
文摘   2025-01-02 12:03   安徽  






De l’Allemagne

閬中勝事可腸斷,閬州城南天下稀”;仇《注》引《杜臆》謂:“贊云‘可腸斷’,猶贊韋曲花而曰‘惱殺人’也。”按尚隔一塵,當曰:“猶《滕王亭子》第一首云:‘清江錦石傷心麗’也。”太白《菩薩蠻》亦云:“寒山一帶傷心碧。”Wm James: “A glow,a pang in the breast, a fullness of breathing, a flutter of the heart, a shiver down the back, a moistening of the eyes, a stirring in the hypogastrum & a thousand unnamable symptoms besides, may be felt the moment beauty excites us” (Principles of Psychology, I, pp.469-70),所舉眼中滋淚,正腸斷心傷之意。Chateaubriand: “The true tears are those which are called forth by the beauty of poetry” (I. Babbitt, Masters of Modern French Criticism, p.66 引); Mme de Staël: “Kant croit que le beau nous fait sentir le mal du pays, c.-à-d. le souvenir du ciel” (De l’Allemagne, nouv. éd., par la Comtesse Jean de Pange et Mlle Simone Balayé, T. IV, p.222); Poe: “The Poetic Principle”: “Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears” (Complete Works, ed. James A. Harrison, XIV, 198),皆可印證。餘見第一八○則引 A.E. Housman: “a constriction of the throat & a precipitation of water to the eyes” (Selected Prose, ed. J. Carter, p.193);第二八七則引 E. Gosse: “The excruciating beauty of the language!” etc. (E. Charteris, The Life & Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse, p.130)。




The Life & Letters of Sir Edmund Gosse

視昔猶今 校註

26 卷六六”原作“卷六二”。
