因为不知道如何面对,或者说不想面对妈妈,也不想面对和妈妈站在一起的爸爸,October选择了跑掉,爸爸则在后面追她,试图让她停下来。既然跑不过,她就选择了上树。I need to go up up and away. (P74)爬得高高的,离他们远远的。
她爬上了树,The bark rubs my hands raw and my skin shrieks. 一直爬到多高呢?没有具体的数字,但是有一段非常让人上不来气的表达:I stretch and curl and reach and bend until I'm higher than I've ever been before and I can stroke the sun with my fingertips and breathe the clouds.(P75)真的是快和太阳肩并肩了,都能breathe the cloud了,这一段话能感觉到急促。爸爸并没有在下面等,爸爸很担心她,所以也跟着爬上来了,这么一来,October就更不想下来了,继续爬。一边爬,一边沉浸在自己的幻想里,有的时候幻想对她来说是陶醉和享受,但此时此刻,幻想对她来说是一种逃离。她幻想自己是什么呢?在76页出现了两个东西,一个是lighting-fast jungle girl(P76),像闪电一样,速度特别快的森林女孩。还有一种是寻找ancient creature的mountaineer(P76),寻找古生物的登山者。爸爸还在追着她,她就也还继续向上。76页和77页甚至不用句子了,因为那种情况下已经没有闲暇思考了,大家都吓傻了,所以只有一个词一个词地往外蹦,把那种空气凝固的紧张感给描绘出来了。爬爬爬(climb,climb,climb,)之后呢?先是断裂声(splintering、creak),然后是尖叫声(shout、scream),再然后是掉落声(crush、whoosh、thud),最后尘埃落定(slience)。这一连串的声音出来,虽然读者不一定知道到底发生了什么,但显而易见,有东西从高处掉下来了,掉下来的不是别人,是爸爸。前面说爬树最重要的就是不能向下看,而此时October向下看才意识到出了什么事:
And he's on the ground in a quiet impossible heap of arms and legs and angles and the woman who is my mother is on her knees and her moonstone hand is pressed flat against her mouth and her other hand is in the pocket of that bright coat that's red like blood and there's real blood too and her fingers are tapping at the rectangular screen of her mobilephone and she's talking and I start to climb down with shaking arms even though she screams at me not to in case more branches break.(P78)仔细看一下会发现这段话没有加停顿标点,因为那一切毫无保留地冲进了October的视线,意识到发生什么的她终于决定下来,妈妈要吓死了,因为已经摔下来一个了,好在October是正常下来的。高空坠落的爸爸摊在地上,太阳穴(temple)上有血,头下面还有颜色更深的血(darker)。没有经验的October试图唤醒爸爸,但是妈妈阻止她了,甚至还记得给她解释原因:you can't move him in case it hurts him more(P79)。妈妈真的很冷静,一直在打电话指引救援人员到现场,救援人员出现,现场一片混乱,从October的视角看是这样的:I am pushed back by arms and noise and questions.(P80)