
教育   2024-10-23 08:00   北京  

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, 

but learning another way to think about things.

 – Flora Lewis

正如美国著名作家、记者 Flora Lewis 所说,学习另一种语言不仅是学习代表同一事物的不同词汇,更是学习思考的另一种方式


lie flat

首先,正如我们标题中介绍的那样,“躺平”(lie flat)已在去年 3 月,正式成为牛津辞典新增词汇。

lie flat 是一个由中文词语“躺平”直译而来,在英文社交媒体中也被广为使用的习惯用语(idiom)。在中文语境中,如果一个人躺平了,他就会拒绝社会上竞争激烈的工作文化,采取一种更放松的生活态度,尽量少做事、少花钱。

2022 年 2 月,BBC 网站发布了一篇名为 'Lying flat': Why some Chinese are putting work second 1 的专栏文章,详细阐释了“躺平”文化的由来及现况,也让更多人了解到了 lie flat 这一中国乃至世界范围内的潮流。

“躺平”的小猫咪 | 图源 Pexels

此外,“躺平”的表述方法还有“bed rotting”“gobling mode”等,在往期推送中有过详细介绍,点这里这里可以跳转阅读更多内容。

lie flat   idiom

(in China) if a person lies flat, they reject the competitive work culture in society and adopt a more relaxed attitude to life, trying to do and spend as little as possible


leverage 一词在牛津辞典中早有收录。该词既可以作动词,也可以作名词使用。作动词时,leverage 可以表示举债经营、施加影响、使用杠杆”等含义。此次新增的是作为名词的用法之一:(business) the practice of borrowing money for an investment, in the hope of increasing profits in the future,也就是(在商业领域)借钱投资,希望在未来增加利润的做法。

此外,leverage 作名词时还可以表示“优势、影响力、杠杆作用”等含义。

leverage   noun & verb


1. (formal) the ability to influence what people do

diplomatic leverage

2. (specialist) the act of using a lever to open or lift something; the force used to do this

3. (British English also gearing) (finance) the relationship between the amount of money that a company owes and the value of its shares

4. (business) the practice of borrowing money for an investment, in the hope of increasing profits in the future

例句: While leverage presents opportunities for increasing the total return on investments, it also has the potential to increase losses.



list 同上文介绍的 leverage 一样,是个既可以作名词也可以作动词使用的常见单词。作名词有“清单、纪录、明细表”的意思,作动词则有“列出、整理、倾斜”等意思。

此次牛津辞典新增的为 list 的名词释义:(business) to make shares in a company available for trading on a stock exchange,即(在商业领域)使公司股份在证券交易所中上市交易。

图源 Pexels

关于 list ,还延伸出了一组有趣的形容词:A-list,用于形容最有名、最成功或最重要的一群人;B-list 则表示相对重要,但不及 A 级人物的群体;Z-list,Z 为字母表中最靠后的一个,顾名思义指代最不出名、最不成功或最不重要的一群人,尤其是在娱乐行业。

list  noun & verb


1. [transitive] list something to write a list of things in a particular order

2.[transitive, often passive] to mention or include somebody/something in a list

3. [intransitive, transitive] list (at something) | list something (especially North American English) to be put or put something in a list of things for sale

4. [transitive, often passive] (business) to make shares in a company available for trading on a stock exchange

5. [intransitive] (of a ship) to lean to one side

例句:The new shares will be listed on the local main stock market on 19 November.

中译:该支新股将于 11 月 19 日在当地主板市场上市。


牛津辞典本次新增的单词 maglev 意为“磁悬浮”,大英百科全书记录其特指一种由电磁吸引或排斥力支持的陆地运输车辆(a floating vehicle for land transportation that is supported by either electromagnetic attraction or repulsion)

图源 Pexels


在辞典中,maglev 还可以指“利用磁力举起和支撑物体的技术”(technology that uses magnetic force to lift and support things)

maglev   noun


1. technology that uses magnetic force to lift and support things

2. a transport system in which trains run above a track, using maglev technology

例句:You can take the maglev train at  Daxing Airport.


meme stock

meme 是指在同一个文化氛围中,人与人之间传播的思想、行为或者风格3,通俗来讲,就是“网红模式”

meme stock 则指一种股票,因在社交媒体上被广泛谈论而变得非常流行,很多人选择购买,因此其交易价格通常远高于其实际价值,中文的翻译是“模因股”“迷因股”

meme stock   noun

/ˈmiːm stɒk/

a type of stock (= shares in a company) that becomes very popular because it is talked about a lot on social media. It usually trades at a prices much higher than its real value.

例句:Social media and news platforms helped fuel the meme stock frenzy.



此次牛津辞典更新,还在词库中增加了一个单词 nerf,可用作名词或动词,指在虚拟电脑游戏中对某种角色或武器装备的能力、效用进行削弱。这个单词源于美国一个知名的玩具品牌 NERF,而单词 NERF 是该公司制作玩具所用材料“非发涨海绵”(Non-Expanding Recreational Foam)的缩写。

图源 Pexels

用 NERF 这种材质制作玩具是为了防止儿童在玩耍时意外受伤,后来网络游戏玩家也用 nerf 来指代角色或武器削弱后造成的“伤害”不痛不痒。4


nerf   noun & verb


1. (informal) (in a new version of a computer game) a decrease in the power of a character, weapon, etc.

2. (informal) (in a new version of a computer game) to reduce the power of a character, weapon, etc.

例句:Ever since the shield got the nerf, the game hasn't been as much fun.




撰稿 | 逗逗姐姐 & 何林珂

参考 |

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

-1- 'Lying flat': Why some Chinese are putting work second






-4- “nerf”维基百科


图源 | 

-1-图源 Pexels


-2-图源 Pexels


-3-图源 Pexels


-5-图源 Pexels


排版 |何林珂






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