FRI:采用晶体工程方法合理设计姜黄素晶体以实现 Pickering 乳液稳定化

文摘   2024-08-21 09:00   英国  
    Politecnico di Torino--Elena Simone研究团队在Food Research International发表题目为“A crystal engineering approach for rational design of curcumin crystals for Pickering stabilization of emulsions”研究论文(采用晶体工程方法合理设计姜黄素晶体以实现 Pickering 乳液稳定化)。
      通过 Pickering 粒子稳定的乳液因其高稳定性和生物相容性而越来越受欢迎。因此,开发生产有效 Pickering 粒子的新方法至关重要。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种晶体工程方法来精确控制粒子属性,例如尺寸、形状和晶体结构,这些属性可能会影响润湿性和表面化学性质。开发了一种通过反溶剂结晶高度可重复的合成方法,用于生产亚微米级亚稳态 III 型姜黄素晶体,用作 Pickering 稳定剂。所生产的晶体具有明显的疏水性,这体现在它们倾向于稳定油包水 (W/O) 乳液。对姜黄素晶体进行了全面的实验和计算表征,以合理化其疏水性。使用包括拉曼光谱、粉末 X 射线衍射 (PXRD)、固态核磁共振 (SSNMR)、扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)、差示扫描量热法 (DSC)、共焦荧光显微镜和接触角测量在内的分析技术来表征姜黄素颗粒的形状、大小和界面活性。附着能模型则被用来研究姜黄素晶体的相关表面特征,例如拓扑结构和面特异性表面化学。这项研究有助于理解晶体特性对 Pickering 稳定机制的影响,并为从制药到食品科学等领域的创新产品配方铺平道路。
3.1 姜黄素晶体的制备及表征
Fig. 3. (a) Van’t Hoff type plot of curcumin solubility in ethanol in the range 35–65 °C. (b) Solubility curve of curcumin as a function of increasing water content.
Fig. 4. PXRD pattern of raw curcumin (top) and recrystallized curcumin (bottom).
Fig. 5. DSC thermogram of raw curcumin (top) and recrystallized curcumin (bottom).
Fig. 6. 13C (100.63 MHz) CPMAS spectra of the raw (top) and recrystallized curcumin (bottom) acquired at a spinning speed of 12 kHz.
Fig. 7. (a) Curcumin molecular structure. In green the region corresponding to keto-enol tautomerism is highlighted. (b) Raman spectra of raw curcumin (on the bottom) and recrystalized curcumin (on the top), corresponding to polymorphic form I and form III, respectively. (c) Crystal packing of orthorhombic curcumin form III (BINMEQ07) and (d) monoclinic curcumin form I (BINMEQ13) along a axis.
Fig. 8. In situ Raman spectra of recrystallized curcumin slurry in water over time.
Fig. 9. Recrystallized curcumin particles observed via SEM micrographs.
Fig. 10. Particle size and morphology distributions of a recrystallized curcumin sample.
Fig. 11. Morphology prediction and facet-specific topologies calculated using the attachment energy model for curcumin form I (a) and form III (b).
3.2 乳液制备及表征
Fig. 12. W/O emulsions prepared (a) varying the mixing condition and (b) fixing the speed of agitation at 10,000 rpm.
Fig. 13. Confocal images of 20 wt% W/O emulsion stabilized by curcumin particles
Fig. 14. Emulsions droplet size distribution represented as cumulative frequency, expressed in percentage of droplets over the total number.
Fig. 15. Images of W/O emulsion obtained through optical microscope. The scalebar is set to 250 µm for all the samples.
Fig. 16. Emulsion Emu W/O 16 after 4 months of storage.
Fig. 17. Sample Emu W/O 16 left in air on a glass slide for 30 min
Fig. 18. In O/W emulsions from 2 to 5.1 reported (a) water at pH 7 was used while (b) 5.2 sample was prepared with water at pH 3.
Fig. 19. Confocal images of sample emu o/w 5.




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