2024-10-01 13:14
尝试用英语来解释一个单词的意义。它至少有两个作用。精准、全面、深刻理解词汇的含义,而不仅仅停留在表面层次。一个完整的定义通常会解释该词的内涵、使用场景、相关联的概念以及可能存在的不同释义。抽象陌生的概念(例如某些学术词汇),需要老师解释给学生;意义具体简单的单词,可以让学生自己来解释。这两种对学生来说难度其实差不多——前者在于理解(输入)、后者在于表达(输出)。内涵指一个概念所反映的事物的本质属性的总和。例如movement“运动”,在中文里“运动”这个词的内涵太丰富了——物理运动、历史运动、四肢运动……如果用中文来说明则必扯出motion、campaign、exercise、action……也就绕进了所谓“同义词辨析”,越说越糊涂。其实英文释义简单明了:act or result of moving这是核心意义。例如body
movement。the course, tendency, or
trend of affairs in a particular field a group of people who
share the same ideas or aims定义句是语言表达中一种非常重要的句型结构,它通常包含主语、系动词和定义部分。通过学习和使用定义句,学生不仅能够更准确地表述概念,还能够锻炼基本的逻辑思维和句子组织能力。在讨论学术话题时,学生可以用定义句来阐述观点或界定讨论的范围。简单说,逻辑(logic)是一种思考和解释事物的科学方法(a scientific way of thinking or explaining sth.);一个定义至少包含三个要素:归类(基本属性)、区分(特殊属性)、场景(使用条件)。例如“perfume(香水)”这个词:Perfume is a liquid,
often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice.区分:made
from flowers来自花朵;put on your skin用在皮肤上。场景:make
you smell nice让你闻起来很香越直观、越是我们习以为常的东西,越难以描述和解释。针对名词:A is a B that…(that代表定语从句、也可以是介词词组等)Globalization can be defined as(=is)the process by whichbusinesses and other organizations develop international influence or start
operating on an international scale.A carriage is a road
vehicle, usually with four wheels, that is pulled by horse(s); now it also refers
to a separate section of a train for carrying passengers针对动词:If you A sth/sb, you
will…If you define sth,
you explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of it.When you define a word, you
say or explain what its meaning is.If you define a concept,
you describe or show it accurately.针对形容词:If sth/sb is A, it/he/she…If something is
accurate, it is free from error or defect, correct and true in every detail.针对副词: If you do something A,you do it in a … wayIf you explain sth
accurately, you say it correctly with few mistakes.