Camera Obscura 117
1.Yellowness as Transpacific Technology: Cinematic Regimes of Race between Japan and Brazil
André Keiji Kunigami • 1
2.Petting the Rabbit: The Favourite (2018), Anti-heritage, and the Search for Lesbians in the Past
Jacob Myers • 33
3.Archaeological Narrative; or, Nostalgic Fascination with the Obsolete in the South Korean TV Drama Reply 1988
Kyoung-Lae Kang • 61
4.Glimpsing Angie Xtravaganza: The Trans Latinx Imaginary of Paris Is Burning
Marcos Gonsalez • 95
5.Imagining Television as a Vital Queer Medium: Riot
Susan Potter • 121
6.Surviving the Reset: Speedrunning Spyro, Trans Mundanity, and Playing in the Impasse
Madison Schmalzer • 149