Suetonius 4《外文筆記》2
王依民 景默
Suetonius. I.
The Lives of the Caesars
tr. by J. C. Rolfe
(The Loeb Classical Library)
Bk II. The Deified Augustus(Divus Augustus)
§13. He did not use his victory with moderation. To one man who begged humbly for burial, he replied: "The birds will soon settle that question" [(p.138) iam istam volucrum fore potestatem] .
§18. He had the sarcophagus & body of Alexander the Great brought forth from its shrine, & after gazing on it, showed his respect by placing upon it a golden crown & strewing it with flowers [(p.148) corona aurea imposita ac floribus aspersis] and being then asked whether he wished to see the tomb of the Ptolemies as well, he replied, "My wish was to see a king, not corpses" [(p.148) regem se voluisse ait videre, non mortuos] .
§25. Favourite sayings of his were: "More haste, less speed”; "Better a safe commander than a bold"; & "That is done quickly enough which is done well enough" [(p.158) sat celeriter fieri quidquid fiat satis bene]… he likened such as grasped at slight gains with no slight risk to those who fished with a golden hook, the loss of which, if it were carried off, could not be made good by any catch [(p.158) Nam minima commoda non minimo sectantis discrimine similes aiebat esse aureo hamo piscantibus, cuius abrupti damnum nulla captura pensari posset] .
§27. when he was addressing the soldiers & a throng of civilians had been admitted to the assembly, noticing that Pinarius, a Roman knight, was taking notes. [(p.162) subscribere quaedam animadvertisset], he ordered that he be stabbed on the spot, thinking him an eavesdropper & a spy. [curiosum ac speculatorem ratus coram confodi imperavit].
§35. he wore a coat of mail under his tunic. [(p.178) sub veste munitus ferroque cinctus]
§51. My dear Tiberius… do not take it too much to heart that anyone speak evil of me; we must be content if we can stop anyone doing evil to us.[(p.206) noli… nimium indignari quemquam esse, qui de me male loquatur; satis est enim, si hoc habemus ne quis nobis male facere possit.]
§53. He always shrank from the title of Lord as reproachful & insulting.[(p.206) Domini appellationem ut maledictum et obprobrium semper exhorruit.]【Tiberius,Being once called "Lord," he warned the speaker not to address him again in an insulting fashion. [Dominus appellatus a quodam denuntiavit, ne se amplius contumeliae causa nominaret.—III, 27, p.334.張竹明等中譯,p.129:有一次,有人稱他爲“君主”,他警告對方不要再使用這一激怒他的稱謂。] "Master" indicated the relation between master & slaves. It was first adopted by Caligula & Domitian.】①… He would not suffer himself to be called Sire [dominumque… appellari] by his children or his grandchildren either in jest or in earnest… He did not if he could help it leave or enter any city or town except in the evening or at night, to avoid disturbing anyone by the obligations of ceremony [(p.208) Non temere urbe oppidove ullo egressus aut quoquam ingressus est nisi vespera aut noctu, ne quern officii causa inquietaret] .
①p.206原注:Dominits, "master," in the time of the Republic indicated the relation between master and slaves. Tiberius also shrank from it (Tib. xxvii.), and it was first adopted by Caligula and Domitian. From the time of Trajan it was usual in the sense of "Lord " or "Sire."
§65.But at the height of his happiness… Fortune proved fickle [(220)Fortuna destituit]. the two Julias, his daughter & granddaughter, guilty of every form of vice. his grandson Agrippa went mad①. He would sigh & even cry out:“Would that I ne'er had wedded and would I had died without offspring”[(p.224) adapted fromIliadIII. 4②, Hector to Paris, with the verbs in the 2nd person.]; & he never alluded to them except as his 3 boils & his 3 ulcers [(p.224) nec aliter eos appellare quam tris vomicas ac tria carcinomata sua] .
§68. In early youth he incurred the reproach of sundry shameless acts. Sextus Pompey taunted him with effeminacy; Mark Antony with having earned adoption by his uncle through unnatural relations; & Lucius, brother of Mark, that he had given himself to Aulus Hirtius in Spain for 300000 sesterces, & that he used to singe his legs with red-hot nutshells, to make the hair grow softer. [(p.228) sit crura suburere nuce ardenti, quo mollior pilus surgeret.]
§69. That he was given to adultery [Adulteria] not even his friends deny, though they excuse it as committed not from passion but from policy, the more readily to get track of his adversaries' designs through the women of their households [(p.228) excusantes sane non libidine, sed ratione commissa, quo facilius consilia adversariorum per cuiusque mulieres exquireret] … Mark Antony charged him with taking the wife of an ex-consul from her husband's dining room before his very eyes into a bed-chamber, & bringing her back to the table with her hair in disorder and her ears glowing [(p.230) feminam consularem e triclinio viri coram in cubiculum abductam, rursus in convivium rubentibus auriculis incomptiore capillo reductam].
§71. Even his later years he was fond of deflowering maidens, who were brought together for him from all quarters, even by his own wife [(p.232) ad vitiandas virgines promptior, quae sibi undique etiam ab uxore conquirerentur] .
§73. His shoes were high-soled, to make him look taller than he really was [(p.238) calciamentis altiusculis, ut procerior quam erat videretur].
§78. He detested early rising [(p.242) Matutina vigilia offendebatur].
§79. He was unusually handsome [(p.244) Forma fuit eximia]. He had clear, bright eyes, in which he liked to have it thought that there was a kind of divine power [(p.244) volebat inesse quiddam divini vigoris]… his nose projected a little at the top & then bent slightly inward【The so-called“Roman nose.”①】[(p.244) nasum et a summo eminentiorem et ab imo deduetiorem].
§80.His body was covered with spots & birthmarks… also numerous callous places resembling ringworm, caused by a constant itching [(p.246) ex prurigine corporis].
§84. Even his conversations with his own wife Livia, he always wrote out & read from a note-book, for fear of saying too much or too little if he spoke offhand. [(p.250) Sermones etiam cum Livia sua graviores non nisi scriptos et e libello habebat, ne plus minusve loqueretur ex tempore].
§90. He was somewhat weak in his fear of thunder & lightning, for he always carried a seal-skin about with him everywhere as a protection [(p.258) pellem vituli marini circumferret pro remedio], & at any sign of a violent storm took refuge in an underground vaulted room [(p.260) in abditum et concamaratum locum se reciperet]【Pliny,Nut.Hist. II. 55, says that the laurel tree (of Tibullus. LXIX.) & the seal are never struck by lightning , & also that lightning never goes more than 5 feet below the ground.①cf. III. 69, p.390infra】
§94.① As soon as he began to talk as a child②, it chanced that the frogs were making a great noise at his grandfather's country place; he bade them be silent, & they say that since then no frog has ever croaked there [(p.268) atque ex eo negantur ibi ranae coaxare] .
②原書無“as a child”。
§99. On the last day of his life… calling for a mirror, he had his hair combed & his falling jaws set straight. Then, he calling in his friends & asking whether it seemed to them that he had played the comedy of life fitly [(p.280) ecquid iis videretur mimum vitae commode transegisse]. He added the tag [in Greek]: “Since well I've played my part, all clap your hands / And from the stage dismiss me with applause.”