原文:Chu J, He Y, Hui K W, et al. New product announcements, innovation disclosure, and future firm performance[J]. Review of Accounting Studies, 2024: 1-32.
New Product Announcements, Innovation Disclosure, and Future Firm Performance
ABSTRACT: This study examines the properties of innovation disclosures contained in new product announcements, a form of voluntary, nonfinancial disclosure. We analyze these properties using a novel, text-based measure of the extent of product innovation disclosed in new product announcements. We find that stock prices react more positively to announcements with more extensive innovation disclosure. In our main analyses, we first find that a higher level of innovation disclosure predicts a greater increase in future sales. We further find that this predictive ability falls when managers have stronger incentives to maximize their wealth and when the corporate governance structure and customers’ bargaining power weaken. Our research enhances the understanding of the properties of managerial voluntary, nonfinancial disclosures and contributes a text-based measure of innovation that captures managerial assessment of the extent of product innovation. This new measure is more generalizable and incrementally informative for firm value and future performance than conventional innovation measures that depend on the existence of patents or research and development expenses.
亮点:1. 为有关自愿、非财务披露影响的文献以及有关企业创新对公司结果影响的文献做出了贡献。2. 开发一种基于文本的创新衡量标准,利用大量新产品公告中的管理叙述,为关于创新在公司成功中的作用的文献增长做出了贡献。3. 验证了基于文本的创新衡量标准,并表明新产品公告中的创新披露可以预测销售业绩。当管理者有更强的披露激励时,这种预测能力就会降低。
原文:Dyer T A, Glaeser S, Lang M H, et al. The effect of patent disclosure quality on innovation[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2024, 77(2-3): 101647.
The Effect of Patent Disclosure Quality on Innovation
ABSTRACT: The patent system grants inventors temporary monopoly rights in exchange for a public disclosure detailing their innovation. These disclosures are meant to allow others to recreate and build on the patented innovation. We examine how the quality of these disclosures affects follow-on innovation. We use the plausibly exogenous assignment to patent applications of examiners who differ in their enforcement of disclosure requirements as a source of variation in disclosure quality. We find that some examiners are significantly more lenient with respect to patent disclosure quality requirements, and that patents granted by these examiners include significantly lower-quality disclosures and generate significantly less follow-on innovation. Overall, our evidence suggests that high-quality patent disclosures create knowledge spillovers that spur follow-on innovation.
亮点:1. 研究发现披露宽松的审查员批准的专利不那么“完整”,其书面描述中的信息字节和文本字数较少。2. 由披露宽松审查员监督的专利产生的后续创新较少,以后续专利的引用来衡量。3. 高质量的专利披露对焦点专利子类之外的专利子类的后续创新增加的程度大于增加焦点专利子类的后续创新。这一结果表明,信息披露会带来来自更广泛领域的创新,这与理解和建立高质量信息披露所需的较低信息处理成本是一致的。4. 拓展了关于同行公司外部性的一般文献,特别是披露溢出效应。
原文:Baruffaldi S, Simeth M, Wehrheim D. Asymmetric information and R&D disclosure: evidence from scientific publications[J]. Management Science, 2024, 70(2): 1052-1069.
Asymmetric Information and R&D Disclosure: Evidence from Scientific Publications
ABSTRACT: We examine how asymmetric information in financial markets affects voluntary research and development (R&D) disclosure, considering scientific publications as a disclosure channel. Difference-in-differences regressions around brokerage house mergers and closures, which increase information asymmetry through reductions in analyst coverage, indicate a quick and sustained increase in scientific publications from treated firms relative to the number of publications from control firms. The treatment effects are concentrated among firms with higher information asymmetry and lower investor demand, firms with greater financial constraints, and firms with lower proprietary costs. We do not find evidence of changes in financial disclosure, nor do we find changes in patenting. Results from ordinary least squares regressions show that scientific publications by firms are positively associated with investor attention toward those firms. We complement these results with qualitative evidence from conference calls. Our results highlight the limitations and trade-offs R&D firms face in their financial market disclosure policies.
亮点:1. 文章发现,分析师覆盖率下降的公司的科学出版物的出版率及披露会增加,由于覆盖率冲击,出版物数量增加了10.5%–12.6%。2. 当分析师覆盖率的减少对公司来说成本更高时:当信息不对称更大、投资者需求较低且存在财务限制时,结果会更强。3. 通过记录金融市场中的信息不对称如何影响科学研究的自愿披露,为关于研发披露决定因素的文献做出了贡献。4. 通过记录科学研究的自愿披露与投资者关注之间的关系,为关于研发披露后果的文献做出了贡献。
审校:苏三妹 骆美婷