
教育   2024-11-27 07:40   泰国  

社群今年读的第 47 本英文书是 Awaken Your Genius,一本我会推荐给年轻朋友的书。

作者 Ozan Varol 是一名前火箭科学家(曾参与NASA火星探测项目),后来成为律师,并担任大学法学教授。他用跨领域的独特视角,帮助读者探索如何激发个人潜能。


书的副标题是 Escape conformity, ignite creativity, and become extraordinary。全书分为 5 部分,根据 Introduction 部分的内容,我把它总结为:

1️⃣ The Death,重新审视自己是谁,告别那些被规训的身份;

2️⃣ The Birth,看到自己的天赋,为自己造一扇门;

3️⃣ The Inner Journey,从心出发开始创造;

4️⃣ The Outer Journey,内外兼修与世界合作; 

5️⃣ The Transformation,拥抱不确定,充分体验人生。




1. Where have all the artists gone?


The seven-year-old daughter of the artist Howard Ikemoto once asked him, “What do you do at work?” He replied: “I work at a college, where my job is to teach people how to draw.” She replied, bewildered, “You mean they forget?”



2. You can't keep up

书中也提到了和 Meditation for Mortals 一样的观点:我们无法 keep up,永远不会觉得自己做完了所有事情——总有那么多书、那么多事要做。当我们意识到根本就无法解决所有问题,会感到自由,把注意力放到更重要的事情上。

作者引用了 The Art of Possibility 中的一句话:‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

I’m here today to cross the swamp, not to fight all the alligators.



Instead of asking, What’s most urgent right now?, ask, What’s the most important thing I could be doing? And why am I not doing it? Urgent, by definition, doesn’t last. But the important persists.

3. First principles thinking

First principles thinking 就是我们常说的「第一性原理」,可以理解为将问题拆解到最基础的本质,从最根本开始思考,看到那个底层的 why。‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

什么是「成为自己」呢?该如何 follow your heart?

我们可以利用 first principles thinking 发现自己的天赋,比如问自己这样的问题:‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Here are some questions to consider. What makes you you? What are some of the consistent themes across your life? What feels like play to you —but work to others? What is something that you don’t even consider a skill—but other people do? If you asked your best friend or partner, what would they say is your superpower—the thing that you can do better than the average person?



放到英语学习上,我们也可以利用 first principles thinking 问自己为什么要学英语?自己更喜欢什么样的内容,为什么?你会发现,从英语学习出发你会更了解自己的偏好,也能在学习的过程中发掘自己的天赋。‍‍‍‍‍‍


“Don’t ask what the world needs,” as Howard Thurman says. “Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” I used to think that doing things that brought me alive was self-indulgent. But it’s quite the opposite. Going after what you want isn’t a burden on the world. It’s a beacon. When you do that, you establish a new way of existing that others can follow. When you shine, you help others shine, to paraphrase Lizzo. When you let light hit your prism, you cast a rainbow that extends far beyond yourself.


4. Take a shot of awe

书中说当我们觉得生活变成了一潭死水,对一切失去了兴趣,我们需要 take a shot of awe。放下自己和过去,去看看这个丰富的世界,感受自己的渺小和生命的伟大,然后会发现自己的生活本来就很有趣。

If you’re in a rut and feeling stuck in your old skin, take a shot of awe. Get lost in a foreign land. Go outside on a cloudless night and consume one of the most potent mind-altering substances—the night sky.


Naval Ravikant 说要学会 productize yourself,书中说要 diversify yourself,允许自己有多样的身份,有多个操作系统,如惠特曼所说——I am large, I contain multitudes.‍‍‍

书中也提到,普通人每天在社交媒体上花费 145 分钟。而成年人的平均阅读速度为每分钟 200 到 260 个单词,一本书平均大约有 9 万字。也就是说,如果把刷社交媒体的时间用来读书,每年可以读 118 到 153 本书。


让自己的生活简单一些,多一些 solitude,多一些实验和探索,在创造中找到更丰富的自己。

The goal of reading isn’t just to understand. It’s to treat what you read as a tool—a key to unlocking what’s inside of you. 



Once you've decided what you want from life, go off-menu. Dare to create‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍


📚 2024 社群已读书目&我的读书笔记 📖

01  Feel-Good Productivity / 02 The Good Enough Job / 03 Outsmart Your Brain / 04 The Power of Language / 05 Counselling for Toads / 06 Invitation to a Banquet / 07 Same as Ever / 08 1000 Words / 09 Hidden Potential / 10 Supercommunicators / 11 The Joy of Living / 12 Outlive / 13 The Catcher in the Rye / 14 Steal Like an Artist /  15 The Mountains Are High / 16 Good Inside / 17 The Color Purple / 18 The Art of Laziness / 19 The Worlds I See / 20 Not Your China Doll / 21 Hike with Nietzsche / 22 8 Rules of Love /  23 10x Is Easier Than 2x /  24 Siddhartha /  25 The Book You Want Everyone You Love to Read /  26 Stay True /  27 How to Make Work Not Suck 28 The Comfort Book 29 Other Rivers / 30 Range 31 Putting Yourself First / 32 Wordslut 33 Misbelief / 34 Co-Intelligence / 35 Practical Optimism / 36 Raz-kids / 37 How to Live / 38 The Diary of a CEO / 39 The Alchemist  / 40 Ego Is the Enemy  / 41 Meditations for Mortals  / 42 Nexus  / 43 Hot Mess (Diary of a Wimpy Kid #19)  / 44 The Little Prince / 45 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / 46 English for Everyone

因为热爱,无需坚持。In haze, we blaze🌟