药物名称drug: BRAVECTO® TriUNO(fluralaner)
批准上市时间approved:2024年11月26日November 26, 2024(European Commission)
适应症for:BRAVECTO TriUNO被批准用于治疗犬体内的蜱虫和跳蚤感染,提供立即和持续的杀死跳蚤(猫爪蚤和犬爪蚤)和蜱虫(网状皮虫、六角形硬蜱、蓖麻蜱和血根头蜱)的活动,为期一个月,用于治疗以下种类的胃肠道线虫感染:蛔虫(犬弓形虫成虫阶段和狮子弓形虫成虫阶段)和钩虫(L4、未成熟成虫阶段(L5)、犬钩虫成虫阶段和窄头虫成虫阶段),用于预防心丝虫病(由免疫双丝虫引起),并用于预防血管圆线虫病(通过降低未成熟成虫(L5)和血管圆线虫成虫阶段的感染水平)。BRAVECTO TriUNO is approved for the treatment of tick and flea infestations in dogs providing immediate and persistent flea (Ctenocephalides felis and C. canis) and tick (Dermacentor reticulatus, Ixodes hexagonus, I. ricinus, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus)killing activityfor one month, for the treatment of infections with gastrointestinal nematodes of the following species: roundworms (adult stages of Toxocara canis, and adult stages of Toxascaris leonina)and hookworms (L4, immature adult (L5), and adult stages of Ancylostoma caninum and adult stages of Uncinaria stenocephala), for the prevention of heartworm disease (caused by Dirofilaria immitis), and for the prevention of angiostrongylosis (by reduction of the level of infection with immature adult (L5) and adult stages of Angiostrongylus vasorum).
开发公司company:MSD Animal Health
2024年11月26日,默沙东动物保健公司宣布,欧盟委员会已批准BRAVECTO®TriUNO的上市许可,BRAVECTO®TriUNO是一种针对狗体内和外部寄生虫的新配方BRAVECTO (fluralaner)。这种三合一咀嚼片剂将通过有执照的兽医购买。该产品还获得了秘鲁、危地马拉、尼加拉瓜和哥斯达黎加监管机构的批准。
November 26, 2024 ,MSD Animal Health announced that the European Commission has granted the marketing authorization for BRAVECTO® TriUNO, a new formulation of BRAVECTO (fluralaner) for dogs that targets both internal and external parasites. The three-in-one chewable tablet will be available through licensed veterinarians. The product has also been approved by regulatory agencies in Peru, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.