. Constructing grounded theory. CA.: SAGE Publications.
Priya, A. 2016. “Grounded theory as a strategy of qualitative research: an attempt to demystifying its intricacies.” Sociological Bulletin 65:50-68. Kimle, P. and M. Damhorast. 1997.
Du Bois, W. E. B. 1899. The Philadelphia Negro. A social study. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Fine, G. 2003. “Towards a peopled ethnography: developing theory from group life.” Ethnography 4:41-60.
Gibson, B. and J. Hartman. 2014. Rediscovering grounded theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Ellis, C., T. Adams and A. Bochner. 2011. “Autoethnography: an overview.” Historical Social Research 36:273-290.
Layder, D. 2018. “The limitations of grounded theory.” In Investigative research: theory and practice. CA: Sage Publications.
Warshay, L. and D. Warshay.1987. “Symbolic interactionism humanists versus positivists.” International Social Science Review 62:51-66.
5. Interactionism and Structural Domains
⭐Goffman, E. 1956. The presentation of self in everyday life. Monograph No. 2. University of Edinburgh.
⭐Goffman, Erving. 1983. “The interaction order: Presidential address.” American Sociological Review 48:1-17.
⭐Goffman, E. 1974. Frame analysis. An essay on the organization of experience. Pp. 1-20, 156-199. Harvard University Press.
⭐Stryker, S. 2007. “From Mead to a structural symbolic interactionism and beyond.” Annual Review of Sociology 34:14-31.
⭐Stryker, S. 2002. “Traditional symbolic interactionism, role theory, and structural symbolic interactionism.” Pp. 211-231 in J. Turner ed. Handbook of sociological theory. Bloomington IN: Indiana University.
⭐Maines, David R. 1977. “Social organization and social structure in symbolic interactionist thought.” Annual Review of Sociology 3:235-259.
⭐Shalin, D. 2014. “Interfacing biography, theory, and history: the case of Erving Goffman.” Symbolic Interaction, 37:1-39.
Shalin, D. 1986. “Pragmatism and social interactionism.” American Sociological Review 51:9-30.
Burke, P. 2004. “Identities and social structure.” Social Psychology Quarterly 67:5-15.
Dennis, A. and P. Martin. 2007. “Symbolic interactionism and the concept of social structure.” Symbolic Interaction 40:287-305.
Tucker, C. 1966. “Some methodological problems of Kuhn’s self theory.” The Sociological Quarterly 7: 345-358. The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Summer, 1966), pp. 345-358.
Miller, D. 2011. “Toward a theory of interaction: the Iowa school.” Symbolic Interaction 34:340-348.
Ploder, A. 2019. “Tragedy of a breakthrough: the Iowa school of symbolic interaction in autobiographical narratives.” Symbolic Interaction 42: 332-335.
Lofland, John. 1984. “Erving Goffman’s sociological legacies.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 13:7-34.
Jaworski, G. 2000. “Erving Goffman: the reluctant apprentice.” Symbolic Interaction 23:299-308.
Edgley, C. 2003. “The Dramaturgical Genre.” Ch. 6 in L. Reynolds and N. Herman-Kinney, eds. Handbook of symbolic interactionism. Altamira Press.
Becker, H. 2003. “The politics of presentation: Goffman and total institutions.” Symbolic Interaction 26:659-669.
Stryker, Sheldon, and Peter J. Burke. 2000. “The past, present, and future of identity theory.” Social Psychological Quarterly 63:284-197.
Goffman Archives. 2007-207. Bios Sociologicus: The Erving Goffman Archives, 2007-2017. Ed by D. Shalin. Las Vegas: CDC Publications.
Cavan, S. 2014. “When Erving Goffman was a boy: the formative years of a sociological giant.” Symbolic Interaction 37: 41-70.
6. Interactionism and Professional Space
⭐Glaser, B. G., and Anselm L. Strauss. 1965. “Temporal aspects of dying as a non-scheduled status passage.” The American Journal of Sociology 71:48-59.
⭐Hochschild, A. 1979. “Emotion work, feeling rules, and social structure.” American Journal of Sociology 85:551-575.
⭐Becker, H. 1951. “The professional dance musician and his audience.” American Journal of Sociology 57:136-144.
⭐Ferrales, G. and G. Fine. 2005. “Sociology as a vocation: reputations and group cultures in graduate school.” The American Sociologist 36:57-75.
⭐Cahill, S. 1999. “The boundaries of professionalization: the case of North American funeral direction.” Symbolic Interaction 22:105-119.
⭐Fine, G. 1984. “Negotiated orders and organizational cultures.” Annual Review of Sociology 10:239-262.
Hochschild, A. 1983. The managed heart. Commercialization of human feelings. Berkeley: University of California Pres.
Chapoulie, J.-M. “Everett Hughes and the Chicago Tradition.” Sociological Theory 14: 3-29.
