
文摘   财经   2024-09-30 14:07   浙江  




原文:Jiang F, Shen Y, Xia X. The spillover effect of advertising on the capital market: Evidence from financial constraints[J]. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2024, 84: 102529.

The Spillover Effect of Advertising on the Capital Market: Evidence from Financial Constraints

ABSTRACT: Firms are embedded in the product market as well as the capital market. Their behavior in the product market will inevitably affect their performance in the capital market, and vice versa. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms, we empirically test the existence of spillover effect of advertising on financial constraints in the capital market. We find that product market advertising significantly alleviates the firms financial constraints, especially when the information asymmetry between insiders and outsiders is more serious and when the firm is in a consumer-product industry. We also find that advertising improves brand value, increases attention, and alleviates peer firmsfinancial constraints, providing supplementary evidence that one alleviation mechanism is information asymmetry. Further analyses show that advertising significantly reduces the firms financing costs. These findings provide valuable insights into how firms alleviate financial constraints.



亮点:(1)文章利用中国公司数据讲述中国故事。随着中国企业的广告支出在过去十年中迅速增长,继美国之后,中国已成为全球第二大广告市场。然而,中国金融体系仍不完善,中国企业长期存在融资约束。因此,广告作为产品市场中重要的信息中介,是否可以缓解信息不对称并减轻企业的融资约束是一个重要的问题。(2)文章为将产品和金融市场联系起来提供了新的证据。过往学者多从市场结构的角度研究了这两个市场之间的相互作用。他们发现了产品市场竞争的各种经济后果,包括对股票市场效率(Peress2010)、股票收益(Bustamante and Donangelo2017)、期权价格(Morellec and Zhdanov2019)和债务成本(Valta 2012的影响。文章通过展示广告可以影响企业的融资渠道来加强这种联系(3)文章为有关融资约束决定因素的文献做出了贡献。


原文:Liang C. Advertising rivalry and discretionary disclosure[J]. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2024, 77(1): 101611.

Advertising Rivalry and Discretionary Disclosure

ABSTRACT: Advertising is a critical competitive tool that shapes interactions among firms in the product market. Using third-party tracked data on advertising outlet costs, I find that a nontrivial portion of public firms, even those with intense advertising activities, do not disclose advertising expenses in their financial statements, indicating significant disclosure discretion. I further use product category-level advertising data to develop a firm-specific measure of advertising rivalry. I predict and find that advertising rivalry is negatively associated with the likelihood of disclosing advertising expenses. This negative association is more pronounced when firms advertise on less trackable media outlets or have more mature products. These findings suggest that firms consider their advertising expenses proprietary and that concerns about advertising competition discourage the disclosure of advertising expenses.





原文:Dukes A, Liu Q. The consumption of advertising in the digital age: Attention and ad content[J]. Management Science, 2024, 70(4): 2086-2106.

The Consumption of Advertising in the Digital Age: Attention and Ad Content

ABSTRACT: This article studies the consumption of advertising when attention is costly. Our objective is to understand the advertisers optimal decision for informational and noninformational content when facing consumers with heavy distractions common in the digital age. We take an equilibrium approach in which an ad is consumed if and only if the content of the ad is worth the viewers attention. We classify many advertising decisions observed in practice. First, an advertiser can structure content to induce curiosity for continued viewing by showing the information that is relatively less likely to resonate with the broad audience. This tactic is evident in clickbait ads and “mystery ads”. Second, we find that digital ads, which tend to be skippable, have lower amounts of noninformational content (e.g., entertainment) relative to nonskippable ads. This finding can explain the industry perception that ads on digital media are of lower copy quality than traditional ads.











审校:陈俊鑫 凌运

