
文摘   2024-07-03 15:00   广东  

▲ Joseph Stella

Song of the Nightingale (1918)




The Tongue

Chen Li

I left a segment of my tongue in her pencil box. Consequently, every time she opened it to write a letter to her new lover, she would hear my mumbling words, which were like a line of scribbles, chafing among commas with the movement of her newly sharpened pencil. Then she would stop writing, not knowing it was my voice. She thought that I, who had never spoken to her since we last met, had kept silent for good. She wrote another line, finding the Chinese character 愛 (love), which consisted of so many strokes, was carelessly written. She handily picked up my tongue. Mistaking it for an eraser, she rubbed it forcefully on the paper, leaving a considerable drop of blood on the spot where the character 愛 disappeared.

translated by Chang Fen-ling






The North

Chen Li‍‍‍

The North erected a hanging imperial tent above the grasslands in my dream. The young Khitan King, a rose between his lips, turned his galloping horse around and, with bare hands, tore off the courage and grandeur of two Chinese provincial governors. Pigeons carried his message requesting the Emperor in Chang-an to pick the youngest and fairest princess to be his bride. Without a second thought the valiant and beauty-worshiping emperor granted his request, asking for three hundred bottles of crystal white and fragrant Khitan rose attar in return. The envoys of Khitan escorted Princess Aroma—their new queen—along with her dowry. Her dowry was herself. Not a single drop of rose attar on her body, an indescribable aroma followed her into the imperial tent, as if from heaven, not the world of dust. The aroma was not only olfactory, but visual, and spread over Herd of Deer in an Autumn Forest and Deer among Red Maples in the tent, bathing the two paintings in the bright and gorgeous hues of autumn. I don’t know when the imperial tent became a hanging garden; I just heard maidservants playing the Tatar horn, the bamboo flute, the sheng-pipes, the pipa-lute, the zither, and the konghou-harp. Singing to the music, the Khitan King rose to the air with his bride and officials in my dream of the grasslands.

translated by Chang Fen-ling

| 陈黎本名陈膺文,1954年生,台湾花莲人,台湾师范大学英语系毕业。著有诗集、散文集、音乐评介集等二十余种。与张芬龄合译有三十余种诗集,包括普拉斯、希尼、聂鲁达、帕斯、辛波丝卡、特朗斯特罗默及松尾芭蕉等人的作品。曾获吴三连文艺奖、台湾文学奖、梁实秋文学奖等诸多奖项。2005年获选“台湾当代十大诗人”。2014年受邀参加美国爱荷华大学“国际写作计划”。2015年受邀参加雅典世界诗歌节,新加坡作家节以及香港国际诗歌之夜。2016年受邀参加法国“诗人之春”



洛夫丨以整生的爱 点燃一盏灯‍‍



编辑 | 排版:文煜

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