Hall, P. 1987. “Interactionism and the study of social organization.” The Sociological Quarterly 28:1-22.
Plummer, K. 2003. “Continuity and change in Howard S. Becker’s work: an interview with Howard S. Becker.” Sociological Perspectives 46:21-39.
Sanders, C. 2013. “Learning from experience: recollection of working with Howard S. Becker.” Symbolic Interaction 36:216-228.
Lessor, R. 2000. “Anselm Strauss’s grounded theory and the study of work.” Sociological Perspectives, Supplement: A Tribute to Anselm Strauss, pp. S1-S5.
Maines, D. 1982. “In search of mesostructure: studies in the negotiated order.” Urban Life 11:267-279.
Hall, P. and D. Spencer-Hall. 1982. “The social conditions of the negotiated order.” Urban Life 11:328-349.
Dellinger, K. and C. Williams. 2002. “The locker room and the dorm room: workplace norms and the boundaries of sexual harassment in magazine editing.” Social Problems 49:242-257.
Denissen, A. 2010. “Crossing the line: how women in the building trades interpret and respond to sexual conduct at work.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 39:297-327.
Williams, C. 2013. “The Glass escalator, revisited: gender inequality in neoliberal times.” Gender & Society 27:609-629.
West, C., and D. Zimmerman. 2009. “Accounting for doing gender.” Gender & Society 23:112-122.
Farberman, H. 1975. “A criminogenic market structure: the automobile industry.” The Sociological Quarterly 16:438-457.
Padavic, I. 2005. “Laboring under uncertainty: identity renegotiation among contingent workers.” Symbolic Interaction 28:111-134.
Fine, G. 19863. “Symbolic interaction and social organization: introduction to the special feature.” Symbolic Interaction 6:69-70.
Wittner, J. 2003. “Occupation sociologist: theory, research, and life experience in the work of Helena Lopata.” Symbolic Interaction 26:173-185.
Cahill, S. 1999. “The boundaries of professionalization: the case of North American funeral direction.” Symbolic Interaction 22:105-119.
Lively, K. 2001. “Occupational claims to professionalism: the case of paralegals.” Symbolic Interaction 24:343-366.
7. Interactionism and Ethno-Racial Sphere
⭐Anderson, E. 2014. “The white space.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 1:10-21.
⭐Anderson, L. and D. Snow. A. 2001. “Inequality and the self: exploring connections from an interactionist Perspective.” Symbolic Interaction 24:395-406.
⭐Anderson, E. 1994. “The code of the streets.” The Atlantic Monthly, May.
⭐Anderson, E., D. Austin, C. Holloway, and V. Kulkarni. 2012. “The legacy of racial caste: an exploratory ethnography.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 642:25-42.
⭐Horowitz, R. 1983. Honor and the American dream: culture and identity in a Chicano community. Pp. 15-51, 77-136. Rutgers University Press.
⭐Horowitz, R. 2001. “Inequalities, democracy, and fieldwork in the Chicago schools of yesterday and today.” Symbolic Interaction 24:481-504.
Horowitz, R. 1996. Teen mothers – citizens or dependents? Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bryson, B. and A. Davis. 2010. “Conquering stereotypes in research on race and gender .” Sociological Forum 25:161-166.
Anderson, E. Code of the streets. Decency, violence, and the moral life of the inner city. W.W. Norton & Company.
Du Bois, W. E. B. 1903. The souls of Black folk. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.
Denzin, N. 2001. “Symbolic interactionism, poststructuralism, and the racial subject.” Symbolic Interaction 24:243-249.
Wilkins, A. 2012. “Stigma and status: interracial intimacy and intersectional identities among Black college men.” Gender & Society 26:165-189.
Fine, G. and P. Turner. 2001. Whispers on the color line: rumor and race in America. University of California Press.
Anderson, Elijah. 2003. “Jelly’s place: an ethnographic memoir.” Symbolic Interaction 26:217-237.
Wilkins, A. 2012. “‘Not out to start a revolution’: race, gender, and emotional restraint among black university men.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 41:34-65.
Morris, E. 2007. “Researching race: identifying a social construction through qualitative methods and an interpretive perspective.” Symbolic Interaction 30:409-425.
Embrick, D. and K. Henricks. 2013. “Discursive colorlines at work: how epithets and stereotypes are racially unequal.” Symbolic Interaction 36:197-215.
Jackson, B. and Harvey Wingfield, A. 2013. “Getting angry to get ahead: Black college men, emotional performance, and encouraging respectable masculinity.” Symbolic Interaction 36:275-292.
Kendall, Lori. 1998. “Meaning and identity in ‘cyberspace’: the performance of gender, class, and race online.” Symbolic Interaction 21:129-153.
