我先是打印出我原创的剧情发展表,写下所有的句子,有的甚至是闭着眼睛边想象画面边动笔的。字迹仅自己可认。再然后在电脑上打出来,调整文章的长度和逻辑关系。直到两段话长度相宜。其实原本在结尾的时候有纠结过要不要借用,“one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” 升华一下主旨。后来想想,这本身就是一个小baby在沙滩学走路的可爱故事,让这篇故事从头到尾保持这种playful的感觉,小巧精美,未尝不妙。所以我第二版完全推翻了第一版的写法。写完定稿后很开心。
Para 1: Then, giving Luke a nod of encouragement, my husband let go of his waist.
For a moment, everything fell silent. We held our breath, crossing fingers with Lucky stood close, watching with undistracted focus. Even the ocean waves receded as if to clear the stage for Luke. Then, Luke took his first independent step. Seeing him stride, I couldn’t help but get my hopes up. “Could it be?” But maybe the beach was also intrigued in Luke’s adventure and decided to join because when Luke put his foot down, the sunken sand broke his balance.
Para 2: Luke stumbled again, but this time Lucky was right there beside him.
Approaching Luke with the timeliness of a knight in shiny armor, Lucky gently lowered his body, allowing Luke to grasp onto his fur for support. Luke giggled at his friend. Then, with his chubby legs wobbling and his right hand on Lucky, he pushed himself back up. Together, Luke left more, uninterrupted footprints on the sand. Hearing the waves crashing gently near us, I knew that these footprints wouldn’t last but, Luckily, their friendship will.
朋友们,see ya!