錢鍾書著述所引拉丁語之中英譯文采輯Suetonius 3《外文筆記》1

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Suetonius 3《外文筆記》1

王依民 景默


Suetonius. I.

The Lives of the Caesars

tr. by J. C. Rolfe

The Loeb Classical Library

Bk I. The Deified Julius (Divvs Ivlivs)

§7. he cames② to Gades, and noticing a statue of Alexander the Great in the temple of Hercules, he heaved a sigh, and as if out of patience with his own incapacity in having as yet done nothing noteworthy at a time of life when Alexander had already brought the world to his feet [p.8 ingemuit et quasi pertaesus ignaviam suam, quod nihil dum a se (p.10)③ memorabile actum esset in aetate, qua iam Alexander orbem terrarum subegisset], he straightway asked for his discharge.





§31.overtaking his cohorts at the river Rubicon, Caesar paused for a while, and turned to those about him and said:Even yet we may turn② back; but once cross you little bridge, and the whole issue is with the sword.[(p.44) Etiam nunc regredi possumus; quod si ponticulum transierimus, omnia armis agenda erunt.]




§32. As he stood in doubt, this sign was given him. [an abbreviation] … Then Caesar cried: “The die is cast” [(p.44) lacta alea est]

依民按:眉批引證了Sartre.Les Jeux sont faits, Paris, Nagel, 1947, p.192;筆跡無法辨認,待得到該書以後再校。L‘Etre et le Néont, Paris, 1943, p.627,只標頁碼。Voltaire.Dictionnaire philosophique,其引文未檢索到。其他書看不清書名。


§37. In his Pontic triumph he displayed among the show-pieces of the procession an inscription of but 3 words, "I came, I saw, I conquered," not indicating the events of the war, as the others did, but the speed with which it was finished. [(p.50) veni-vidi-vici non acta belli significantem sicut ceteris, sed celeriter confecti notam]


§45. He was somewhat overnice in the care of his person, even having superfluous hair plucked out, while his baldness was a disfigurement which troubled him greatly, [(p.62) calvitii vero deforaiitatem iniquissime ferret] since he found that it was often the subject of the gibes of his detractors.


§49. There was no stain on his reputation for chastity [(p.64) Pudicitiae eius famam] except his intimacy with King Nicomedes, which laid him open to insults from every quarter… Dolabella calls him "the queen's rival, the inner partner of the royal couch," [(p.66) paelicem reginae, spondam interiorem regiae lecticae]


§50. he seduced many illustrious women.


§51. His soldiers shouted: "Men of Rome, keep close your consorts, here's a bald adulterer." [(p.70) Urbani, servate uxores : moechum calvom adducimus.]

依民按:原書文字為:shouted by the soldiers





§57. He was highly skilled in arms and horsemanship, & of incredible powers of endurance,… swimming the rivers which barred his path or crossing them on inflated skins, and very often arriving before the messengers sent to announce his coming. [(p.80) ut persaepe nuntios de se praevenerit]


§60. In his later years he became slower to engage, through a conviction that the oftener he had been victor, the less he ought to tempt fate, & that he could not possibly gain as much by success as he might lose by a defeat. [(p.82) quo saepius vicisset, hoc minus experiendos casus opinans nihilque se tantum adquisiturum victoria, quantum auferre calamitas posset]


§61. He rode a remarkable horse with feet that were almost human; for its hoofs were cloven like toes [(p.82) pedibus prope humanis et in modum digitorum ungulis fissis] .


§67. In the assembly he addressed them not as "soldiers" [(p.88) milites], but by the more flattering term "comrades" [sed blandiore nomine eommilitones]cf. II§25,infra. p.156, Augustus never called any of the troops "comrades," but always "soldiers".張竹明等中譯,p.60:(奧古斯都)不再稱任何軍隊爲“戰友們”,而總是稱“士兵們”。】


§74. asked why he had put away his wife Pompeia while declaring that he had no evidence of her adultery, he replied: "Because I maintain that the members of my family should be free from suspicion, as well as from guilt" [(p.96) Quoniam meos tam suspicione quam crimine iudico carere oportere].




§75. While Pompey threatened to① treat as enemies those who did not take up arms for the government, Caesar gave out that those who are② neutral & of neither party should be numbered with his friends. [(p.96) ipse medios et neutrius partis suorum sibi numero futuros pronuntiavit].

依民按:threatende to,原書為announced that he would



§81. His approaching murder was foretold to him by many① signs.…



§82. he was stabbed with 3 & 20 wounds, uttering not a word, but merely a groan at the first stroke, though some have written that when Marcus Brutus rushed at him, he said in Greek, "You too, my child?" [(p.110)Καὶ σὺ τέϰνον]

張竹明等中譯,p.42就這樣他被刺23處,沒有說出一句話,只在被刺中第一刀時哼了一聲,雖然有些人記載說,當馬爾庫斯·布魯圖撲向他時,他用希臘語說了:“也有你,我的孩子?”Καὶ σὺ τέϰνον

§85. A marble column was set in the Forum, upon which was inscribed: "To the Father of his Country" [(p.116) parenti patriae]cf. II. 58, p.214, The whole body of citizens confined on Augustus the title of Father of his Country [Patris patriae cognomen]張竹明等中譯,p.83羅馬人民一致歡呼您爲‘祖國之父’。



§87. almost all are fully agreed, that he all but desired such a death as he met… the day before his murder, at a dinner at the house of Marcus Lepidus, in a conversation as to what manner of death was most to be desired, he had given his preference to one which was sudden & unexpected [(p.118) quisnam esset finis vitae commodissimus, repentinum inopinatumque praetulerat] .


§88. He was numbered among the gods. [(p.118) in deorum numerum relatus est], not only by a formal decree, but also in the conviction of the vulgar① [persuasione volgi].

依民按:vulgar,原書為common people。可對比下引拉丁文。


§89. Hardly any of his assassins survived him for more than 3 years, or died a natural death. [(p.118) neque sua morte defunctus est]… some by shipwreck, some in battle; some took their own lives with the self-same dagger with which they had impiously slain Caesar.

