原文:Dichev I D, Qian J. The benefits of transaction-level data: The case of NielsenIQ scanner data[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2022, 74(1): 101495.
The Benefits of Transaction-Level Data: The Case of NielsenIQ Scanner Data
ABSTRACT: This study explores whether NielsenIQ scanner data from U.S. retailers contain incremental information about the GAAP revenue of corresponding manufacturers. Using retail product/store/week data from 2006 to 2018, we construct a measure of aggregated consumer purchases at the manufacturer/quarter level, and find that it strongly predicts GAAP revenues. In addition, analyst forecasts of revenues have predictable errors, which implies that analysts do not fully incorporate the information in consumer purchases. Exploring investment implications, we find that hedge portfolios that buy (sell) stocks of firms with high (low) abnormal consumer purchases generate annualized returns on the magnitude of 14%–19%, depending on specification. Overall, these findings suggest that scanner data on consumer purchases provide an information edge over GAAP revenue, shedding light on the benefits of using transactional data.
亮点:(1)文章创新性提出了使用消费者交易数据(NielsenIQ 扫描仪数据)来预测公司GAAP收入的新方法,为分析师预测工作提供了实践指导。(2)文章发现细颗粒度的消费者交易数据相较于财务报告中的汇总绩效指标能够提供明显的信息优势,证明了消费者交易数据的信息价值。(3)文章研究表明,消费者交易数据为相关制造商的GAAP收入提供了早期信号,而能够获取这些数据的投资者则能获得超额的股票回报,这揭示了消费者交易数据的投资决策价值。
原文:Kimbrough M D, Paharia N, Wang X, et al. The brand value of earnings: An event study of consumer responses to earnings announcements[J]. The Accounting Review, 2024, 99(3): 259-285.
The Brand Value of Earnings: An Event Study of Consumer Responses to Earnings Announcements
ABSTRACT: We provide evidence from the first short-window event study of consumers’ perceptual responses to earnings announcements using daily consumer perception data. We document a positive association between the change in consumers’ overall perceptions of a brand at the time of the earnings announcement and the earnings surprise—that is, a positive consumer earnings response coefficient (CERC). CERC is larger when there is greater traditional news or social media activity, indicating that news dissemination is an important channel for consumers to respond to earnings news. Moreover, CERC varies based on brand and consumer characteristics. Changes in consumer perceptions at the time of the earnings announcement are positively associated with changes in purchase consideration and intent and with changes in realized future sales growth. To maximize identification, we document a positive and statistically significant CERC in a controlled experiment. Our findings demonstrate the importance of earnings to an important stakeholder.
原文:Noh S, So E C, Zhu C. Financial reporting and consumer behavior[J]. The Accounting Review, 2024, forthcoming.
Financial Reporting and Consumer Behavior
ABSTRACT: We show that financial reporting influences consumer behavior by drawing consumer attention to announcing firms. Analyzing global positioning system (GPS) data, we document upticks in foot traffic to firms’ commercial locations immediately following their earnings announcements. This increase is more pronounced for announcements with substantial media attention, fewer concurrent announcements, heightened internet search volume, and extreme stock price jumps and earnings surprises—indicating that announcement coverage impacts consumer behavior by capturing attention. Furthermore, foot traffic increases with positive earnings for firms offering durable goods, suggesting consumers respond to news about firms’ financial prospects. Consumer attention patterns increase revenues and advertising effectiveness, ultimately suggesting that financial reporting serves a marketing function.
审校:陈璐 孙倩