原文:Jacob M, Zerwer K L. Emission Taxes and Capital Investments: The Role of Tax Incidence[J]. The Accounting Review, 2024: 1-32.
Emission Taxes and Capital Investments: The Role of Tax Incidence
ABSTRACT: This paper examines investment responses to emission taxes and the role of tax incidence in passing on tax burdens. Using private firms from Spain and the introduction of an emission tax in 2013 in the Autonomous Community Valenciana, we show that investments decline in response to the emission tax. Importantly, this investment decline does not depend on the level of pollution but on economic factors related to tax incidence. Investments in firms operating in highly competitive markets, firms with low pricing power, and firms with low financial flexibility are the most affected by environmental taxes. We generalize the investment findings using the introduction of carbon taxes in France and Ireland in a stacked difference-in-differences design. Overall, our results indicate that emission taxes affect not only polluters but also other firms and stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, and consumers depending on the relative elasticities of supply and demand.
亮点:(1)文章丰富了会计文献中关于税收对投资影响的研究(e.g., Ljungqvist, Zhang, and Zuo 2017; Langenmayr and Lester 2018; Bethmann, Jacob, and Muller 2018; Dobridge 2021; Kim, Nessa, and Wilson 2021)。尽管先前的文献集中讨论了企业缴纳的税收,但文章展示了企业污染税如何溢出到其他公司,从而影响可能甚至不缴纳这些税收的公司的投资效果;(2)企业支付的税收会转嫁给其他利益相关者,取决于可以影响企业关键决策(如资本投资)的市场力量和条件。这为环境税归属主要通过提高价格影响消费者,而不是专门关注焦点公司的文献做出了贡献;(3)排放税并不一定会影响高排放行业公司的投资,因为税收成本可以转嫁给供应商或客户。因此,排放税可能不会产生预期的影响,这表明政策制定者可能需要利用其监管工具箱中的其他工具来应对污染企业,并使其成为气候政策中更有效的参与者。
原文:Bai J, Ru H. Carbon emissions trading and environmental protection: International evidence[J]. Management Science, 2024.
The nail that sticks out: corporate social responsibility and shareholder proposals
ABSTRACT: We study how the implementation of emissions trading systems (ETSs) impacts emissions reductions and the usage of renewable energy using a panel sample of the largest 100 countries worldwide. Exploiting cross-country variations in ETS implementations, we show that ETS adoption materially reduced greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) emissions by 12.1% (18.1%). Moreover, ETSs reduced overall emissions by cutting the usage of fossil fuels such as coal by 23.70% while boosting the usage of renewable energy by 61.59%, on average. In contrast, introducing carbon taxes has a less effective impact on emissions reduction. It fails to boost the usage of renewable energy, though elevating tax rates and expanding tax coverage may help enhance the efficacy of carbon taxes.
亮点: (1)文章估计了100个国家或地区实施ETS的影响,提供了关于排放交易系统(ETS)效果的国际定量估计。通过使用堆叠的DID方法,文章估计的不是在一个国家实施ETS前后的排放差异,而是在一个给定年份实施ETS和未实施ETS的国家之间的差异。第二,文章确定了ETS有效性的机制。文章提供了直接证据表明,在ETS实施后,电力更多地由可再生能源生产,而非化石燃料能源。第三,文章为有关ETS与碳税的政策辩论补充了新的证据。关于哪种气候政策更有效的问题,文献观点存在较大分歧。一些支持碳税(Bushnell et al. 2013, Metcalf 2019, among others),而另一些则支持ETS(Keohane 2009, Ellerman et al. 2016)。文章量化比较了这两种气候政策,并显示出ETS实施大大减少了排放量,并且在经济效果上比碳税更为显著。此外,引入碳税有助于减少排放,但在促进可再生能源采用方面效果不佳,而ETS的实施实现了这两个目标。
原文:Ivanov I T, Kruttli M S, Watugala S W. Banking on carbon: Corporate lending and cap-and-trade policy[J]. The Review of Financial Studies, 2024, 37(5): 1640-1684.
Banking on Carbon: Corporate Lending and Cap-and-Trade Policy
ABSTRACT: We estimate the effect of carbon pricing policy on bank credit to greenhouse-gas-emitting firms. Our analyses exploit the geographic restrictions inherent in California’s cap-and-trade bill and a discontinuity in the embedded free permit threshold of the federal Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill. Affected high emission firms face shorter loan maturities, lower access to permanent forms of bank financing, higher interest rates, and higher participation of shadow banks in their lending syndicates. These effects are concentrated among private firms, while credit terms of public firms are largely unaffected. Overall, we show that banks respond quickly to realizations of transition risk.
摘要:文章估计碳定价政策对排放温室气体的公司的银行信贷的影响。文章利用了加利福尼亚州碳交易法案中固有的地理限制,以及联邦Waxman-Markey碳交易法案中嵌入的免费配额阈值的不连续性。受影响的高排放公司面临较短的贷款到期期限,较低的永久形式银行融资准入率,较高的利率,以及其贷款联合融资中影子银行的参与率较高。这些影响主要集中在私营企业中,而上市企业的信贷基本上不受影响。总体而言,文章展示了银行对过渡风险(transition risk)的实现迅速做出反应。
审校:伟丽斯 黎俞宏