
文摘   2024-07-16 09:22   河南  
“达克效应”(DK effect)其实是“邓宁-克鲁格效应”(Dunning-Kruger effect)的缩写。


The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe they are smarter and more capable than they are. Low-ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their own incompetence. The combination of poor self-awareness and low cognitive ability leads them to overestimate their capabilities.


The basic idea behind the Dunning-Kruger effect is this: if you don't know something, you also don't have the ability to recognize that you don't know it.



a culture of managers not connecting well with employees because they have a hard time putting themselves in novice shoes;


a product manager assuming that users should just “get” the feature despite usability tests indicating otherwise;

产品经理认为用户应该 "理解 "该功能,尽管可用性测试表明并非如此;

an investment group making decisions with much higher confidence than is warranted by their past performance



Confidenceis so highly prized that many people would rather pretend to be smart or skilled than risk looking inadequate and losing face. Even smart people can be affected by the Dunning-Kruger effect because having intelligence isn’t the same thing as learning and developing a specific skill. Many individuals mistakenly believe that their experience and skills in one particular area are transferable to another.


Incompetent people tend to:

  • Overestimate their skill levels


  • Fail to recognize the genuine skill and expertise of other people


  • Fail to recognize their own mistakes and lack of skill




To avoid falling prey to the Dunning-Kruger effect, people can honestly and routinely question their knowledge base and the conclusions they draw, rather than blindly accepting them. As David Dunningproposes, people can be their own devil’s advocates, by challenging themselves to probe how they might possibly be wrong.

为了避免陷入邓宁-克鲁格效应,人们可以诚实地经常质疑自己的知识基础和得出的结论,而不是盲目地接受它们。正如戴维-邓宁(David Dunning)所建议的,人们可以做自己的魔鬼代言人,挑战自我,探究自己怎么可能是错的。


Individuals could also escape the trap by seeking others whose expertise can help cover their own blind spots, such as turning to a colleague or friend for advice or constructive criticism. Continuing to study a specific subject will also bring one’s capacity into a clearer focus.



You can avoid the Dunning-Kruger effect by being open to feedback, which is, of course, easier said than done. Low performers do not receive criticism well and are chronically disinterested in self-improvement. Rather than brushing off the feedback and constructive criticism, attribute the critique to your lack of knowledge and use it mindfully to move forward.

通过虚心接受反馈意见来避免 "邓宁-克鲁格效应",当然,说起来容易做起来难。绩效低的人不善于接受批评,而且长期对自我提升不感兴趣。与其对反馈和建设性的批评敷衍了事,不如将批评归因于自己知识的匮乏,并用心利用这些批评来推动自己前进。
