UCL第三学期开始啦 | 与我们息息相关的移民教育与发展

文摘   教育   2024-04-22 17:06   英国  

作者欧阳凤(山羊)-教育行动者, 从事过乡村儿童的阅读、科学教育以及早期教育议题,90后共同养育践行中,现于UCL攻读教育性别国际化发展硕士


在伦敦的半年,很多时刻,会反思过去在国内为何没有更进一步去了流动人口的困境? 没有了解到所以人从陌生地方去打工或者打拼的人,他们她们遇到的各种困难?就像老人或者上一代的人,在一个城市,住宿找房,看病,住院,找工作,查找信息,生孩子,医保,孩子受教育户籍问题,吃饭饮食,文化语言,交友,融入与认同,再学习······这些困难她们是怎样度过来的呢?我们社会提供了怎样的帮助呢?很多年前发生在北京的清除“闲杂人员”的行动,以及外来务工孩子返乡读书的事情难道和我们没有关系吗?


Migration, Education and Development Overview

This module will introduce students to a range of critical perspectives on the education-migration-development nexus. The module will take an interdisciplinary approach to consider the following key questions:
1)    What new considerations for education and international development arise when we apply a migration lens?
2)    What sorts of theoretical frameworks and approaches are most useful in understanding the intersections between education, migration and development?
3)    What opportunities and challenges does migration create for education in the context of international development?
4)    What are the implications of migration processes for education policy and systems, curricula, pedagogy, training, and learner experiences and wellbeing?
5)    What approaches are most likely to promote justice, equity and wellbeing in and through education in the context of migration?
6)    How do gender and other inequalities intersect with the possibilities and constraints emerging from the education, migration and development nexus?
The module explores how migration, education and development processes intersect across a range of local, national, regional and global contexts and are shaped by wider dynamics of globalisation, uneven development, conflict and inequality. 
It looks at some of the multiple – and often intersecting - causes of migration and reasons that people migrate both internationally and internally (including, for example, forced migration and displacement as a result of conflict, climate injustices and poverty, trafficking, migration for educational or economic advancement, seasonal labour migration and  the movement of nomadic and pastoralist groups), and considers how these processes, often entailing movement of resources and ideas as well as people, interact with education and development in complex ways.
它着眼于移民的一些多重且往往是交叉的原因以及人们国际和国内移民的原因(包括例如由于冲突、气候不公正和贫困、人口贩运、因 教育或经济进步、季节性劳动力移民以及游牧和牧民群体的流动),并考虑这些过程(通常涉及资源、思想以及人员的流动)如何以复杂的方式与教育和发展相互作用。
A key focus of the module is on understanding the implications of migration for education systems, practices, and the experiences and wellbeing of learners in both sending and receiving countries and communities. 
This will entail paying attention both to how migrants themselves engage with and experience processes of inclusion or exclusion within education, and also to experiences of immobility, and the impact that migration has for those who stay behind. 这将需要关注移民本身如何参与和经历教育包容或排斥的过程,还要关注流动性的经历,以及移民对留下来的人的影响。
This includes, for example, consideration of the impact of remittances and the role of the diaspora in supporting processes of education and development in their communities of origin; looking critically at debates around the so-called ‘brain-drain’ and the impact of outward teacher migration in low-income contexts; 例如,这包括考虑汇款的影响以及侨民在支持其原籍社区的教育和发展进程方面的作用;批判性地审视围绕所谓“人才外流”的辩论以及低收入环境下教师外流的影响;
examining how migration may shape educational aspirations among young people in communities of high outward mobility; and exploring the implications of rural-urban migration for so called  ‘left-behind’ children.研究移民如何塑造高外流社区年轻人的教育愿望;并探讨农村人口向城市流动对所谓“留守”儿童的影响。
Throughout the module, case studies based on empirical research will be drawn on to enable students to explore concrete examples of some of the complex ways in which processes of migration, education and development interact in relation to different groups across a range of different contexts and settings.在整个模块中,将利用基于实证研究的案例研究,使学生能够探索移民、教育和发展过程与不同背景和环境下的不同群体相互作用的一些复杂方式的具体例子。 

