
教育   2024-12-03 07:48   泰国  









Awaken Your Genius 第一章为例,和大家分享几个我在阅读中会关注的「主题词汇」。

🟠 先看这样几句话,这些话来自书中的内容,按出现顺序排列。

读的时候心里想:如果让你从中学英语你会怎么学?Eric 为什么会把这些句子放在一起,它们有什么共同的特点嘛?

- Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods.

- Show your child how geometry and fractions will help them fix their bike. Explain to your employees how the new marketing strategy they need to execute will help land a worthy moonshot.

- But I wasn’t learning anything. I was regurgitating a string of meaningless words that defined osmosis, and I had no idea what those words actually meant.

- The student absorbs knowledge by osmosis and regurgitates it on the exam. Education is all about the passive accumulation of yesterday’s answers to yesterday’s questions.

- Although educators pay lip service to valuing creativity, many end up discouraging it in practice.

- Instead, let’s ask, “What made you curious today?” or “What questions are you interested in exploring?” or “How would you figure out the answers?” or any other question designed to get students to think for themselves and to put a question mark at the end of conventional wisdom.

- When you spoon-feed right answers to others, you’re acting like a personal trainer who “helps” clients by lifting their weights for them.

- I experienced the truth of this saying firsthand. In my early years as a professor, I upset several prominent scholars by writing a series of articles that bucked conventional wisdom in my field.


- Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods

- XX will help land a worthy moonshot

- regurgitating (a string of meaningless words)

- absorbs knowledge by osmosis and regurgitates it on the exam

- educators pay lip service to valuing creativity

- get students to think for themselves and to put a question mark at the end of conventional wisdom

- you spoon-feed right answers to others

- bucked conventional wisdom in my field


1)XX will help land a worthy moonshot(鼓励他人要目标远大)

2)get students to think for themselves and to put a question mark at the end of conventional wisdom(这里的 put a question mark at the end of conventional wisdom 简单形象,强调上一句的 get students to think for themselves)

3)bucked conventional wisdom(呼应上面的 put a question mark at the end of conventional wisdom)


If you want to land a worthy moonshot, you need to focus less on the "WHAT" and more on the "WHY". You have to be willing to put a question mark at the end of conventional wisdom and even dare to buck it.


1)Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods(也就是说学生通过教育后不敢 buck the conventional wisdom 了)


3)absorbs knowledge by osmosis(by osmosis 和上面的 regurgitate 相似,在这里表示没有刻意学习,潜移默化地被影响)

4)XX pays lip service to valuing creativity(pay lip service 表示「光说不做」,可以用来吐槽 the powers that be 们的不作为)

5) spoon-feed right answers to others(这里的 spoon-feed 是不是和上面的 regurgitate,by osmosis 一起记忆?比如老师 spoon-feed 学生,学生就会 absorb by osmosis and regurgitate it on the exam。)



Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods. The powers that be pay lip service to prizing creativity. In practice, teachers spoon-feed correct answers to students, who absorb them by osmosis and regurgitate them on exams.



我看到一个说法时,会想到「刚才在聊这个主题的时候,还出现了一个相关的说法」,然后在脑中让两个说法打个招呼就完了。比如看到 by osmosis,我想刚遇到过 regurgitate,后面读到 spoon-feed 时,我又把它们 3 个联系到了一起——这样的联想就是我们的主动学习。






· 我的“人性学习法”

· 我是如何读懂《经济学人》的?

· 我是如何读英文原版书的?

· 我是如何听英文有声书的?

因为热爱,无需坚持。In haze, we blaze🌟