INT J BIOL MACROMOL:从苹果渣中分离出的含果胶木质纤维素纳米纤维制造可食用生物纳米复合涂层

文摘   2024-09-02 09:00   英国  
      陕西师范大学食品工程与营养科学学院张帅、孟永宏教授团队在International Journal of Biological Macromolecules发表题目为“Fabraction of edible bio-nanocomposite coatings from pectin-containing lignocellulosic nanofibers isolated from apple pomace”研究论文(从苹果渣中分离出的含果胶木质纤维素纳米纤维制造可食用生物纳米复合涂层)。
      现代社会对加工程度最低的水果的需求越来越大,但易腐烂的废弃果渣 (WP) 的管理以及产品保质期短仍然是大问题。本文通过碱脱甲基化和高压均质化成功开发了一种将苹果渣 (AP) 重新构建为新鲜切割苹果片的可食用生物纳米复合涂层的简便方法。浓度为 1.23 mmol g−1 的 -COO− 大大改善了 AP 纤维的纤维化,该物质通过碱性脱甲基果胶释放,而不是依靠复杂或昂贵的纤维素改性。AP 纳米纤维 (AP-NF) 的平均宽度缩小到 18 纳米。通过铸造,AP-NF 可制造出具有相当透明度(600 纳米时为 56%)、优异机械强度(杨氏模量为 6.4 GPa,强度为 81.7 MPa)和氧气阻隔性能(79 mL μm m−2 day−1 bar−1)且无毒性的均匀薄膜。此外,AP-NF 涂层可有效抑制褐变和呼吸作用,延长苹果片的保质期,并保持其硬度。这项研究展示了一种将 WP 作为水果包装可食用涂层进行增值的方法。
3.1 AP-NF 的制备
Fig. 1. The schematic illustration of (a) the main cell wall compositions of AP and (b) possible structures of the as-obtained AP nanoparticles and AP nanofibers.
Fig. 2. (a) FT-IR spectra; (b) The MED values; (c) COOH contents; (d) Zeta potential of AP samples as the function of NaOH soaking time.
3.2. 形态
Fig. 3. (a)-(f) AFM images of AP-NFs prepared with different demethylation time.
3.3 AP-NF 的物理性质
Fig. 4. (a) XRD of AP-NFs and (b) the apparent viscosity of AP-NF suspensions with the concentration of 0.5 wt% as the function of shear rate.
3.4 AP-NF 薄膜的特性
Fig. 5. (a) UV–vis spectra, (b) Digital pictures, (c) Strain-stress curves, (d) comparison of mechanical properties of WPs-derived nanocomposite films prepared by casting and pressing method, (e) oxygen permeability coefficient (P’O2) of AP-NF films under dry conditions (0 % RH) with a thickness of 20 μm and (f) the result of CCK8 assay after NCM 460 exposed to AP-NF-16 h film with different concentration
3.5. 鲜切苹果片上的可食用涂层应用
Fig. 6. (a) Digital images, (b) stiffness, (c) water content and (d) respiration rate of bare and coated fresh-cutting apple slices with AP-NF-16 h suspension (0.5 wt%) at 23 °C and 50 % RH within 24 h.




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