读完 10 Ten-Minute Bedtime Stories 后,我们又陆续买了几本这个系列的书。
Angel 刚刚读完这本 10 Ten-Minute Fairy Tales,有经典故事《白雪故事》,也有中文世界里的《画龙点睛》,有的故事读了好几遍。有时全是她自己读,有时她让我扮演某个角色,一起用不同的口音边读边玩。
有一些词大家可能也不认识,或者虽然认识但还不是自己的主动词汇。比如这些句子中的词:- Quick as a flash, the wolf leaped from behind the door and gobbled poor Grandma up in one greedy gulp.- The cheery elves leaped from the bench and scampered away.- He leafed listlessly through his books, looking for ideas.- "Certainly not," snapped Poppy, crossly.- Is this all a tall tale just to save your head?- They were royal, but very poor. They scrimped and saved still they barely had enough money to get by.Once there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She was called that because she always wore a pretty, patterned cape with a bright red hood. She just loved the way the cape swished and swayed, as she skipped along.这里描写斗篷的 swished and swayed 和后面的 skip along 呼应,押韵、形象、自带声效,多可爱!But the very next morning......there, on the shoemaker's work bench, was a brand new pair of shoes! And what stunning shoes—sleek and stylish and exquisitely stitched.
He's smelly and smug and slimier than a frog.我们可以观察到,儿童作品中经常使用这种压头韵的写作手法,读多了自己对英文语言的敏感度会提升,也更能体会到遣词造句的快乐。- The frog had vanished and in his place stood a handsome young prince.- Only when the sun rose, did they stop dancing and limp back to the boats for home.在真实语境中体会语序变化带来的不同表达效果,我们更容易把自己观察到的语言现象变成自己的表达工具。作为英语学习者,我们需要一边学习基本的词汇和语法,一边早日开始阅读原汁原味的英文作品,在阅读中体会用词和语法,让自己多一些惊喜、沮丧,也多一些学习的动力。她说如果不会念,不需要我告诉她,她念错了也不需要有人纠正。有时读完书,我会故意用书中出现的词,用正确的发音,用这种潜移默化地方式帮助她。我们并没有把故事当作学习教材,学单词和语法,我也不会教她如何赏析英文语言,或者问她「这个词用中文怎么说?」只是有时候我自己喜欢某个说法某段话,我会用自己的方式演绎,有些地方我们会比赛看谁先背下来。我在 Anna's Archive 上找到了这本书的 PDF 版本(有些粗糙,不过够用),也把它放到这里:https://pan.baidu.com/s/19CpbnPU18gIXaI91ANBh4w 提取码:xkht熟悉我的读者应该知道,我不喜欢用提供电子资源的方式吸引大家的关注。我做我想做的,能做的。这本书我恰好读了,恰好我觉得也适合成年学习者学英文、和孩子一起阅读,恰好发现网上有现成的电子版本,就写了这篇小文和你分享。你可以参考我俩的阅读模式,如果感兴趣可以买几本这个系列的书读。每天 10 分钟读一个英文故事,自己读,和孩子、学生一起读,顺便还能学点英语。买书这件事情,读了就超值。放轻松,轻装上阵,边读边玩起来!