joy sticking 是什么、怎么做?
2024-07-15 06:03
the reality is that the cars still need a human eye —and occasionally, a
human hand. And we still don’t know a lot about these remote
monitors. How many cars does each remote operator watch at a time? They
may not be controlling the cars from afar — also known as teleoperation, or by some as “joy sticking” — but they are helping the
cars make decisions in some capacity.如何理解这个joy sticking?下面这段文字中有介绍——At
the pro level, American soccer players are no less athletic than their European
and South American counterparts, but they often lack the requisite soccer IQ.
This issue can be traced back to the American youth soccer experience. At the
youth levels, coaching teeters on diabolical, as coaches are often telling
players what to do and how to do it at all times. This phenomenon is known as “Joysticking.”你看:telling
players what to do and how to do it at all times——是不是似曾相识?这就叫joy sticking(总在你开心的时候插一杠子!)Joysticking
is when coaches try to play the game for their athletes, dictating all their
decisions for them from the sideline. “Pass it to David!” “Dribble inside!”
“Double team! Double team!” These are the types of instruction you hear from a
joysticking coach.定义:Joysticking是指教练努力为他们的运动员打比赛,站在边线上,为他们做出所有决定。“传给大卫”,“往里切啊!” “夹住他!夹住他!”。这些是你从一个joysticking的教练那里听到的指令。再回到前面问题:joysticking 比喻teleoperation,指的是车在马路上“自驾”,其实后台有人在遥控。