
文摘   2024-12-31 06:31   巴西  


l 词汇特定的固定搭配或词组。

l 词汇在不同语境中的多个意思。

l 词汇根据上下文灵活直译与意译。

A. 词组:搭配、词义

1.21673 你坐会儿,我来照看这六件行李。(look

【考点】look after:照料=take care of

【译法】Sit for a while and I'll look after these six pieces of luggage.

You sit for a while; I'll look after these six pieces of luggage.

2.22174 鉴于对手机打车不熟练的老人不在少数,这家公司提供了一系列服务,来满足他们的需求。(a few

【考点】quite a few:相当多的

【译法】Considering that quite a fewelderly people are unfamiliar with calling a taxi via smartphones, the company has provided a range of services to meet their needs.

3.21675 这位先驱者的故居是间不起眼的木屋,正在修缮中,游客有望六月底一睹其真容。(under

【考点】under repair/ renovation在修复中

【译法】This pioneer’s former residence, a humble wooden house, is under repair and is expected to be open to visitors by the end of June.

4.24174 这本书介绍农历的起源,并强调其在中国古代农业发展中的重要作用。(emphasis

【考点】lay/place/put emphasis on:强调

【译法】This book introduces the origins of the lunar calendar and places emphasis on its significant role in the development of ancient Chinese agriculture.

This book introduces the origin of the lunar calendar, with emphasis on its important role in ancient China’s agriculture development.

5.20174 每周三,这些大学生雷打不动地前往孤儿院做志愿者服务,教孩子们剪纸和编织。(a rule)

【考点】make it a rule to do/that…规定、使(某人做某事)成为规律

【译法】Every Wednesday, these college students make it a rule to go to the orphanage and volunteer to teach children paper-cutting and knitting.

Every Wednesday, these college students, as a rule, go to the orphanage to volunteer, teaching children paper-cutting and weaving.

6.22674 切莫苛求于运动的强度和频率,细水长流,方见成效。(a difference)

【考点】make a difference意义重大、起作用

【译法】Don’t push too hard on the intensity and frequency of exercise; consistency is what truly makes a difference.

Don’t make excessive demands of exercise intensity and frequency; being slow and steady is what truly makes a difference.

Don’t be obsessed with exercise intensity and frequency; make persistent effort, and it will make a difference.

7.19173 我看见他换上徒步鞋,向草坪走去。(make for)

【考点】make for朝……走去

【译法】I saw him put on his hiking shoes and make for the lawn.

8.23175 上任以来,镇长始终把了解民生、听取民意视为重中之重,利用工作之余走访了镇上每家每户。(call on)

【考点】call on访问、探访、看望

【译法】Since taking office, the mayor has prioritized knowing people’s living and listening to public opinions, calling on every household in the town during his spare time.

9.24674 3.14日国际数学节这天,专家应邀给小学生做了一场关于数学符号的讲座。(fall on

【考点】fall on:发生在某个特定时间(to happen on a particular day or date

【译法】On International Mathematics Day, which falls on March 14, an expert was invited to give a lecture to primary school students on mathematical symbols.

B. 单词:核心意义与拓展意义

10.19174 妈妈将闹钟设为每六小时响一次,提醒自己该给宝宝量体温了。(reminder)

【考点】动词remind sb. of sth.,这里是名词:as a reminder

【译法】Mom set the alarm clock to go off every six hours as a reminder to take the baby’s temperature.

11.21175 小河蜿蜒流淌,陪伴着世代居住于这个村庄的村民们,见证了这个村庄的日新月异。(company

【考点】keep company with; keep sb. company; in company with陪伴某人

【译法】The small river winds its waykeeping company with generations of residents and witnessing its remarkable changes over time.

The small river winds its way in company with generations of residents and witnesses its rapid changes.

12.24175 新出台的政策创造了大量就业机会,吸引到更多青年才俊定居该地区,为当地企业注入新活力。(inject

【考点】inject new life/vitality/vigour into:注入活力

【译法】The newly introduced policy has created numerous job opportunities, attracting more young talents to settle in the region and injecting new vitality into local businesses.

13.24673 她不断尝试将书法元素用于京剧戏服设计中。(employ

【考点】employ calligraphy elements:“用”(to make use of; to devote…into…

【译法】She has been continually trying to employcalligraphy elements in the design of Peking Opera costumes.

14.23672 正如预期的那样,艺术节引起了游客对民俗文化的兴趣。(generate)

【考点】generate interest: 引发(to cause to be; to bring into being

【译法】As expected, the art festival generatedinterest in folk culture among tourists.

15.24172 在电子邮件时代,许多人依然会因为收到纸质信件而欣喜不已。(delight

【考点】delight in (v.)take delight in(n.):以……为乐

【译法】Even in the era of email, many people still delight in receiving handwritten letters.

C. 更多例子和模拟练习










1.Excessive reliance on technology could pose a threat to interpersonal relationships.

2.The book comprises many classic Chinese poems, showcasing a rich cultural heritage.

3.The sudden drop in temperature explains the main reason for this flu outbreak.

4.Clearly defining the problem can help mend differences and maximize resource integration.

5.She has always beendeeply attached to her hometown since childhood, constantly thinking of every tree and stone, no matter how far she goes.

6.In this teamwork, every member isglued to each other’s support and cooperation, which is essential to accomplishing this arduous task together.

7.As his performance on the international stage continued to excel, his personal brand gained a much higher profile, becoming the focal point of the industry.

8.Complaints concerning violations of portrait rights on social media have been steadily increasing, surpassing previous records and mounting toover thousands.
