爸爸去了新的康复医院,前面提到过,这一章的开篇就是她们去看望爸爸。这个医院离家更近了,花在路上的时间更少了,只要29分钟就能到。加下来的一段是October的心理活动,又高兴又难过: It's amazing and brilliant and all the wonderful words because Dad is close to me even if that is still measured in miles at the moment(因为离得近,所以实在是太棒了) and it's also terrible and bad and awful and all the spiky bitter words because trapping Dad in a city is the wrongest thing in the world.(因为爸爸被困在城市里,实在是太糟糕了)(P179)写爸爸的病房这里有个很棒的比喻:He has his own little room and the floors are pale pink like the very first petals of a wild fower.(P179)房间地板是淡粉色,浅粉色的说法很多,除了pale,还可以用soft pink,light pink,baby pink,这些都能表达,但这里pale自带一种病态苍白的意思,更适合用来形容爸爸的房间。这里看上去还挺不错的,所以October视角下是这么想的:it's like someone has tried to make it like a home but it's not anything like our home and it's probably not much like anyone's home. (P179/180)这里一点也不像家,谁家都不长这样。爸爸张开双臂喊October的名字,这时候有护士来了,注意这个护士的性别:a nurse pokes his head round the door.(P180)poke这个词我们可以关注下:虽然这个环境不太对(even thoug the floor is pink and even though the window looks out on to buildings and cranes and even though everything smells sharp and strange),但是It's almost right being back with Dad(P180),和爸爸在一起的感觉回来了,尽管只是almost right。父女俩在一起,妈妈就不在场了(melts away and out of the room),October和爸爸一起玩桌游:玩snap,这个是喊对儿游戏,看到一样的扑克牌就喊出snap: 还玩了Uno,也是一种纸牌游戏。 还有一种桌游是Mouse Trap,October一开始不喜欢, which I'm not keen on at first because I don't want to trap a mouse but it's just a little plastic one and I forget that I don't like the idea because it's fun.(P180)后来爱玩了。