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. 2002. “The linguistics of colorblind racism: how to talk nasty about Blacks without sounding’racist’.” Critical Sociology 28: 41-64.
Schippers, M. 2008. “Doing difference/Doing power: negotiations of race and gender in a mentoring program.” Symbolic Interaction 31:77-98.
Storrs, Debbie. 1999. “Whiteness as stigma: essentialist identity work by mixed-race women.” Symbolic Interaction 22:187-212.
Schippers, M. 2008. “Doing difference/doing power: negotiations of race and gender in a mentoring program.” Symbolic Interaction 31:77-98.
Lyman, S. 1993. “Marginalizing the self: a study of citizenship, color, and ethnoracial identity in American society.” Symbolic Interaction 16:379-393.
Hughey, M. 2012. “Stigma allure and white antiracist identity management.” Social Psychology Quarterly 75:219-241.
8. Interactionism and Gendered Communication
⭐Goffman, E. 1977. “The arrangement between sexes.” Theory and Society 3:301-331.
⭐Butler, J. 1988. “Performative acts and gender constitution: an essay in phenomenology and feminist theory.” Theatre Journal 40:519-531.
⭐Collins, P. 1992. “Transforming the inner circle: Dorothy Smith’s challenge to sociological theory.” Sociological Theory 10:73-80.
⭐West, C. and D. Zimmerman. 2009. “Accounting for doing gender.” Gender and Society 23:112-122.
⭐Marques, A. 2019. “Displaying gender: transgender people’s strategies in everyday life.” Symbolic Interaction 42: 202-228.
⭐Smith, J. and K. Smith. 2016. “What it means to do gender differently: understanding identity, perceptions and accomplishments in a gendered world.” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 38:62-78.
⭐Darwin, A. 2017. “Doing gender beyond the binary: a virtual ethnography.” Symbolic Interaction 40:317-334. ⭐Deegan, M. 2014. “Goffman on gender, sexism, and feminism: a summary of notes on a conversation with Erving Goffman and my reflections then and now.” Symbolic Interaction 37:71-86.
Schippers, M. 2008. “Doing difference/doing power: negotiations of race and gender in a mentoring program.” Symbolic Interaction 31:77-98.
Dellinger, K. 2002. “Wearing gender and sexuality ‘On your sleeve’: dress norms and the importance of occupational and organizational culture at work.” Gender Issues 20:3-25.
Dellinger, Kirsten. 2004. “Masculinities in ‘Safe’ and ‘Embattled’ organizations: accounting for pornographic and feminist magazines.” Gender and Society 18:545-566
Turgeman Goldschmidt, O. and L. Weller. 2000. “’Talking emotions’": gender differences in a variety of conversational contexts.” Symbolic Interaction 23:117-134.
Harris, S. 2003. “Studying equality/inequality: naturalist and constructionist approaches to equality in marriage.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 32:200-232.
Eastman, J. 2012. “Rebel manhood: the hegemonic masculinity of the southern rock music revival.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 41:189-219.
Williams, C. 2013. “Gender escalator, revisited: gender inequality in neoliberal times.” Gender and Society 27:609-629.
Bogoch, B. 1997. “Gendered lawyering: difference and dominance in lawyer-client interaction.” Law & Society Review 31:677-712.
9. Interactionism and Postmodern Currents
⭐Denzin, N. 1986. “Postmodern social theory.” Sociological Theory 4:194-204.
⭐Denzin, N. 2003. “Searching for Yellowstone.” Symbolic Interaction 26:307-313.
⭐Denzin, N. 2003. “The call to performance.” Symbolic Interaction 26:187-207.
⭐Gubrium, J. and J. Holstein. 1994. “Grounding the postmodern self.” The Sociological Quarterly 35:685-703.
⭐Gubrium, J. and J. Holstein. 1995. “Individual agency, the ordinary, and postmodern life.” The Sociological Quarterly 36:555-570.
⭐Gottschalk, S. 1993. “Uncomfortably numb: countercultural impulses in the postmodern era.” Symbolic Interaction 16: 351-378.
⭐Shalin, D. 1993. “Modernity, postmodernism, and pragmatist inquiry: an introduction.” Symbolic Interaction 15:303-332.
Smith, D. 1996. “Telling the truth after postmodernism.” Symbolic Interaction 19:171-202.
Gubrium F. and J. Holstein, eds. 2001. Institutional selves: troubled selves in a postmodern world. Oxford.
Gottschalk, S. 2010. “The presentation of avatars in second life: self and interaction in social virtual spaces.” Symbolic Interaction 33:501-525.
Denzin, Norman K. 1983. “A note of emotionality, self, and interaction.” American Journal of Sociology 89:402-409.
Denzin, Norman K. 1985. “Emotion and lived experience.” Symbolic Interaction 8:223-240.
Loseke, D. 1987. “Lived realities and the construction of social problems: the case of wife abuse.” Symbolic Interaction 10:229-243.
