原文:Yasir Shahab, Chong-xiao Wang, P. Eric Yeung, and Jia-nan Zhou. The National Team: Stock Market Interventions and Corporate Catering Behavior. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024, 93(03).
The National Team: Stock Market Interventions and Corporate Catering Behavior
ABSTRACT: We examine corporate catering behavior following the Chinese government’s stock market interventions in 2015, which result in significant stock overvaluation. The government’s direct share purchases cause higher levels of horizontal agency conflicts between the controlling and minority shareholders, and the affected firms are more likely to cater to the controlling shareholders and top executives’ aversion to receiving overvalued stocks. We focus on the changes in stock dividends and equity-based executive compensation and find evidence consistent with the catering hypothesis while employing difference-in-difference approach. Our study demonstrates the intricate interactions between state interventions and corporate decisions.
原文:Lu Li, Chunbo Liu, Yongxin Xu, Xiaoyan Zhang, and Gaoping Zheng. Crisis Rescue via direct purchase: Evidence from China. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2024, 165(05).
Crisis Rescue via direct purchase: Evidence from China
ABSTRACT: During the 2015 stock market crisis, the Chinese government used hundreds of billions of dollars to purchase shares directly in the secondary market. We find that compared with non-rescued firms, rescued firms have significantly lower liquidity after being rescued. Policy uncertainty regarding subsequent interventions better explains the reduction in liquidity than the liquidity dry-up and bad firm signaling hypotheses. Inconsistent with the potential moral hazards associated with government bailouts, the investment policies of rescued firms become more conservative after being rescued. Our evidence warns of the unintended consequences of direct purchase rescue programs.
原文:Mingjin Wang, Yongyou Li, and Fuwei Chi. Synergistically Promotion Enterprises to Replace Old Growth Drivers with New Ones: The Role of Market and Government. Journal of Asian Economics, 2024, 94(03).
Synergistically Promotion Enterprises to Replace Old Growth Drivers with New Ones: The Role of Market and Government
ABSTRACT: As enterprises transition from traditional growth models to modern ones, the roles of the market and government are pivotal in facilitating this transformation. Based on the Chinese experience, this paper employs textual analysis methods to describe the transformation process from old to new growth drivers in enterprises and to identify the distinct influences of governmental and market forces. Empirical evidence demonstrates that effective government incentives and competitive market pressure both contribute significantly to development upgrades. A clear symbiotic relationship is evident between these two forces, with government intervention enhancing the effectiveness of market dynamics. However, the impact of these forces varies across different enterprises. The empirical findings suggest that by harnessing the efficient synergy between the "visible hand" of government intervention and the "invisible hand" of market forces, development modes can be upgraded, and endogenous growth can be more effectively fostered.
亮点:(1)文章利用中国的数据,量化和评估了过去20年企业从传统增长动力向新增长动力的转变过程。此外,文章还深入探讨了政府干预和市场动态的潜在作用和结构特征,为指导发展中国家实现经济转型和升级提供了例证;(2)文章创新地运用企业年报文本分析来描述TODND(transformation from old drivers to new drivers)的发展过程,分析这一转变过程中的趋势特征和个体差异;(3)文章通过将文本分析结果与企业研发投入、专利数量等有形指标相结合,评估企业在TODND中的陈述与行动的一致性,并实证检验了政府和市场力量在中国企业TODND中的不同作用,以及两者之间的协同关系。此外,文章还采用Shapley分解技术,区分了市场竞争和政府干预的相对贡献。
审校:陈璐 孙倩