
教育   金融财经   2024-09-06 15:04   河南  


AMR自1976年从The Journal of the Academy of Management (AMJ)独立出来,成为纯粹的理论开发、回顾、书评和学术讨论与争鸣(Theory Development,Literature Review,Book Review,and Scholarly Dialog)的期刊。


当年上决策课的时候,还会让学生读George Kelley (AMR, 1976)的文章Seducing the Elites。其中讲到如何诱因精英支持变革时,曾经引用韩非子的“势”和“场”的说法。

In keeping with Han Fei's conception of power as dependency, the elite can

arrange that controversies never get a hearing, that innovative projects with problems are "cooled-out" by denial of access to the decision making arena. Within this framework, the innovator must gain leverage over the elites by strategies to elicit their support and to protect the favored position enjoyed by the innovator and the innovative program.

那时的学者博学多闻,关心的是Wisdom,不会问Why Chinese?或者“你的理论贡献到底是啥”?当然,那时,整个field属于初创期,everything goes,low-hanging fruits galore。Open,naive,and exuberant。






© Academy of Management Review 1976Vol. 1No. 147-49.

Certain See


Naval Postgraduate School


I talk of work as psychological category.

In physics it is effort times distance energy.

What is effort to me?

What is state of effort in me?

Work brings leisure to mind.

We talk of living a level of kind.

When we characterize or define

What figure in sight does refine?

Work is what form of consciousness?

We speak of norm of energy expressed.

This is psychological state of me.

Work is neurological frame to see.

What is effort times time of me?

Is work mere lack of leisure state to see?

Yet work needs- non work to be.

Each is necessary.

I talk on certain system of energy.

I talk on what is me in work reality.

I send sounds of mind state of me.

Eye send images of possibility.

When work lives, what is form to see?

When work lives, does effort give in me?

This is an orientation to environment and activity.

This is an attitude or tendency…

to be a certain see.

What is work to me? This is reflection eye see.

What is leisure energy?

These are orientations toward scenes.

These are ways of relating to being.

I speak of work as a process of being. See how

The words are blinding lenses in seeing.

The word work tells of an experience.

The word work words living sense.

What are the parameters of this category?

How shall eye look in inquiry?

And on, and on…

and on, you see.

Why work, you say to me?

What is the crucial inquiry?

Even this is an inquiry.

Why, “what is the crucial inquiry?”

Why why?

Once why, which why?

What is crucial inquiry?

Etc., etc…to


Work is now the category.

Therein, what is here to see?

Work plays a major part of me.

Work consumes a great deal of energy.

If so…

Is this a value of me?

Is this the state eye desire to see?

Am eye content with work energy?

Am eye fulfilled in synergy?

What now lives in thy category?

Thy inquiry?

What is preferred state of me?

What is living quality?

We speak of goals

…. of value theory.

We speak of poles

…of society.

What would we relate to work?

What is crucial to know?

Which way to go

to grow?

Words of work.

Words on living category.

Work winds thought on living quality.

Work words an experience of energy.

What is relation of work to money…

to sense of authority?

Is work just what I do for money?

Is work just what is done to gain value from thee?

Is work that character of coerced consciousness?

Is work that particular dichotomy expressed?

Is work done in sense of barter reality?

I give thee, you give me.

De Grazia says leisure is done for own energy.

Leisure barters with itself you see.

Work consumes conscious sense of energy.

Work consumes certain sense in me.

Leisure lives an altered level to see.

Leisure gives a sense of unity.

Work winds a sense of dichotomy.

Work minds a sense of divided me.

Work presents part of whole you see.

Work paints an altered reality…

altered from non-work energy.

What is this certain see?

Wu-Hsin (Ph.D. — University of California, Berkeley) is Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.

management professor