
文摘   2024-09-24 19:20   北京  



Improvisation has opened successfully last Friday, September 20. As the first public program of this exhibition, we cooperate with C5 Art Space and invite two co-founders of Sandwich Gallery (Romania). They will start from the various operating modes that Sandwich went through over the years, so as to light past and future connections and collabrations. 

Wether it functioned as artist-run space, as art gallery, taking part in art fairs, acting as co-founder of communities, young gallery or place of research, enabler or residency host, Sandwich has purposefuly ignored any set definition of art space and took on the risque of finding its own, ever evolving, recipe.

From our first show in Beijing with C5 Art Space in 2018, to the current Garage Sale project, we felt a strong connection to the approach of our Chinese collaborators turned friends. Thinking of the pressure, instability and the ever competitive vibe of the art world through which we are all navigating, let’s talk about ways of redefining success and satisfaction. 






HYBRID SPACES: Choice & Necessity


丹妮艾拉-帕利马尤 Daniela Palimariu亚历山德鲁-尼古列斯库 Alexandru Niculescu

周翊 Zhou Yi


Please scan the QR code for reservation


Language: English




他的作品以绘画和装置为重点,以工作室为基础,并通过艺术专业人士参与的运动项目表现出来,如 "移动双年展"(2014年和2017年)、"火车旅行"(2021年)和 "西瓜驻地"(2022年)。 他曾在Nicodim、Plan B、布加勒斯特国家当代艺术博物馆、蒂米什瓦拉艺术邂逅双年展(罗马)等画廊展出。 他是三明治空间 Sandwich(2016年)和Club Electroputere的共同创始人。

The practice of Alexandru Niculescu (b. 1979)  revolves around notions of the self, human body representation and personal mythologies.


Having developed a strong studio-based practice focused on painting and installation, his work also manifests through movement-based projects involving art professionals such as Mobile Biennale (2014 and 2017), Train Travels (2021) and Watermelon Residency (2022). He has exhibited at galleries such as Nicodim, Plan B, The National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, Art Encounters Biennia in Timisoara (Ro). He is co-founder of Sandwich (2016) and Club Electroputere.

丹妮艾拉-帕利马尤(生于1986年)是一位视觉艺术家,也是布加勒斯特三明治空间(2016 年)的联合创始人。她的创作包括宜居环境、物品和装置,所有这些都低调地表达了人类关系的复杂性。 她曾在东京、魁北克、苏黎世等地参加过艺术家驻地活动。

近年来,她将大部分精力投入到组织工作中。 她是布加勒斯特 RAD ART FAIR(2023 年)的联合创始人和联合总监,布加勒斯特艺术界合作项目 Doi Joi(2022 年)的联合发起人,布加勒斯特最大的艺术社区 Malmaison Studios(2020 年)的联合创始人。

Daniela Pălimariu (b. 1986) is a visual artist and co-founder of Sandwich Gallery in Bucharest (2016). Her practice includes livable environments and objects, installations, all of which understate the complexity of human relations. She held artist residencies in Tokyo, Quebec, Zurich, among others.


In recent years, she dedicated a large part of her practice to organizational work. She is co-founder and co-director of RAD ART FAIR in Bucharest (2023), co-initiator of Doi Joi, a collaborative program for the Bucharest art scene (2022) and co-founder of Malmaison Studios (2020), the largest art community in Bucharest.

周翊,1999年本科毕业于纽约库伯联盟学院,2004年研究⽣毕业于费城天普⼤学泰勒美术学院,2005年至2022年在央美油画系教授⾊彩学,2011年至2015年参与创建中间美术馆任艺术总监,2015年加⼊C5Art,2019年,C5Art与另两家艺术空间合并为CLC Gallery Venture,成为画廊合伙⼈之⼀,同年创建C5CNM并与董菁共同主理。

Zhou Yi, BFA (1999), Cooper Union, New York; MFA (2004), Tyler School of Fine Arts, Temple University, Philadelphia. He taught chromatology at the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 2005 to 2022, and participated in the founding of the Intermediate Art Museum as Artistic Director from 2011 to 2015. In 2015, he joined C5Art, and in 2019, C5Art became one of the gallery partners after merging with two other art spaces to form CLC Gallery Venture. In the same year, he founded C5CNM, which he co-directed with Dong Jing.


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