Module aims

The module aims are:
·       To enable students to engage critically with the relationship between education, migration and development from a range of disciplinary perspectives
·       To provide students with an understanding of the complex range of types, forms and patterns of migration, and their implications for education and development processes in both sending and receiving countries and communities
·       To encourage students to reflect on the relationships between migration, education and development with respect to their own lives and professional practice
·       To engage with the challenges and opportunities posed by migration for education and the wider SDG agenda
·       To consider how issues of inclusion, social justice, opportunity and equity shape and are shaped by processes of migration.

Learning Outcomes

It is intended that students who participate fully in the module and complete the essential readings will:
·       Have developed a critical understanding of scholarship in this field particularly with regard to major contemporary debates concerning the complex range of types, forms and patterns of migration and their relationship with education and development, from a range of disciplinary perspectives 
·       Be able to articulate orally and in writing the complexities of the migration, education and development relationship, and their implications for policy and practice
·       Be able to apply their new knowledge and skills in this area to their developing professional interests and priorities and communicate ideas to academic and non-academic audiences
·       Have developed a critical awareness of the complexities of migration discourses and debates and how they relate to education, the wider SDG agenda, and issues of inclusion, social justice and equity.  


The essential reading list for the module can be found here: Migration, Education and Development. More detailed reading lists, including further readings for each session are provided under the individual session tabs on this moodle space. Many of the essential readings are taken from the edited volume Education, Migration and Development, which can be downloaded here: Education, Migration and Development

Module Leaders
Amy North and Elaine Chase are the module leaders Migration, Education and Development.  看到了两位老师的简历和相关研究,很羡慕她们找到了自己喜欢的研究领域并且能够持续地做研究。

Mathieu :Hi everyone,After a quick look through all the topics I am really excited to meet and exchange with other participants. I have experience volunteering for a couple of years with "Left-Behind" children of migrant workers in rural China.
Gianina:Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to learn from each of you. In the last few years, I have worked in empowerment programs for children and adolescents in Peru, including survival migrants, internal migrants, and refugees.
Teresa:Hi everyone! With a key interest in the migration-development nexus, I completed research in Senegal, UAE, and Spain. Currently working in a youth organisation, this module is crucial for deepening my academic understanding and practical application.
Emma:Hola... I am excited to begin this module with you all. I am a Part-time student, currently teaching in the UK, and previously, Latin America. With a literature background, I am interested in narrative, agency and the individual migratory experience.
Elena:Hi Everyone, I am really excited to meet you all and deep dive into how education, migration, and development influence each other!
Panward: Hi eveyone! Im Opel from Thailand. I have no experience working in migration field myself, but our country are facing the challenge that many immigrants are left out by Thai's society. I hope to learn and exchange thoughts with other classmates.
Toby:Hi everyone, looking forward to working on this module with you all. I have worked and volunteered as an English teacher with migrants from all over the world so I am very interested to find out more about this topic!
Blessing: Hi everyone! I'm really excited for this module!! I'm in the Education and Technology program but wanted to learn more about an area outside of the tech. I also have personal experience with the German, Scottish and American education system.
Rung: Hello! I look forward to meeting everyone this term and learning from your experiences :) With a background in consultancy in higher education, I’m eager to delve deeper into personal experiences and the theories behind migration.
Benazir : I have always wondered about how and where I would be, if my parents didn't move to London with me as a baby! I work for a Research Project for Syria at KCL. I look forward to learning a lot from this module and meeting you all soon. :)
Kat: Hi all,Looking forward to learning and collaborating in this Migration module together! Background in higher ed, academic publishing, & INGOs. Eager to learn how immigration policies affect migrant populations and their access to education.
