
文摘   财经   2024-10-05 11:18   浙江  




原文:Li, K., Peng, Q., Shen, R., & Wong, G. (2024). Gender, Competition, and Performance: International Evidence. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 1–63.

Gender, Competition, and Performance: International Evidence

ABSTRACT: Using a hand-collected sample of 18,269 equity analysts from 42 countries over the period 2004−2019, we establish an intriguing negative association between a country’s institutional/economic development and its female share of equity analysts. We show that, in individualistic countries only, there is no gender gap in analyst forecast accuracy. We further show that female analysts are more skilled and more likely to drop out when underperforming in individualistic countries compared to peers in collectivistic countries. The evidence supports our hypothesis that the national cultural value of individualism encourages women to make career choices consistent with their general aversion to competition.



亮点: 1)文章证明国家文化在缩小竞争环境下的性别差距中起着重要作用,同时文章使用的全球样本不同于大多来自西方工业化国家的实验室样本,使文章能够研究个人主义如何影响女性选择进入竞争性职业,并由此缩小竞争中的性别表现差距。此外,文章还利用全球股权分析师的样本以及有关工作表现和劳动力市场结果的数据,提供了国家层面的因素如何帮助缩小性别表现差距的全新补充证据。(2)其次,文章补充关于性别差异的劳动市场结果的文献。在美国分析师的开创性研究中,Kumar2010)发现女性分析师的表现优于男性同行,并提供了证据支持其猜想,即只有具备优越预测能力的女性会自我选择进入该职业。文章的全球样本和国家文化视角扩展了Kumar2010)的开创性工作和发现。Kumar2010)使用的是美国的股权分析师样本,该国拥有最高的个人主义得分之一,鼓励女性自由选择职业。与Kumar2010)的研究形成对比和互补的是,文章发现,在低个人主义国家,女性可能没有自由选择职业(以避免竞争),这导致这些国家的女性分析师相较于男性分析师表现较差,而在高个人主义国家中,女性表现更为优异。


原文:Li, F. W., & Wang, B. (2024). The gender effects of COVID: evidence from equity analysts.Review of Accounting Studies, 1-33.

The gender effects of COVID: evidence from equity analysts

ABSTRACT: We use COVID-19 and sell-side analysts as an experiment to study the effects of gender on labor productivity. We find that the forecast accuracy of female analysts declined more than that of male analysts, especially when schools were closed and among analysts who were more likely to have young children, were inexperienced, were busier, or lived in southern states of the US. Relative to male analysts, females also reduced their forecast timeliness and resorted to more heuristic forecasts but did not reduce coverage or updating frequency. Relative to pre pandemic, female analysts’ careers were more negatively affected than male analysts’. Overall, our results show that the pandemic impacted female analysts more than males through the quality of their forecasts but not the quantity.



亮点:(1)在社会学及其他非金融领域,关于“母亲惩罚”(motherhood penalty)的文献已经得到了广泛的研究:有孩子会在薪酬、被认知的能力和福利方面对女性造成不利影响(Budig and England 2001; Anderson et al. 2002; Correll et al. 2007)。虽然性别在金融领域的角色已经得到了广泛关注(Barber and Odean 2001; Goldsmith-Pinkham and Shue 2023),但“母亲惩罚”在金融行业的研究相对较少。文章为金融专业人士中的“母亲惩罚”提供了间接证据。(2)研究通过提供疫情如何影响股权分析师性别差距和劳动生产率的证据,丰富了会计信息在劳动力市场中的作用这一支文献。(3)通过提供合理的因果证据,文章表明分心会损害决策质量(e.g., Hirshleifer et al. 2009, 2019; Driskill et al. 2020),从而为研究压力、分心和疲劳如何影响决策的文献做出了贡献。(4)Du(2023)的同期研究也发现,在疫情初期,女性分析师受到的负面影响比男性分析师更大。虽然两篇论文都讨论了类似的基本问题,但在分析的范围和细节上存在重要差异。Du(2023)更侧重于“母亲”角色的作用,文章研究则提供了更全面的分析师预测行为分析。


原文:Du, M. (2023). Locked-in at home: The gender difference in analyst forecasts after the COVID-19 school closures.Journal of Accounting and Economics76(1), 101603.

China Locked-in at home: The gender difference in analyst forecasts after the COVID-19 school closures

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the shock of school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to study the effect of childcare responsibilities on analyst forecasts. With manually collected data on whether analysts have children, I find that female analysts with children (mother analysts) are less likely to issue timely forecasts after school closures, compared to male analysts with children (father analysts). Mother analysts’ forecasts also become less accurate after school closures, but the negative effect only exists among forecasts for firms with relatively low institutional ownership, suggesting that mother analysts prioritize maintaining the forecast accuracy for firms that are more important to their careers. Additionally, mother analysts shift forecast release times to avoid childcare hours. My findings imply that childcare responsibilities hurt the productivity of mother analysts more than that of father analysts, even though these women have established themselves in a competitive industry.











审校:陈璐 孙倩

