
文摘   财经   2024-08-20 08:01   浙江  




原文:Aswani J, Raghunandan A, Rajgopal S. Are carbon emissions associated with stock returns?[J]. Review of Finance, 2024, 28(1): 75-106.

Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns?

ABSTRACT: An influential emerging literature documents strong correlations between carbon emissions and stock returns. We re-examine those data and conclude that these associations are driven by two factors. First, stock returns are correlated only with unscaled emissions estimated by the data vendor, but not with unscaled emissions actually disclosed by firms. Vendor-estimated emissions systematically differ from firm-disclosed emissions and are highly correlated with financial fundamentals, suggesting that prior findings primarily capture the association between such fundamentals and returns. Second, unscaled emissions, the variable typically used in academic literature, is correlated with stock returns but emissions intensity (emissions scaled by firm size), an equally important measure used in practice, is not. While unscaled emissions represent an important metric for society, we argue that, for individual firms, emissions intensity is an appropriate measurement choice to assess carbon performance. The associations between emissions and returns disappear after accounting for either of the issues above.





原文:Colmer J, Martin R, Muûls M, et al. Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Union Emissions Trading System[J]. Review of Economic Studies, 2024.

Does Pricing Carbon Mitigate Climate Change? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Union Emissions Trading System

ABSTRACT: In theory, market-based regulatory instruments correct market failures at least cost. However, evidence on their efficacy remains scarce. Using administrative data, we estimate that, on average, the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)—the world’s first and largest market-based climate policy—induced regulated manufacturing firms to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 14–16% with no detectable contractions in economic activity. We find no evidence of outsourcing to unregulated firms or markets; instead, firms made targeted investments, reducing the emissions intensity of production. These results indicate that the EU ETS induced global emissions reductions, a necessary and sufficient condition for mitigating climate change. We show that the absence of any negative economic effects can be rationalized in a model where pricing the externality induces firms to make fixed-cost investments in energy-saving capital that reduce marginal variable costs.


摘要:理论上,基于市场的监管工具能够以最低成本纠正市场失灵。然而,关于其有效性的证据依然稀缺。利用行政数据,这篇文章估计,欧盟碳排放交易体系(EU ETS)——全球第一个也是最大的基于市场的气候政策——促使受监管的制造业企业平均减少二氧化碳排放量14%至16%,而未发现经济活动出现显著收缩。文章表明,未发现有证据显示企业将生产外包给不受监管的企业或市场;相反,企业进行了有针对性的投资,降低了生产过程中的排放强度。这些结果表明,EU ETS促使全球排放量减少,这是缓解气候变化的必要且充分条件。这篇文章表明,没有出现任何负面经济影响是可以在一种模型中得到解释的,该模型认为,对外部性进行定价会促使企业在节能资本上进行固定成本投资,从而降低了边际可变成本。

亮点:(1)文章为探讨环境监管对企业行为影响的文献做出了贡献。这篇文章评估了受监管与未受监管的公司层面的处理效应,还提供了关于企业减少排放的机制的详细证据。这对于理解该政策是否有效实现其最终目标(即减少全球排放)至关重要。这篇文章还提出了一个新的框架,用于评估环境法规对企业行为的经济后果。该框架提供了一个有益的结构来规范实证结果的解释,并为该领域的未来研究提供指导。(2)文章为理解欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)影响的文献做出了贡献,特别是利用了DID方法来评估其对制造业企业影响的文献。文章填补了缺乏关于减排机制的实证证据的空白,使用多种数据源,不仅估计了EU ETS对企业排放和经济表现的影响,还揭示了企业如何响应法规,从而提供了第一个证据来支持EUETS这一迄今为止最重要的气候政策工具已经实现了其既定的政策目标。(3)文章提供了基于市场的机制是一种具有成本效益的减排方式的早期实证证据。研究结果表明,EUETS在没有明显经济收缩的情况下实现了全球减排,并指出尽管在过渡阶段去碳化成本可能较高,但长期来看成本会降低。文章认为,EU ETS所诱导的排放减少成本显著低于其他非市场化的监管工具。


原文:Ott C, Schiemann F. The market value of decomposed carbon emissions[J]. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2023, 50(1-2): 3-30.

The Market Value of Decomposed Carbon Emissions

ABSTRACT: We introduce the decomposition of carbon emissions into an expected and an unexpected component and analyze the association between these components and firm value. The expected component captures a firms average carbon emissions inherent to its business model and operating environment. The unexpected component, meaning the firm-specific deviation from expected carbon emissions, reflects the managements effort and ability to implement carbon management and actively influence carbon emissions. For a sample of US firms operating in carbon-intensive industries, we estimate the expected component using a regression of carbon emissions on firm characteristics and industry. The residual of this regression represents the unexpected component. The results reveal that, on average, investors attach value to both components. While investors consider the expected component to be relevant regardless of assurance, they consider the unexpected component to be more relevant in the presence of assurance. The assurance alleviates credibility concerns about the information content of the unexpected component. Additionally, we confirm the nomological validity of our measure of the unexpected component, as it is negatively related to indicators of better carbon management systems.












审校:朱书谊 李文卓

