这是 Day141 打卡『看美剧学口语』
tell me about it: used to say that you feel the same way or have had the same experience
在办公室里,同事抱怨工作压力大,另一个同事回应:"Tell me about it! I've been working overtime every day this week."(我太理解了!我这周每天都在加班。)
在咖啡店里,朋友谈到最近的交通堵塞,另一个朋友说:"Tell me about it! I was stuck in traffic for two hours this morning."(可不是嘛!我今天早上被堵在路上两个小时。)
在家庭聚会上,亲戚们聊到孩子的教育问题,一位母亲说:"Tell me about it! Getting my kids to do their homework is a daily struggle."(我深有同感!让我的孩子做作业是每天的斗争。)
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