Loseke, D. 2009. “Examining emotion as discourse: emotion codes and presidential speeches justifying war.” The Sociological Quarterly 50:497-524.
Zhao, S. 2005. “The digital self: through the looking glass of telecopresent others.” Symbolic Interaction 28:387-405.
Dimitrijevic, A. 2006. “Narrating postmodern selfhood: autobiographical, existential, and cyberspace aspects.” Symbolic Interaction 29:587-594.
10. Interactionism and Political Action
⭐Hall, P. 1972. “*A symbolic interactionist analysis of politics*.” Sociological Inquiry 42:35-75.
⭐Becker, H. 1967. “Whose side are we on?” Social Problems 14:239-247.
⭐Athens, L. 2012. “Mead’s analysis of social conflict: a radical interactionist’s critique.” The American Sociologist 43:428-447.
⭐Athens, L. 2010. “Human subordination from a radical interactionist’s perspective.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 40:339-368.
⭐Cast, A. 2003. “Power and the ability to define the situation.” Social Psychological Quarterly 66:185-201.
⭐Shalin, D. “*G. H. Mead, socialism, and the progressive agenda*.” American Journal of Sociology 92:913-951.
Shalin, D. 1992. “Critical theory and the pragmatist challenge.” American Journal of Sociology 98:237-279.
Shalin, D. 2004. “Liberalism, affect control, and emotionally intelligent democracy.” Journal of Human Rights 3: 407-428.
Athens, L. 2009. “Roots of ’radical interactionism.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39:387-414
Fine, G. 1999. “John Brown’s body: elites, heroic embodiment, and the legitimation of political violence.” Social Problems 46:225-249.
Gamson, W. 1985. “Goffman’s legacy to political sociology.” Theory and Society 14:605-622.
Athens, L. ed. 2013. Radical interactionism on the rise. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Athens, L. 1977. “Violent crime: a symbolic interactionist study.” Symbolic Interaction 1:56-70.
Futrell, Robert. 1999. “Performative governance: impression management, teamwork, and conflict containment in city commission proceedings.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 27:494-529.
Becker, H. 2003. “The politics of presentation: Goffman and total institutions.” Symbolic Interaction 26:659-669.
Anderson, L. and D. Snow. 2001. “Inequality and the Self: Exploring Connections from an Interactionist Perspective.” Symbolic Interaction 24:395-406.
Berns, Nancy. 2001. “Degendering the problem and gendering the blame: political discourse on women and violence.” Gender & Society 15:262-281.
Snow, D., E. Burke, S. Worden, and R. Benford. 1986. “Frame alignment processes, micromobilization, and movement participation.” American Sociological Review 51:464-481.
McPhail, Clark. 2006. “The crowd and collective behavior: bringing symbolic interaction back in.” Symbolic Interaction 29:433-464.
Athens, L. 2011. “Mead’s analysis of social conflict: a radical interactionist’s critique.” The American Sociologist 43:428-447.
Musolf, G. 1992. “Structure, institutions, power, and ideology: new directions within symbolic interactionism.” The Sociological Quarterly 33:171-189.
11. Interactionism and Embodied Self
⭐Schilling, S. 1999. “Towards an embodied understanding of the structure/agency relationship.” British Journal of Sociology 50:543–562.
⭐Waskul, D. and Vannini, P. 2003. “Introduction: the body in symbolic interaction.” Pp. 1-18 in D. Waskul and P. Vannini eds., Body/Embodiment: body/embodiment: symbolic interaction and the sociology of the body. Ashgate: Hampshire.
⭐Halton, E. 2004. “The living gesture and the signifying moment.” Symbolic Interaction 27:89-113.
⭐Halton, G. 2013. “Tale of the evolutionary drama of symboling: a dramaturgical digression.” in The drama of social life: a dramaturgical handbook, C. Edgeley ed.
⭐Waskul, D., M. Douglass, and C. Edgley. 2000. “Cybersex: outercourse and the enselfment of the body.” Symbolic Interaction 23:375-397.
⭐Shalin, D. 2007. “Singing in the Flesh: Notes on Pragmatist Hermeneutics.” Sociological Theory 25:193-224.
⭐Shalin, D. 2017. “Extended mind and embodied social psychology: contemporary perspectives.” Society 54:279-290.
Shalin, D. 2017. “Extended mind and embodied social psychology: historical perspectives.” Society 54:171-186.
Waskul, D. and P. van der Riet. 2002. “The abject embodiment of cancer patients: dignity, selfhood, and the grotesque body.” Symbolic Interaction 25:487-513.
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Spillman L. and B. Conway. 2011. “Texts, Bodies, and the Memory of Bloody Sunday.” Symbolic Interaction 30:79-103.
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16. Conclusion: The Future of Interactionist Sociology
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