One first big question: what's at stake? Pete Hegseth:
What's at stake is repelling an authoritarian who basically is saying "I want the Soviet Union back. I want Ukraine back. I want Kiev back." And then what's at stake is making sure we don't allow it to become an Article Five larger broader war than that. So equipping and supplying Ukraine with what it needs faster than we have--we haven't been doing as the Biden administration has not been doing it fast enough--so that they can further bog Putin down and push him back. It's gonna be long, it's gonna be bloody but I think that's those at stake for the United States of America.I would encourage folks to go watch “Who Is Vladimir Putin”on FOX Nation. It's great. It talks about how he views human nature.Harris Faulkner:
I watched it this weekend. Pete Hegseth:
It's good. It's good and it helps you get an understanding of how he views human nature and how he views his role in manipulating it and putting back the Soviet Union. When it comes to to Ukraine, though, Harris, He's gonna double down on the tactics that he believes will bring civilians to their needs. You know why? He doesn't play by the rules of war. We call him ‘war criminal’ and we do and rightfully so. He doesn't care. Russia is not a signatory to the international criminal court. He isn’t feeling any threat that he'll be held accountable. Ceasefires? You know. Ceasefires are for him an opportunity to reload, an opportunity to pick more targets. And he's already said that. This is a precarious part for Zelenskyy. To it Zelenskyy did the right thing in saying “Hey! Any man in this country, stay here, pick up a rifle and fight.” But the twisted mind of Vladimir Putin, you know, that says “Every man in the country who was a civilian is now a military target.” That means any civilian target could be a military target and women and children that are there are human shields for the men who are carrying Kalisionnikovs. Think about it through the psychology of him. So we we talk about the targeting of civilians and rightfully so. He's saying those are now military targets and he hasn't done it to Kiev the way he's done it in other places like Mariupol. But I think we're going to see that coming because he's bogged down and is going to double down.我先提一个首要的大问题:现在最为利害攸关的事情到底是什么?