October, October精读笔记⑤P149-178

乐活   2024-08-22 10:10   安徽  

Chapter 30

在学校门口和妈妈会合之后,October要去医院看爸爸了。她说自己 sit mouse-quiet(P149),为啥突然安静了呢,因为她realised everything was my fault(P149),意识到眼下的一切都和自己脱离不了关系,所以不那么理直气壮了,不出声了,此时此刻她的情绪比以往更加复杂(more horrible and terrible and evil than I was before),因为I had fun today and I forgot about what I'd done. (P149)
我导致了这一切悲剧,而我竟然还在学校里have fun了,愧疚和负罪感就更浓烈了,所以下面情绪一下子就起来了:
I am scared and guilty and we have to stop by the side of the road so I can get out and take big gulps of the car fumes battling with the fresh air and try not to be sick. (身体反应,P149)
There have been weeks of cars and hospitals and beeps and too many lights and people talking to me and none of them the right ones or saying the right things and nothing else ever.(内心感触,P149/150)
Everyday is a repeat and a loop and I know exactly what will happen every single second but it's still scary to see the tubes and the wires but today when we arrive everything is different.(P150)
事情开始有了变化,因为今天医生们要wake him up(P150)。这时候有看出来October 还小了,她关心的不是爸爸能不能醒来,而是醒来之后,我没有故事可以说,他会不会讨厌我。我们不难看到,孩子的情感需要很成熟,但是对现实的理解又特别天真。

Chapter 31

浑身上下都是pins的爸爸没法真的走动(walk)甚至坐起来(really sit up),这里也是第一次出现具体的病症名称 an axial burst frature in his spine(P151,脊椎轴向爆裂性骨折,对应压缩性骨折vertebral compression fracture)。burst这个词给October的感觉是 a shower of stars,流星雨一样,好像很美好,但实际上,对爸爸来说这意味着 A long long time to get better(P151)。
It's a bit croaky (沙哑)and strange and if he were the quad bike I'd be pouring oil into his engine but it's him …(P152)爸爸的嗓音有点沙哑,如果他是四轮车我都想给他引擎里面倒点油。
