乐活   2024-11-10 10:11   安徽  

Chapter 6

a hot sun seemed to be pulling everything green and bushy and spiky up out of the earth towards him, as if by strings.(P102)这句写太阳好像用线把一切从土地里拉出来一样,这个比喻太妙了,一般我们就会想到第一层,说小花小草破土而出,但是他想到第二层,是太阳拉着线把它们拽出来的。
水鼠和鼹鼠忙着整理小船,一大早就开始忙活了,忙完才吃饭,吃饭的时候有人敲门,敲门声很重(a heavy knock sounded at the door)。水鼠让鼹鼠去开门的时候,有一个状态,all over egg,我看的时候还想,身上都是鸡蛋?结果还得是中译本救命,这里梅静翻译成“满嘴都是鸡蛋”,正常多了。鼹鼠是很听话的,The Mole went to attend the summons(P103)。
打开门一看,来的人是獾,大家很震惊,The Rat let his egg-spoon fall on the table-cloth, and sat open-mouthed.(P103)因为獾一般不会主动露面,这一点前面已经多次铺垫过了,而此时此刻,獾就出现在了水鼠的家里,神情严肃:The Badger strode heavily into the room, and stood looking at the two animals with an expression full of seriousness. (P103)
他是为了蛤蟆的事情而来的,之前在野树林,他们约定好等天气暖和了,要教育一下蛤蟆。WE'LL teach him to be a sensible Toad!(P103)
獾说得到了消息,another new and exceptionally powerful motor-car will arrive at Toad Hall on approval or return. 这里的这个or return 也是一开始没看懂的,仔细看才知道是和arrive 并列的,就是will arrive or return,就是收货或者退货。
在獾看来,他们的行动是为了“拯救”,the work of rescue shall be accomplished.(P104)他们一开始很乐观,水鼠说:We'll rescue the poor unhappy animal! We'll convert him! He'll be the most converted Toad that ever was before we've done with him!(P104)
他们行动力超强的,做好决定就出发了,来到蛤蟆府果然发现一辆新车停在那里。a shiny new motor-car, of great size, painted a bright red (Toad's favourite colour), standing in front of the house. 蛤蟆全然没有意识到等待自己的是什么,还很开心地招呼大家,獾在这里体现出来的是一个长辈毋庸置疑的权威:
The Badger strode up the steps. 'Take him inside,' he said sternly to his companions. Then, as Toad was hustled through the door, struggling and protesting, he turned to the chauffeur in charge of the new motor-car. (P105)獾交代好水鼠和鼹鼠要把蛤蟆带走,他又去交代司机,这车不要了。蛤蟆跳脚,各种反抗。 'What is the meaning of this gross outrage? I demand an instant explanation.'(P105)
他让水鼠鼹鼠把蛤蟆的衣服( those ridiculous things)脱掉,如果我们不考虑蛤蟆后面多么不干人事,单看这里,獾做得也并不体面,言语和行为都不尊重蛤蟆,虽然蛤蟆是个混球。
Take them off him, then, you two.(P105)
A good deal of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated(两个词意)with the removal of his fine panoply. Now that he was merely Toad, and no longer the Terror of the Highway, he giggled feebly(还记得这个词吗?) and looked from one to the other appealingly, seeming quite to understand the situation.(P105)
孩子要做一件事,大人不同意,一开始他耍赖,等到意识到大人是认真的,他会开始嬉皮笑脸,试图蒙混过关,接下来就是獾的长篇大论了。说实话,我现在自己当妈了,看这种训斥的话都反感。可是我又不得不承认,獾说的是对的,成人考虑的是未来,但是孩子考虑不到,他们只关注当下:Independence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of themselves beyond a certain limit; and that limit you've reached. (P106)
边界与底线,这里獾的想法没错,蛤蟆也确实是油盐不进,只能采取暴力的手段了。獾是把蛤蟆叫到了 the smoking-room,大户人家就是讲究,吸烟还有专门的房间。
结果就是蛤蟆在里面说的好好的,出来也是一副改过自新的样子:His skin hung baggily about him, his legs wobbled, and his cheeks were furrowed by the tears so plentifully called forth by the Badger's moving discourse.(P107)
水鼠在这里就开始有一些察觉了,He was looking very hard at Toad as he said this, and could not help thinking he perceived something vaguely resembling a twinkle in that animal's still sorrowful eye.(P107)
当獾让蛤蟆当众认错的时候,蛤蟆改口拒绝了。I'm NOT sorry. And it wasn't folly at all! It was simply glorious!(P108)獾疯了,哈哈哈,You backsliding animal,... 说话不算话,出尔反尔。
